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Posts posted by Christi

  1. Yeah, Meri needs to fix her business. I dont feel sorry for her AT ALL. You r unhappy? Leave! You have second thoughts about plural marriage? Come out and say that! You signed up for a REALITY show...so be REAL. This sneaking around stuff is ALL on her. Clean your mess, Meri

    • Love 6
  2. Also, this family left the AUB I think around 5 years ago so they really have no official ties to an organized religion.

    On a different matter, I watched My Five Wives and Brady seemed much more in tune with his own emotions and building and working on the individual marriages. He is much better than Kody but they're all goofy too. Perhaps he should school Kody on all of this but I doubt he would have any inclination to change.

    Maybe..but all the wives are just as miserable and resentful of each other. That was very apparent on the show
    • Love 3
  3. Just finished the episode..and Megan clearly needs to add about 30 lbs...she is Scary Thin. They say the camera adds 10 lbs, and it really does.

    I saw Larry King and his Skelator wife at Disneyland about 5 years ago, and his wife looked bizarre...like a body type so thin that Ive never seen before in person..I was completely gob smacked

    • Love 4
  4. Well with $0 income, he would be eligible for Medi cal. As a single person, he would need to claim income of just under $17000 for the year, for AMAZING coverage. Im sure he could show that income based on what he made on the show alone.

    Yes, Vic sells insurance, but I cant imagine her paying full price for coverage when she can get huge discounts for him.

    I really doubt that because Vicki sells insurance, that she can get free medical care from reputable Drs.

    Also, the convo came up because someone ASKED...and Im not sure where you saw it referenced that getting assistance with coverage is a bad thing!? Lol...I work for Obamacare, and have had since the beginning. Sheesh!

    Lol these posts r so funny sometimes

    • Love 3
  5. I know I've posed this question before, but who is paying all of these medical bills? I wonder if insurance would even cover this new treatment.

    Just kidding, it's probably Vicki -

    All's I know is that a friend of mine is in the initial stages of conventional chemo and he and his wife are already worried about expenses. He has a good job and a good insurance policy. But they're still nervous.

    Brooks doesn't have a job (except for whatever he gets paid by Bravo) - or am I missing something?

    Im sure Obamacare is. I work for the State of California...in the Covered California/Obamacare dept...
    • Love 3
  6. I don't think Janelle has turned her back on Christine. I think there is something dead inside Janelle or she is truly just a very solitary soul who likely finds Christine's public pain very very uncomfortable. She isn't equipped emotionally to deal with her own pain let alone Christine's. Sad.

    But "she wanted the family, not just the man" lol.

    I honestly think her polygamy DEFINES her.

    Polygamy and being a mom. She is not the brightest tool in the shed (afraid of microwave ovens), but I think she has a true passion and love for ALL those kids.

    IMHO, she is the only true loving mom in the bunch.

    Janelle is bothered by them

    Meri resents they arent hers

    Robyn doesnt accept them (babysit?? Whaa??)

    Of all the wives, I think leaving the cult would destroy Robin the most

    Just think, these saps went on tv to show how amazing plural martiage is, so they have their public faces on...TRYING to appear happy and well adjusted.

    Just imagine all the plyg familys out there that arent in the the public eye. The wives must literally just cry 24/7! Or drink...I remember a show they did with 5 wives...and when the husband was with someone else..they all sat around and drank..lol

    • Love 3
  7. I'm responding because I believe one of my posts is being referenced here. I wasn't attempting to "correct" anyone, and I'm certainly well aware of Alex and what she has said. However, as I stated in my post, I know several HW's, and my comments were based on what I know from them. Reality TV (at least the HW's shows) is not completely "real", but they are more real than not, and the women as we see them are pretty much exactly who they are.

    I don't expect anyone to believe me and/or change their minds. But I know what I know, and I'm more than happy to agree to disagree!

    Hey, for the record..I believe you. I really think that these people are filmed so much, that its possible to forget about the camera.

    Also, legally and publicly, it would be a mess if Bravo was writing storylines. I dont buy it for a minute. Im sure they make suggestions...but honestly..you CANT write this stuff! Lol

    • Love 3
  8. Affair-Shaffair

    The big deal here, affair or not, is that she is on a reality show singing the praises of a wackado religion and how wonderful it is. Just like the Duggars. Its appalling to me and I dont feel sorry for her, or the Duggars at all. You want privacy, dont go on a reality show and lie about how wonderful and fulfilling your wacko religion is!

    • Love 3
  9. Thats missing the point. Meri had every intention of meeting, actually went to Florida and got stood up, and ended up haning with hus "assistant" on the trip. So..yeah, the relationship wasnt consumated because it was a catfish, but anyone listening to the voicemails can hear that she was passionately in love with someone other than Kody.

    I cant see Kody being cool with that

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