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Posts posted by Christi

  1. Since there is no show topic tonite...the show was so weird!

    They kept playing this melancholy, sad music when they showed Cody with the girls on vacation.

    Plus, his TH was just justifying what a great and insightful dad he was he is, while being a complete douchebag of a father during the trip

    • Love 3
  2. OK, that Nick Conner blog is crazy!

    Also interesting is that I am Kendra Pollard-Parra on FB.  She is the closed friend of Robyn.  We both live in the bay area, and have similar posts about animals, so I guess she figured I was ok to friend.  Anyhoo, I also joined her Sister wives closed group.  She did a question and answer with SAM COOPER, stating that she has skyped with him, and he is really a dude.

    Then a few days ago, she submitted a post saying that she thought he was real, seemed real...blah blah blah, and she wont post about this again, to protect Robyn, or something lame.

    Now, in the past few days, on Samuel Coopers FB, she has been commenting on some of his posts....AFTER posting on her site that she is not longer involved, etc.

    He/Jackie is posting that he is in LA for business meetings with his best friend/asst. Lindsey.  He will post about being at dinner, etc..and Kenda replies about the food or something lame, and he responds back.

    In answer to your questions, yes I have a life!! hahahaha Its been slow at work, and I admit this this is SO CRAZY thats its completely fascinating to me!!

    That blog that was just posted shows how cray this chick is, and how deep it goes...please let Dr. Phil get this!! Yes,he will offer her weight loss, and do a make over with Robyns cosmetics, offer up Dr. On Demand, this is for sure...but he is also a dog with a bone with these catfish cases...and this time he doesnt even have to go to Nigeria!!!

    • Love 5
  3. I dont think Swapie gave up...he made 3 outfits..they weren't amazing...or even good...but omg was she a bitch!!

    Talk about not trying to cooperate. ..jesus christ...send to Walmart and be done with it

    Fuck Her

    Ashley's chick was no walk in the park either

    • Love 15
  4. Ok so, the first 20 minutes or so were just so fucked up, I almost checked out. I just...did not expect to see rape by whatever the fuck that was in the first like, 15 minutes. Who the hell came up with starting the show like that?

    But the last half actually had me intrigued. And yeah, great use of Hotel California. This show, for better or worse, does make pretty good use of music.

    Who am I kidding? I am just as much of a pathetic addict as half the characters in this thing. I`ll keep coming back, no matter how stupid/fucked up it gets, just for the few moments of actually creepiness or intrigue.


    I'm addicted :/

    • Love 2
  5. Sam is supposed to be very very rich, but he posted on fb that he was going to walmart to get dog food. I commented that he need to buy better quality food...and he wrote back and said his dog loves Old Roy dog food...hahahaha

    Its Walmart brand...and NOT a food that a wealthy metro sexual dude would EVER give their dog...omg

    Jackie needs to step up her game

    1. How did Kody talk his huge heart into not being grossed out by Robyn's defiled, impure, previously-used "trashy" self?

    2. Openly dating someone else while your wife is pregnant is obscene.

    Cause she was wearing $1000 of Victoria Secret crap...duh!
    • Love 5
  6. "Quote

    There were a few outsiders that were aware of the affair. Lindsay was the first one, then Kendra, then Robyn. Those 3 have insider info about what was going on. Lindsay on my side, Kendra in the middle between my side and her side, and Robyn on her side. Those 3 people can comment because they were involved, well after the affair started."

    But Lindsey IS the catfish, so of course she knew first lol. Im friends with Kendra and Sam on fb...I took a bullet and am pretending to be dumb and supportive

  7. So instead of posting a photo of the two of them together, "he" posted a sex tape of them to anyone who asks for a password? Yeah, right. It doesn't exist. I hope this is a step too far and she can be prosecuted. The woman is a psycho.

    Meri was a participant in the texts and phone calls, and may have had phone sex, but there was no physical contact because Sam doesn't exist.

    Totally what I meant...

    It appears that she was seeking physical contact (at least meeting up with him) because of the Disneyland trip...but that darn Sam suddenly was called away on business

    • Love 2
  8. Meri willingly participated!!

    Come on...you roll your dice with an internet dude...u take your chances.

    She is a public figure and a complete IDIOT to think this would not get out. If u r trying to be sneaky, you font leave a paper trail...HEELLLOOOO thats ALL she has! Plus the tape recorded voicemails..omg


    • Love 3
  9. In friends with Sam on fb, but I dont want to tip my hand by asking. Im trying to fly under the radar...so I dont get blocked lol. Also friends with Kendra...Im such a loser haha

    You HAVE to read the comments on that video page..omg

    • Love 2
  10. The People article is weird. It says that the divorce was so that Robyn's oldest three could get insurance and benefits from Kody. It also states the wrong ages for those kids.

    Wow, I feel bad for Meri. How humiliating.

    Where the hell does Cody get insurance?
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