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Posts posted by Christi

  1. Why dont they leave the stupid cables up all year? Just add the lighrs each time. Without the lights, you dont even really see the cables.  Although one cable could snap and take out a couplea kids....but no one would notice Im sure

    I suspect that Janelle has gone back to eating her feelings away 

    • Love 7
  2. I hate the three sisters with the dad. Dad is gibe, but I find the girls extremely hard to look at.  They all gave that giant hook nose/dark sunken eye thing happening and its jarring.  They are way to full of themselves with those looks.  Same facial structure as Margaret Hamilton,  WW of Wizard of Oz...she freaked out and so do they.

    Yeah, Im judgy..and shallow....but I love everyone else!

    Ok cept that new couple..wow....so glad they r gone

    • Love 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Jenilane6 said:

    I hated that Janelle, who is budget-conscious, didn't rush into buying the wreath, while Meri, whose pile o'money is less divided urged her to get it.  And even more hated the FU Internet Kody hugging Christine, when last year he couldn't even look at her.  UGH UGH UGH

    Yeah, Ill never forget the boat building episode, which gave a true insight into Kody's resentment of Christine. You could cut the tension with a giant knife, and he knew it was being filmed. I can only imagine how fun he is when the cameras are gone

    • Love 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Jenilane6 said:

    I hated that Janelle, who is budget-conscious, didn't rush into buying the wreath, while Meri, whose pile o'money is less divided urged her to get it.  And even more hated the FU Internet Kody hugging Christine, when last year he couldn't even look at her.  UGH UGH UGH

    And whassup with Robyn buying Cody a $1000 ginormous bright gold watch??

    Uhhhhh..that was odd.

    But how utterly priceless that he tried to pawn it to get Christine a new tv!! Lolololol

    • Love 6
  5. Still can not wrap my head around why this show is SO bad!?  They must have some writers, advisors etc some kind of advice on what makes a great zombie show vs this Shirt Show. 

    Do the powers that be not read the internet ?

    It's not like a few people just casually think that this doesn't quite measure up to the original...jesus

    Just like TWD finale...The obviously don't care that this franchise is jumping two giant sharks in one season...

    Advice please. ...what else is out there in tv land to watch? That is comparable to TWD in the beginning? I just have regular cable...nothing fancy

    • Love 1
  6. 6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    Random thoughts:

    "They should have saved the dog and sent Chris and Celia down the shoot.  I know it isn't real, but I don't like seeing animals killed on any tv show or anywhere else for that matter.  I am just glad that this was as subtle as it was."

    Ditto! Hated that!!


    Plus all the horses on TWD.

    That writer evidently was wronged by a horse at some point in his life..jerk

    "Daniel was a major dick for taking the prayer coin from the man that was going to die, and throwing it overboard."

    They kept showing a closeup of that stupid coin, so I'm guessing it has some meaning that Luis knows about...must be from a devil cult or something....yawn

    • Love 1
  7. Not Johnny Depp better make the most of his looks, and cash in within the next few years.

    I dont think his hairline is long for this world.  He is pretty but not can not pull off "skinny bald guy" pretty.

    • Love 7
  8. Thanks for the subtitles Asshats. I really didnt want to have to pay that close attention to this cluster.

    Tonite I learned:

    Im on Chris' team

    Strand has a heart 

    Nicky thinks fake owls talk to him

    Worst death in the entire series was the dog tonite.?



    • Love 9
  9. On Friday, May 13, 2016 at 7:13 AM, laurakaye said:

    Yes.  Without her, Rob is not allowed to thrive and have a life.  

    I get it tho...the whole fambily told her to cut the strings with Tubs McRobby and to quit enabling him...then when she does...momager runs in to to do the same exact thing.

    Momager is gettin paid tho....this for sure a set up for Rob and Chyna's spin off. 

    • Love 3
  10. Oh crap...literally...Meri and her  problimatic colon again?? Kill me

    How long till Mykelti becomes a sister wife for Cody's buddy Chris.  Can.Not.Wait lolololol

    Whelp it looks like Janelle gave up the ole diet and exercise routine. Im watching the newest episode tonite.  Her stomach is way bigger than her chest again...Last year I thought she was about the same size as Christine.  

  11. Whelp it looks like Janelle gave up the ole diet and exercise routine. Im watching the newest episode tonite.  Her stomach is way bigger than her chest again...Last year I thought she was about the same size as Christine.  

    Wow...Hunter  looks like a scary ball of rage...yikes.  He has gotten huge since last year, and sporting that mullet/faux hawk aint helping?

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