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Posts posted by Christi

  1. Love that the new chick told Vicki that she was 55....and Vicki BELIEVED her...Burn!!!! Har har har 

    Jenna looks okaaaay...lots of work done, too much highlighter under her eyes, still too chunky per So Cal standards, and her hairstyle looks like a hooded rain poncho...or that kid from The Ring lolol

    Ultherapy: what Tamra and Shannon were doing: TERRIBLE reviews!!! Im no stranger to botox and filler, so I googled this.  People are posting horror stories...and not just one or two.  Someone even posted that celebrities are looking "different" lately, smaller eyes, face not as full etc....its supposedly this new treatment.  Its moving/removing the fat from people's faces, so they need more filler...Not less.  They actually mentioned its making celebrities eyes look smaller. Didnt someone say that Megan looks different and her eyes look smaller? Weird?

    Ultherapy Reviews for your enjoyment and horror


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  2. I think so too. The WLS in tandem with the therapy, like on 600 lb life

    It cant be easy to do the therapy and bring up all the issues, AND be hungry all the time, wanting more than ever to run to food.

    None of it is easy, for sure.

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  3. Why doesnt she get a bypass? 

    Its crazy not to!

    From watching My 600 lb life, its still a lifetime commitment, but it gives a head start to someone her size.  She is young enough that it could really work.

    She can still use her Non Body Shaming platform, since Im sure she will never be really skinny.  She probably will still be overweight, which apparently is her "thing", but she will also live a lot longer losing a few hundred lbs.  It would be such a weight off-(literally) her parent's minds, who worry so much about her.

    She would still have a good story line..much more interesting actually....to follow her through it.

    More Babs and her pig please..that is MY DREAM PET!!!  I hated the way they brought the baby home and let him run around the house terrified...omg I was pissed!  Please show me a happy Babs stroking a happy pig!!

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  4. I hate the girl tour guide.  I know she is a rich socialite, but she is also just a one trick pony with her eating gross food.

    Everytime there is a weird food, they show her shoveling it down.  She. Is so impressed with herself. ...it got played out episode 1...

    I dont need to know EVERY EPISODE what an exciting, liveing on the edge, free spirit she is.  Yawn

    On Thursday, June 02, 2016 at 5:20 PM, Ladybugnine said:

    On a shallow note: Why does Jetta need a swim cap? Her hair is in a natural style. Unless it's a weave/extensions, which would make sense for me, because if you have natural hair, who cares if it gets wet? She's on vacation, so, her hair getting wet shouldn't be an issue, should it? Maybe it's just me.

    Maybe it just take forever to dry?? That could be annoying

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  5. Whelp, that kid Blake's life is over...say gaaa bye to feeling special or important :/

    Also, why arent they shopping at a warehouse store like Costco? There has to be something fairly nearby. 

    I get a kick out of the Grandma...yeah she is a pain in the ass, but Im proud of her for not bailing them out all the time.

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  6. Meri took Mariah to Disneyland last summer to meet Sam.  Of course Jackie/Lindsey showed up instead, cause, ya know..Sam was busy.

    Meri appears to be forgetting that part. Of COURSE Mariah is pissed...she was drug through the mess...hellooooo

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