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Everything posted by sasha206

  1. Pardon my language, but holy fuck, I am now watching the Natalie Cole/LuAnn duet. LuAnn honey, you were so offkey it's amazing Natalie Cole didn't break out in laughter.
  2. YES! Same episode where Simon buys her lingerie and she models it for us. Great healthy self esteem but holy fuck, I don't need to see Alex trying to get sexed up.
  3. Watching Ramona and Sonja together makes me think they should just go full on lesbian. Based on what I've seen of them, I feel confident they've already gone there. They seem to really love each other.
  4. Yes it was!! Oh my that was uncomfortable. Did not need to see that! And yes, I think Seasons 1-4 are the best of the best. I am enjoying it. We need to do a rewatch together and open up a thread!
  5. And OMG, I love watching any scene with Kelly in it. Kelly never lets anyone finish a sentence. The scene where she's having breakfast with Alex and she's telling her everyone is concerned about Alex because she's not doing well. And she lives in Brooklyn! Incrediblly funny!
  6. I'm only midway through it, but it to me, it's as good. Prophetic really! The clip of Ramona telling Mario about what the fortune teller said was worth the price of admission alone. Mario had the deer-in-the-headlights look. I liked Cindy talking about Sonja's interns. Kelly talking about the crumbling townhouse. Sonja's bankruptcy. Alex finding her "voice" and annoying the fuck out of everyone. The funny thing to me is she found her "voice" is controversial and gets her ass handed to her every.single.time.
  7. YES! That was so freaking hilarious! Now I wish they would bring her back to RHONY.
  8. Okay, I am cracking up at the 3rd epi in Morocco where Alex comes bouncing down the stairs to confront LuAnn over poor vulnerable Ramona. While Alex is getting her ass handed to her by LuAnn, Ramona and Sonja are having a grand old time together. Then Kelly starts getting pissed at Alex because her Henna tattoo was ruined. Comes back and tells Alex to shush shush shush you're not angry, you're sad. Close your eyes. Okay now open them. Kelly is still crazy but likeable crazy this season.
  9. OMG. I'm on Season 4 and have a very clear understanding. Jill is so incredibly exhausting. Every argument = it's over, the end, done, NEVER EVER do that to me again. Then when she's got no allies, it's the woe-is-me- I'm not perfect. She doesn't listen to what people are telling them. Cuts them off. You are either with me or against me.
  10. Okay, so I'm at the fortune teller in Morocco who tells Ramona there is another woman. Now, I don't believe in fortune tellers. I think given there are a lot of men with other women, it's a good bet to place as a "fortune teller" but wow, Sonja's reaction and Ramona's reactions. Obviously there was something else going on then. Weird to watch all of these and see some of the clues now that you know he was a cheater.
  11. Kelly in Season 4 so far is making me laugh. But this is still early.
  12. Agreed on the hair. The style and color is great on her. I think she looks the best when it is soft and straight like that. Make-up looks great too. Huge improvement over seasons 1 & 2. Watching this show I am amazed at the preponderance of backhanded compliments and just plain rude remarks! Jill goes into Cindy's apartment. "Oh, it's a place for babies, not parties. You'll fix it up when they are older" (or something like that). Ramona at dinner with unmarried older woman with children Cindy: "My time with Mario is precious to me. You'll understand someday when you're married 18 years." We should do a rewatch and keep a running list of these comments.
  13. Was Vicki pretending that her vomiting was from motion sickness? Wasn't she boozing extremely hard the night before? As a 46 year-old, I'm amazed by the ridiculous level of boozing that goes on. You'd think they were all sorority sisters. Drinking in a kayak, drinking during the elephant ride. Whooping it up like teeny boopers whose parents left them alone in the house while they went out of of town. Nothing wrong with having some drinks but when it gets to the point that you can't ride a fucking elephant without having "champs" it's like enough.
  14. She does look great there. Did she get some lips too? She's a case where just a teeny bit of collagen in the lips would help.
  15. I agree. I'll never understand how these reality shows celebs (or any celebs) deny having work done when it is so easy to check their previous photos. Just admit to it like you would if someone asked you if it was your natural hair color!
  16. Oh yeah -- Sonja was ridiculous over the whole grand marshall thing. I don't blame Alex for being pissed.
  17. Island girl, totally agree about Bethenny. Many years ago, SNL did a skit where Dan Akyroyd was attacked by a grizzly bear. I wish I could find the clip or his face, but basically it looked like the face was in a downward droop and reminds me of Bethenny. She can look decent, but her hair basically has to cover the jaw. Also agree with you on the Silex sitch. Alex actually looked somewhat attractive in Season 4. And her husband adores her and that's neat to see. So I'm on Season 4 now and Sonja pretending to be Ramona to prep Kelly was freaking hilarious!
  18. Okay, so now I am watching Sonja and Alex battling it out on whose day it really is for the marriage equality march. When Kelli is the voice of reason, you know it's bad.
  19. No question she looks worlds better than Season 1. But the face...can't do much about that! No question she looks worlds better than Season 1. But the face...can't do much about that!
  20. Wowza. I am now on Season 4, episode 1 where Alex tells us that she's lucky because her parents are good looking and hence, so is she! (paraphrase). On the upside, she has confidence in her looks. But a little delusional...
  21. I can't stand Lizzie. I personally think she is rather unattractive. And the slight against her husband was too much. I wish he had come back with something like, "well, maybe if you didn't dress like a classless whore..." For all of her claims of being brilliant, she doesn't strike me as being that intelligent. Add me to the list of people embarrassed when they arrived. Vicki with the "Why did we have to travel so far -- we could've gone to Hawaii."
  22. Agreed. She can look very pretty one minute and beef jerky the next. Her body is just off the charts strange. She's fit, but that torso is disastrous as were her boobs (I think she fixed them). Her legs are clearly what she thought was her best feature so she wore dresses where so short it looked bizarre. She always looked a mess to me, but she really was beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen anyone more looney in a reality show. That was no pretense. Every scene she was in was so bizarre -- even when she was flirting with her dates and the interviewer.
  23. Ramona was actually much more pleasant and actually showed some empathy and compassion. I don't mind that Ramona. And she looked fabulous at the Season 3 reuinion. It's really amazing how good she looked for her age.
  24. Having just finished season 3, I felt sorry for Ramona. She clearly adored Mario and it's sad their marriage dissolved with his cheating. It's got to be really painful to have made it through many years of marriage and have it end over some tacky, trampy not even attractive woman.
  25. Ha, just read about $25K sunglasses girl. She was such a fucking phoney. Hope she has a nice long stay in jail.
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