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Posts posted by Christi

  1. TLC helped destroy this family, although I agree the family adults were fully capable of doing it on their own. But TLC chose a family that, on the surface, was doing well on it's own. Background checks had to have indicated that the Browns were habitual users of bankruptcy. Somewhere along the line I heard that the addition of Robyn was one of the deciding factors to getting the show. Maybe that was just conjecture, but from TLCs point of view they had a functioning poly family that was constantly strapped for cash and was also heavily involved in making polygamy legal. The icing on the cake was Kody telling the producers that even though everything was chugging along, things were about to get interesting because after fifteen years he was taking a new wife. And the kids didn't know about that yet, so you want to film that? PAYDIRT!

    TLC has to have known by this time that the families that participate in their reality shows usually crash and burn.

    Its the PEOPLE..not TLC

    Come on..they have to he accountable for their own actions.

    Jen Arnold and Bill Klein are really positive, happy role models who chose this venue to educate and inspire people...and to have fun. Other families have gone in much different directions...but I cant blame TLC

    • Love 4
  2. I was really hoping I would love Rachel's show, but I was bored.

    I was hoping for what Fashion Police used to be, but it was more of what Rachel thinks is "Everything"

    And why the hell is Roger there...and more importantly..what in the hell was he wearing? His metro/hipster poser outfits are BEYOND...and not in a good way

    • Love 1
  3. I can only imagine how ANGRY Kody is about this.He must be seeething!

    He has always garnered such control over these women and the family, and he cant control this catching media attention. 

    This story, Im sure in his eyes, will expose that someone in hus cult doesn't buy his Dreamboat/awesome dude persona he keeps desperately trying to convey 

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  4. I can only imagine how ANGRY Kody is about this.He must be seeething!

    He has always garnered such control over these women and the family, and he cant control this catching media attention.

    This story, Im sure in his eyes, will expose that someone in hus cult doesn't buy his Dreamboat/awesome dude persona he keeps desperately trying to convey

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  5. Just curious Gardendiva,..how would u feel if Sam was real and Meri had done all the same things..voicemails, texts planning to meet etc. Not even "plan" to meet, since she actually went to California to be with him, and he stood her up

  6. Sing it Jaclyn88! When Dr. Phil offered his 20/20 Diet to Heather as a way to resolve her issues with losing her mother and her daughter, my jaw dropped. Dr. Phil spent 30 minutes dealing with Heather and her family, and the last 30 minutes of the show covered his diet and its effectiveness in being life changing. I was interested in this particular show as I'm working through my grief in losing my mom and my dad within nine months of each other. I feel as defrauded as the Duggars after watching this mess!

    Mine too!! Omg!

    i had to rewind because I was sure I missed something, or It skipped to another show

    Wow wow wow

    "I want to die because Im grieving"

    Hey!! Heres a diet book!!

    • Love 4
  7. Someone asked "Sam" if he has any pics of them together...


    Until my lawyers have a meeting in Friday with TLC to give them information they want about this I can't post that stuff. I had posted a lot of things to prove it. If you don't believe it you are wrong.

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