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Posts posted by Christi

  1. Clay and Audrey have had a thing since he went home.

    I hope this is THE END of the Battle of the Block bull shit fucking up the game boredom.

    They'll got do Allstars next year but all the past winners want more $.

    Clay and Audrey? Lol
    • Love 1
  2. Go Whit! With your awesome friends and family and unfortunate looking boyfriend. I love ya'all!

    I am Snarky McSnark Monster...but I admit it..these people make me smile!

    Sorry...but its true...and honestly.....I usually hate everybody, and am quick to judge and point out the shortcomings of any and all reality show peeps. But gotta admit, this crew, along with The Arnolds on The Little Couple are my feel good "happy place"

    • Love 5
  3. Because if he doesn't get his mind right, he'll gain the weight back and more, just like Carnie Wilson did.

    Yeah...but he thinks his mind is right...these r not regular people...surgery is a regular thing for them...tge quick fix. Im sure he has seen EJ Johnson's results...so Im surprised he hasnt done it it...but..maybe he has, and we are just waiting for the butterfly to appear
    • Love 1
  4. The "JUB saves Mapperton" story doesn't make sense. I question whether the true intention of JUB is to generate enough income to support Mapperton. It would take quite awhile to get the company going, then sell it. Plus, saying she'd sell it for a specific sum seemed kind of odd so early in the game. Maybe we are missing a big part of this story. I do think she was trying to advertise JUB - perhaps to seek the investors.

    Maybe the reason they maintain a home in London is to school the children, plus provide yoga clients. Still, the rushing on a bicycle from class to class, plus baking, plus raising children seems insanely inefficient.

    I think Juliet is the only one of these hucksters who isn't trying to market something or create a brand.

    Plus, isnt there some kind of health code rule about selling food made in your own, non commercial kitchen?
  5. When Marissa talked about the hot dog shop, I instantly thought only Americans would eat there. It's been really eye-opening to me to see how much Americans are disliked by the Brits. I was so naïve about our relationship with them!

    When Juliet was talking to Caroline 2, and Caroline 1 was so disgusted by her ass kissing, yet amused because she was kissing the wrong ass to get a leg up in society, I wanted to shove an orange slice in her mouth. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, it's possible that they started out making nice conversation because they were seated next to each other, and then Juliet liked Caroline 2, and since she is in the market for new friends, said she would love it if they got to know each other better only for that reason. Not every move that these women make are necessarily to scrape their way to the top of London's Finest, Caroline. Sometimes women are friends even though there's nothing in it for them except the friendship.

    Nah...not in this group
  6. I used to love Margret Cho...but her act is getting a bit tired for me. I really like to hear about fashion, but I find her comments are only a set up for her next joke...and she appears to be reading off a teleprompter.

    I found Nene less offensive on the latest show...but who the hell would go to her for fashion advice?

    • Love 1
  7. Bored with cancer so Ill continue to talk about the shopping. That consignment shop was so cheeseball!! I loved the closeup of the opened and used Chanel au de parfum lol.

    I guarentee that the Chanel necklace that Shannon wears in her TH, and the Chanel dangle earrings that Heather was wearing ay tgst fin daye night were NOT from a consignment shop lol

    I have a lot of second market Chanel and Louboutins, but Im single and not on a reality show boasting about how fabulously opulent my lifestyle is

    Come on people...cancer smancher..isnt it

    really all about the shoes, bags and jewelry?

    (I dont mention the clothes for a reason lol)
    • Love 2
  8. Bored with cancer so Ill continue to talk about the shopping. That consignment shop was so cheeseball!! I loved the closeup of the opened and used Chanel au de parfum lol.

    I guarentee that the Chanel necklace that Shannon wears in her TH, and the Chanel dangle earrings that Heather was wearing ay tgst fin daye night were NOT from a consignment shop lol

    I have a lot of second market Chanel and Louboutins, but Im single and not on a reality show boasting about how fabulously opulent my lifestyle is

    Come on people...cancer smancher...isnt it

    really all about the shoes, bags and jewelry?

    • Love 13
  9. You know...after watching so much of My 600 lb Life, I find her happiness refreshing. She is very agile and energitic which really suprises me. Do I think she needs gastric bypass. ..yes, but she is happy doing it her own way.

    To see so much love with her parents, friends and even animals makes me happy. I wish I had that much love and support around me! Is she fat...yeah, is she the best dancer? Nah...but she sure as hell is making the best of it...and not becoming withdrawn, suicidal and bedridden.

    I am ready to snark with the best of ya'all, but I honestly find Whitney and her "village" inspiring...and I only wish I had people in in my life that loved me that much

    • Love 7
  10. Yeah, but it appears the family did not get the other three (!) baby daddies to Man Up, so I guess Ryan figures he can skip out at any time like they (apparently) did.

    I'm just praying we won't be subjected to a very special Ryan Gets Married episode of RHoOC. GAG.

    Exactly!!! I cant imagine him ever setting foot in Auburn again. It absolutely had to be a complete nightmare for him!! Lol

    • Love 5
  11. Re watch when Jimmy & Meghan make their entrance at Shannon's Aries party. They are walking in by the pool, most of the guests are across from them and Meghan starts waving to the crowd as she enters the party on camera. Then, Jimmy shuts her down. It's too funny. Remember Meghan accusing Shannon of not being that important? Looks like Meghan reserves the title of Princess for herself!


    • Love 2
  12. I dont believe for a second that Ryan will come back to Auburn. I live in Nor Cal (Lodi..as in Stuck In). I LOVE Auburn, but is a tiny, rustic, kind of Mountain Town, with an adorable historic downtown area.

    Cant even imagine Ryan trapped here with her, 3 girls tgat arent his, a new baby and ONLY her family. No one to bail him out or baby him.

    If her family is a "Owns the Gun Store" kinda family in a mountain town (compared to OC), Im sure they have expected him to Man Up. Something that is never gonna happen

    • Love 7
  13. Plus I think Cait is a self abdorbed bitch. She tried to appear interested in the real struggkes that others were having, but her face only truly lit up with emotion when she was talking about hair, makeup and clothes. On KUWTK I always thought Caitlyn was the sensible one in regards to superficial things...boy was I wrong

    • Love 9
  14. I agree about Kris treating Caitlyn badly, and used to be shocked when watching KUWTK. However, in the light of all this, Caitlyn has admitted to being a bitter, short fused asshole to her and the kids furing their last years. Scott D said he thought Caitlyn just hated him, until he saw that Caitlyn was that crappy to everyone. Also, I thi k it was Kendall who found her lipstick and thought she was cheating...so it sounds like off-camera Caitlyn was a complete asshole. If she was contracted to have to be on KUWTK, I probably would have acted the same way as Kris. Shes no peach...but it sounds like living with her was a nightmare

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