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Everything posted by sasha206

  1. What I meant by that was he *encouraged* her participation even though she has nothing to hawk so he could have her busy with something else other than discontent with him.
  2. I think David pulled the old Kelsey Grammer -- get her busy on something else like a show that she devotes a chunk of her time to, let her have her own celebrity, so he can ease out of her life. I know he hasn't left *yet* but this is only year 1.
  3. Add me to the list of converts! I hated her first show and now I love her and every scene without her stinks.
  4. The way Heather looked at Terry when he made a joke about the rescue dog situation makes me think he would fear for his life if he ever was busted fucking around. Heather rules the roost, no question. And I agree with the poster above about Apollo and Kenya. No question he was hoping to get with her. He's such a dope. And Phaedra is either an idiot for marrying him or right there with him in his criminal exploits.
  5. Of course she did the proofreading! She's done this business all on her own with no one's help, with only 100K from her dad! ;) Remember this story? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/12/plastic-surgeon-botoxes-and-boob-jobs-daughters_n_4434452.html
  6. I thought this too but you look at the other Brit who seems to be very affectionate with Marisa?
  7. I thought it was more because her clients like having the headlight effect..
  8. Probably hoping to get more of that RHOC publicity.
  9. I thought the same thing. She seemed like yeah, great stuff. A bikini top not matching the bottoms and tacky Italian textured fabric. I also thought the hug at the end was so unprofessional.
  10. My first thought on this is do they do any research on anything they've done for the business or do they just go with what they thought sounded great. I mean, sounds like the location was flawed. They probably got the space because it was cheap without factoring in all the benefits and reasons why you pay to get a good location? Did they research pricing? Did they do any market research to find some unique niche they could fill because it sounds like they are running a business with hours so they can have a life beyond the business. And anyone who own a business will tell you you have to sacrifice time to make it successful. I truly think they just figured that their celebrity was going to bring in people, no matter where they plopped the gym and no matter what they offered. People would sign up for the mere joy of being close to them.
  11. I wonder if David married (and stays) with Shannon because he married his mother? If his mother was the domineering type, it explains the longevity of the relationship. Because it would be really difficult to be with a woman who demands to have crystals buried in the foundation, inexplicably drawn to holistic new age bullshit sales jobs, doesn't want you to drink tequila yet seems to have a drinking problem, doesn't want you to have fun with anyone other than her even though you make having fun difficult, complains that all you do together is have dinner but doesn't seem to want to fuck, and on and on and on. But oddly enough, even with all that, there is something about Shannon I like. Maybe he's got the same problem!
  12. Everytime Noelle asks for a kiss, Scot seems so scared that he is about to be engulfed in those lips. It's like he is kissing his grandmother. I don't see any fire between the two of them, which leads me to believe as soon as this show is over he's out the door and onto the next gold digger and leaves her with the flat as a "nice knowing you" present. And Julie is a mess. I guess I expected to see a great body w/all that yoga but I don't see it. She looks like a crack whore with toned arms.
  13. Granted, I don't know the ins and outs of the domestic violence charge and I know this is victim blaming, but given Shannon's fragile emotional state, ability to lash out, her drinking and her exaggerations, I'm inclined to think they were in a bag argument and she exaggerated to the cops what happened. I think when the issue came to light, she said she just wanted the argument to end. From what we've seen, it would not surprise me if in a drunken stupor and argument ensued and maybe some physicality happened with Shannon the aggressor. Again, I don't know what happened but Shannon certainly seems to be someone that could be capable of doing that in the heat of the moment whereas David hasn't really shown us anything other than annoyance at Shannon. I don't see someone that gets easily unglued.
  14. I thought that was hilarious as well. Homegirl is trying to so hard to "build her brand" that she neglected to understand that putting on a charity event to get yourself better press and coping to that makes you look like one empty shell.
  15. In the harsh light of day, almost all of them look like candles that are about to melt. Noelle looks like she's already had a facelift -- her eyebrows are so high up. The only one who seems to look naturally pretty is Marissa. She always looks classy, and her face looks the least worked on.
  16. Good point about the wasted the night before. It is just that she doesn't seem to be the most active person anyway, On the fee for Cut, I wouldn't b'e surprised if those two morons convinced themselves that their celebrity justified the high cost and people would flock to join because they might get a sighting of Tamra and Eddie.
  17. YES! Sometimes she looks attractive, but she really does seem like she's 20 years older than David. I can't help but wonder if she is much older than she admits to? Or is she just one of those people that will always seem more older than she? And who needs a nap in Mexico? Everything she does makes her seem like an old lady.
  18. Annabelle is just so ridiculous with the constant McQueen reference. It's almost like she's trying to remind the fashion community that at one time, she was supposedly a designer's muse and the industry has long forgotten her. It's pathetic. Juliet is just irritating. I find it hard to believe that this woman could possibly have done anything of importance because she talks and acts like a preteen. How many fucking times are we going to hear Noelle talk about Caprice mentoring her? Who cares!
  19. I also loved the proposal discussion with Lizzie. "Yeah, my proposal wasn't good either...we were on a flight to Paris so I figured he's propose there. Instead he proposed on the plane!" What a piece of work Heather is. Here's my guess on the "issue." Shannon found an email from someone to David that was very flirty. He denies having an affair and only cops to an inappropriate "emotional" affair that they stopped before it ever got physical. She knows it was an affair deep in her heart which is why she has resentment, but she convinces herself it was just an "emotional affair." So he maintains it wasn't an affair and can't understand why she can't get over it. That's just my wild ass guess!
  20. I did a guffaw when I heard her actually talk about getting money from her dad to support her vanity business and then in the same breath said she "did it all by herself." And her suits look tacky. I guess she thinks this Italian fabric she uses is the "bomb dot com." I thought he was saying that he wishes they didn't live the life of opulence because to support that lifestyle, he works a lot and isn't available to her. Absolutely one of the most real, raw, reality experience I recall seeing. Those tears and the hurt were real.. And I guess they haven't yet split given their vacation pics, but he certainly seem to be telling her to find your own happiness -- not happiness that includes me being a part of it. If they didn't have kids, that would've been the "it's not you, it's me" speech.
  21. Yes, middle age crisis! And you are right -- women go through that too. I went through stages of "All I do is X, X, and X." When you are in your mid 40s, you are in an odd place. You want change, but you don't want extreme change. And yet you do. But you feel like you are too old to make a radical change (job change for instance.) So you have to find something that gets you excited. Shannon needs that desperately I think. I suspect David thought her getting on RHOC was going to give her some excitement -- being a celebrity now. But instead it just put a world web lens on the state of their marriage
  22. That's exactly right. I think Shannon is someone who could benefit by doing something outside the home that is fulfilling to her. Go volunteer somewhere. She seems to need some other outlet than running to some holistic healer. I think David is absolutely correct that she needs to be happy before she can be happy as a couple.
  23. That was painful to watch. Essentially, he's leading her out the door. You need to find your happiness. While she's saying she wants to find her happiness with him. He's so noncomittal. She looks like a woman who never thought her man would ever want to leave her. It's shock and hurt. He's looking like the guy who is trying to ease her out slowly. I don't see any real caring for her beyond well, we're roommates. I don't know if the problem was infidelity. I would think he'd be MUCH more apologetic. I get the sense that he wants to do things in life without having Debbie Downer by his side. I don't know what their ages are but Shannon seems like she's 20 years older than him. I think she just wants to sit at home in front of the fire, he wants to parachute out of planes. Two different worlds. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if he has been unfaithful. I just don't know that I believe he was busted for cheating.
  24. Absolutely! I think she's smart enough to convince these guys (she also dated one of the Mellon's) but dumb enough not to see that these guys probably look at her as though she's a gold digger and just use her for the sex. I can totally see this guy getting his money and then moving onto a different piece -- and likely someone who makes her own money and doesn't need his.
  25. I wouldn't be surprised if Noelle thinks that if she hangs around in his circles through this period of uncertainty and people believe she's not a real gold digger, she'll get her hooks into one of his billionaire friends and find someone who will actually spend it on her. Whatever the case, this is the girl that really grates on me. It's painfully obvious she's a gold digger and unless they aren't showing other things she's got going on, her main job seems to be convincing everyone she's not a gold digger and finding some way to latch onto British society and become someone the paps chase. Caprice, as phony and annoying as she seems, at least seems to have more going for her than latching onto someone else. Somehow this barely average looking person managed to get people in the UK interested in her and now has some sort of legit business.
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