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Everything posted by twoods

  1. Awww poor Gavin. He seemed like such a sweet kid. I also don’t understand why they couldn’t have helped write the song so they all get credit for it and gotten royalties. Bunch of miserable murdering over 40 year olds.
  2. I don’t think he expected her to leave him after an ultimatum he gave when he wasn’t 100% with it. He probably thought she would find a new therapist.
  3. twoods

    The NBA

    That’s the whole point- getting raked on the forearm as he went up changed the shot, and why he missed it. If it was a graze or he hit him after the ball was released it would have been a good no-call. The game is over- I don’t know why he’s harping on it. Everyone including the commentators and refs said that was a clear foul, so continuing to whine about it will go nowhere. (Good old LeWhine) Maybe this will light a fire under their asses, but of course it won’t and they will continue to suck.
  4. twoods

    NFL Thread

    Yeah. The worst is a half ass end of the game offense that ends up with the kicker forcing a 50+ yard kick, then all the armchair assholes flailing around calling him a choker. Yeah, no.
  5. twoods

    NFL Thread

    I’m not surprised the Niners lost their cool. Their defense was used to trash talking and bullying everyone and finally got a taste of their own medicine and lost their shit. That’s what bullies do.
  6. twoods

    NFL Thread

    It really is tough. I would rather not watch either fan base celebrating, but it has been nice seeing how good Hurts is in the NFL. Their defense is really good and should be all over Mahomes. I don’t want to see Mahomes’ thirsty wife happy- yeah, I’m petty.
  7. twoods

    NFL Thread

    Why would you even try to hit him? He was already going out of bounds. Can’t do that.
  8. twoods

    NFL Thread

    I wonder how dumb Joe feels now that he has to wear that ridiculous shirt after he lost.
  9. twoods

    NFL Thread

    Why would they be furious? They had the ball with 2 minutes left and did Jack shit with it. No one to blame but themselves.
  10. twoods

    NFL Thread

    Eh if it was a conspiracy the Chiefs would be leading.
  11. twoods

    NFL Thread

    It is painful watching Mahomes limp out there. I don’t know how he’s throwing those ridiculous passes- he is not human.
  12. Still liking this show, but I hate how all the victims are such likable people. Maybe throw in a douche or two, but then I guess she wouldn’t care about their murder.
  13. twoods

    NFL Thread

    I don’t mind the Eagles but their fans are absolutely ridiculous, so it’s hard rooting for them.
  14. twoods

    NFL Thread

    Don’t worry, they will be competing with Bengals fans so they can fake outrage together about the lack of respect.
  15. twoods

    NFL Thread

    Hurts better not be playing anymore.
  16. twoods

    NFL Thread

    Impressed the Niners have made this a game when they are down to their fourth stringer. The Niners defense isn’t helping matters with stupid fouls.
  17. twoods

    NFL Thread

    “He looks different now than he did before. It’s a body double! Digital manipulation!” Morons gonna moron.
  18. twoods

    The NBA

    Tatum flopped a lot in the game, so when it’s a real foul he shouldn’t get called for it? That makes no sense. Did you even watch the entire game? There was a ref right there watching it all, he saw the contact but didn’t blow the whistle. You can hate Lebron or whatever, but it’s ridiculous. This is the fourth game that the Lakers lost because of a blown call, and every single time the refs agreed it was a blown call. I don’t know how you can play through that.
  19. twoods

    The NBA

    This Lakers/Celtics game is giving me heartburn. I have never seen so many blown calls in my life. Time to brick in OT.
  20. twoods

    NFL Thread

    It wasn’t until I did jury duty did I realize how many idiots are around us. I’ve been in my own bubble prior so most of the people around me have had some sort of intelligence, but that experience definitely opened to my eyes to how looney some people are.
  21. It’s crazy that every episode they have recognizable guest stars. How do they sign up for only one episode and then get killed off? Made me miss God Friended Me and Never Have I Ever.
  22. You People was so cringeworthy that I couldn’t stop laughing. It seemed like the actors had a blast making this. How did they keep a straight face through all the bickering?
  23. twoods

    NFL Thread

    Blech with what the Panthers did to Steve Wilks. Guy led the team to a 6-6 record while trading away their best player, and he got passed over for the HC position. The players even vouched for him. So disappointing, but not surprising.
  24. I am loving this show so far. Great cast, hilarious, and reminds me of Ted Lasso since it’s from the same creators. Apple+ for the win yet again.
  25. twoods

    NFL Thread

    So people think that he really died and the NFL are covering this up? That all the Bills players are faking being happy that their teammate and friend is alive? That the doctors lied about his progress? I just can’t.
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