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Everything posted by dreadfulLeigh

  1. Oh, no! Haha I didn’t even think about Cheyenne. What’s she doing now? Just hanging out at Dolly Mama’s house, without Dolly? Abandoned?
  2. Get you some therapy, girl!!! He’s toxic and abusive, but my momma’s mean??? He wants to add another women to our relationship. It might be better??? In what world? Oooooo, if I was the Grandma, I would write her off and never allow her to see that chid again.
  3. Gonna make those ducks obese and dead with the giant bag of white bread.
  4. All I’ve ever done is act like a giant toddler. Why does my mom always treat me like a toddler???
  5. Interesting. I was wondering if the little girl called her “mommy”.
  6. “Geez, Jan! You walking in here looking like the FUPA’s FUPA! What’s got you so down?”
  7. I like how she immediately asked to be placed somewhere where she doesn’t have to do anything to lose weight.
  8. Same. 3 caesareans and 3 abdominal surgeries. Like a Picasso stomach. Still not on the floor though.
  9. The FUPA’s FUPA has me mesmerized. My eyes are dry from being like this 😳
  10. I just…I just can’t fathom having some skin that used to be at my waist almost be on the damn floor.
  11. Ok. I realize she’s past morbidly obese, but I was did not have “go sit at the dinning room table to do exercises” on my bingo card.
  12. “Mom will have to ease me into it [diet]”. yeahhhhh going to call this giant toddler now and say she’s going to resist. Hopefully that child an escape the generational trauma.
  13. What. The. Fuck. Is Wrong. With. Her. Expression. And Eyes????
  14. She just got there and is already saying the scale is lying. 🙄
  15. she seems short but that bellyyyy… I’m going to go with 659lbs.
  16. Yeah. I was about to congratulate them on just showing a few pictures of her then keeping her off screen. Even worse to be drug there with her selfish, birth vessel.
  17. So, wait. What happened to that poor baby? Does Gma still have custody?
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