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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. Sadly, the person he beat up is still affected even though Jon thinks everything’s been resolved.
  2. Ricky is such a maroon. Ya think, Ricky? She’s after money! No way.
  3. Darcy apologizes and accepts the blame in 3....2.....1.
  4. Darcy needs to learn how to control that over-plumped upper lip.
  5. Grangela is all covered up. I don’t recognize them, I mean her.
  6. Karine: Okay, where are those tickets back to the US?
  7. I am going to cross stitch a pillow: You aren’t going to change him even though you think you can.
  8. Ximena decided it’s a fair trade, sex for a green card.
  9. Makeup does do wonders. Dad asked Tarik for fashion advice.
  10. I like Ximena too. She’s got all the right moves. Smart gal.
  11. I see you made it, Baltimore Betty. I divorced my now-ex because I didn’t want my sons to think it was okay to treat a wife and family the way we were being treated.
  12. Life’s unfair? Hello. It’s called setting yourself up for failure.
  13. Rachel can blame Ella for her unhappiness for the rest of her life.
  14. This is a (plaid) match made in heaven. No wonder he loves her after three minutes.
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