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Everything posted by lala2

  1. I doubt she does. I will honestly be surprised if she makes an appearance at the funeral. I only watched the clip of Courtney w/Mike on YT. I thought that was nice. The actress doesn't appear to have aged a day, and I liked Mike's parting words to Sonny. I thought that was a nice end scene for Mike. That said, I am beyond happy Mike has passed. I understand they were portraying it realistically, but like many others have said, I don't know why GH thought that would be entertaining TV. It has not been. I liked the brief Nava scenes and am happy the writers are finally progressing that story.
  2. Right?!?! They couldn't even do that! I don't care if Lexi was filming a movie elsewhere and was unavailable. They should have gotten a recast for these scenes. There is really no excuse the character of Kristina is not in these scenes. Her entire family is there and paying their respects to Mike. She should be there as well. Those Josslyn scenes should have been Kristina's! They can't even write in a throw away line re: her absence like "Kristina is in the cafeteria" or "Josslyn, Kristina is in there w/Mike. Give her a minute" and then cut to Josslyn and her retconned relationship w/Mike! I honestly wonder if she will be at the funeral. At this point, I will not be surprised if she isn't there!
  3. I know I am suppose to feel bad for Brook Lynn, but I just can't. I cannot stand her. She is selfish, petty, and vindictive. If she were a tween or in her early 20s, I could possibly understand how short-sighted she's being, but the character is in her 30s. I mean . . . come on! She just visited Mike yesterday (don't know what she said b/c I muted my tv), but you would think that seeing this man dying would help her to see how short life is and how she shouldn't be so evil to her father. He feels bad and is reaching out to her, and she continues to rebuff him. I'm over it. Heck . . . I forgot that she almost died herself! You'd think that would put things in perspective for this brat but no!! Please let this be the LAST day we see Ned groveling and begging her. I will never agree that he was wrong to be angry w/her and to toss her out of the family home. He was right to do that. You can't live in the family home, IMO, and screw over that same family. But like any adult, when his kid was hurt, he put all of that aside, apologized, and tried to be there for her. He just needs to understand she's being a brat and let it go. Ugh . . . I hope we don't have to see any more Ned/Brook Lynn scenes anytime soon. More Mike dying - I understand this is realistic, but man am I tired of watching Mike slowly die? I guess Sonny "gives him permission" tomorrow to go?! I'm not trying to be cruel but thank goodness!! I wonder if Kristina will make an appearance at the funeral, or if she'll be ignored like she was for his slow death. I guess they have the granddaughter they really care about there - Josslyn - so Kristina is not needed! Glad to know Nikolas did not send Franco a fake text. Friz needs the commission Franco will get from that painting. I wonder if this also means Friz wasn't playing Nava. I still think they were. Hmm . . . I guess we will not know for sure until we see a Friz scene. So happy there's some progression w/Nava! It's about time!
  4. @Bringonthedrama - I don't remember Franco hiding in Liz's backseat. When did that happen? I believe Roger had been on GH for 2-3 years before he hooked up w/Liz. So, my feeling is most viewers had already decided how they felt about him at that point. I don't think the writers were trying to get anyone to like him by hooking him up w/Liz. That's all I'm saying. By the time he hooked up w/her, you either liked the character or you didn't. It's my understanding that he has always been fairly popular at fan events and has been mostly liked by the larger audience. What I've found is that most soap viewers don't care as much as those of us who get on these message boards. Most ppl just watch and turn it off w/o giving it a second thought. I think that is the majority of the viewers. They pretty much like all the characters it seems. My main point is I don't think Liz is so loved and adored that any man she's with is automatically loved and adored too. That's why your theory doesn't make sense to me. If Franco was so unpopular, I feel like they would have just gotten rid of him and brought RoHo back as someone else like they did with ME. But again, we will never truly know.
  5. I believe he did! My sister and I noticed it. That was a crazy scene! I really enjoy this show! I believe Ruby did apply and was turned down. I totally understood her anger upon learning that Tamara was less qualified than her and still got the job. As you guys have mentioned, all black people (of a certain age) have learned that we have to be twice as good as our white counterparts to get anywhere. That's what my parents were taught and passed on to me and my sister. It is entirely possible the manager passed on Ruby b/c he was not physically attracted to her or thought she was too "big" to be one of their employees. Who knows?! That last scene w/him was great! And great use of that Cardi B song! I agree w/those who think he will be too embarrassed to say anything about what happened.
  6. @Ambrosefolly - Hey, you won't hear me say the writers haven't shafted Liz. Rebecca was almost fired by two different regimes - and that was long before Roger came onto the show. The writers don't seem to value her or the character. I am not sure why that is the case. I can only speak for myself and what I enjoy. I can also admit my biases. While I hated Valentin for what he did when he was first introduced, I had no problem w/Nikolas going after ELQ or shooting Hayden in the head. For me, that was the most interesting Nikolas had been in years, so I had no issues w/those stories, and he wasn't "ruined" for me. I thought Liz was wrong to keep the Jake/Jason lie, and I couldn't wait for him to find out, but I didn't hate her or anything. I thought the time she hinted to Laura that Nikolas had Hayden shot so Laura shouldn't tell the truth about Jake/Jason was hilarious. Clearly, I have no issues w/characters who do bad things from time to time. I don't know. I was highly interested in the show as a whole around that time. I had more disgust for Liz during the SOS, and how she reacted to her husband's pain/medical issues than during the Jake/Jason story. I had no problems w/Franco reaching out to her and trying to be a friend after the fallout of the Jake/Jason thing. Yes, I like Franco, so I know that is largely why the story worked for me. What can I say? I like Friz. I like Franco. I like their family unit. I think the actors work well off each other. I don't think she's been downgraded as a character for being w/him. I don't think she's a loser b/c she loves him. I don't think he's using her. I don't think's only w/her because she makes him feel better about himself. I think the characters love each other. I think he's been a great dad to her boys. I think he supports her. I think she may have some issues w/his past that she hasn't fully accepted, which could be a good story but that's it. I just like them! I am sorry you guys hate Liz's story and her relationship. I would love for the show to write a story where Franco supports her, but GH plays favorites in general and in pairings. That said, I am sure Friz will break up one day. No soap couples last forever. Hopefully, she will then be paired w/someone y'all like so you can enjoy the pairing.
  7. I think you give the show far more credit. Ron C. really wanted Todd Manning on GH. He was very upset when he had to pull Todd, Starr, and John McBain for the short-lived OLTL online series. When PP failed, it was my understanding he wanted those actors back and wanted characters that couldn't be snatched back from him so he came up w/Kiki and Silas. I'm not sure why he chose Franco for Roger, but he did and then he went right back to the RoHo/LW pairing b/c they generated massive amts of heat as Todd and Carly. I loved Cranco. Then, they did Frina - another pairing I loved. According to Jelly, when they got on board, they thought Frina was too isolated and broke them up. From what I understand, Frina had a lot of fans as did Roger's Franco so, I don't think it was a matter of making viewers like him. By then, IMO, you either liked Franco or you didn't. Being w/Liz wasn't going to change anyone's minds. I've always liked Franco, so it was fine for me. You love Liz but hate Franco and still hate him so if that was the plan - it didn't work for you and plenty of others who just hate Franco. That said, we will never know the real story behind any of it. I've watched off and on since Liz has been introduced, and I still say she doesn't have self-esteem issues. Maybe she had them after the rape . . . I'm not sure. I hated LL2 and that "permanent lock," train car story so maybe she had issues then. I did enjoy her w/Ric and GV's Lucky. From that point, I saw no self-esteem issues w/her. She's a pretty confident character, IMO. She's had moments where she's felt down on herself, but I've never gotten the impression that she thinks she undeserving of a decent man or anything. I don't get that vibe from the character. For the most part, I don't see low self-esteem as an issue for her. I see/saw that w/Gia, Ava, teen Kristina, teen Lulu, Sam, the model who's doing coke b/c of Michael (forgot her name . . . . Shawna . . . Shana . . . . lol) . . . but not Liz. Again, that's just my take on her. You were saying Franco is bad for them b/c Cameron was getting into fights when Franco was arrested again. I was simply saying he hadn't started killing again, so that was a good thing. He was working w/the police to capture another serial killer. The truth came out, so Cameron hasn't been in any more fights. Franco is not murdering anyone anymore. Can her other kids get into fights because of him? Possibly. She will just have to handle that. I guess I don't know why Jason's murdering and being a mobster is not also a cause for concern . . . but we can agree to disagree. My point is if she's happy with him, and her kids are happy w/him, she shouldn't care what the rest of PC thinks. She shouldn't live her life worried about the opinions of others. Who cares if PC thinks she has poor judgment?
  8. I am sure people will disagree, but I just don't have any sympathy for Brook Lynn, and I really wish Ned would not bother w/her. I'm not saying write her off completely, but I'm sick of seeing him beg her to forgive him. Tell her she knows your number and how to reach out if she needs you and then let it go. I really hope he does that b/c IMO, she is way too old to be behaving this way. Maybe if she were 20 and didn't know about life, I'd buy her anger at her dad, but she is in the 30+ club. Yes, her dad was upset (and rightfully so) about the shares, but when she was injured, it puts things in perspective for him. How does she not get that? Is she literally 5? Grow up, Brook Lynn! Did anyone else think Nik sent a fake text to Franco? I hope not. Friz need the commissions he can make. I'm still mad they suddenly made him broke to serve this story, but that's GH for you!
  9. To me, there is nothing wrong w/being kind to someone. Again, I felt Nelle was being sincere and vulnerable w/him and explaining why she wasn't on board w/the surgery unless it was absolutely necessary. I would have loved to have seen Michael react kindly towards her instead of just dismissing her concerns. I also think it would have been good to see some layers to the Michael/Nelle relationship and not make it so black and white, but that's just me.
  10. All I can say is post-tumor, Franco has been - in my eyes - your standard gray soap character. He's not all good, and he's not all bad. I never understood all the hoopla over him locking up that rapist in a cage or his jealousy. He's a soap character. I'd rather watch Franco than boring as dirt Michael. Franco - at least - has acknowledged flaws. The man is not perfect, but he's trying to be a better person for himself, Liz, and their boys. It works for me. We will have to agree to disagree on Elizabeth's self-esteem. I honestly do not see the character as having any self-esteem issues. She's with Franco b/c she wants to be w/him, not b/c she wants to punish herself or thinks she doesn't deserve more. It's not like they immediately got together or anything. It took a minute for her to admit she liked him. He has changed the most for her. She hasn't changed for him. Again, she decided to marry a former serial killer. She should expect some complications. The good thing is Franco hadn't started killing again, and Cam isn't having any more problems in school. Well, Liz must think he's a great man, or she wouldn't be w/him. I think she deserved decency since Michael's goal was to get her to consent to the surgery. You don't achieve that by screaming at the girl and treating her like trash. I don't know. I'm a lawyer. I do a lot of negotiating w/opposing parties, so I was just thinking of the best way to achieve one's goals.
  11. Yes, that's right. He was not a decent person b/c Nelle was being vulnerable and sincere w/him in that moment. But he couldn't look past his hatred of her to see that. He didn't care at all about what she said and acted like she wanted their kid to die when that couldn't be further from the truth. I also disagree that Nelle was being selfish. She was concerned about the surgery and wanted to know if it absolutely had to be done. I don't see how or why she should be expected to separate the trauma of the surgery foisted upon her as a child from Wiley's surgery. That was a traumatic experience for her, so I completely understand why she wasn't gung-ho for her very small child to undergo the knife. IMO, if they had bothered to get a professional doctor that CARED about her and treated her like a parent instead of a piece of trash, she may have consented to the surgery. Monica was awful w/Nelle. She didn't pull her aside or speak to her privately. She just acted like Nelle should consent b/c Monica told her to. Monica was wholly unprof'l, and that's why she's been fired and was being sued.
  12. As I saw it, Nelle just wanted some time to think about the surgery. She never outright vetoed it. She just wanted to know why it had be done that very minute. She expressed, IMO again, legitimate concerns and asked legitimate questions IIRC. No one ever took the time to explain the surgery to her or to tell her why it needed to be done that very day. It didn't. The writers chose to not say it was an emergency surgery. It could have waited a day or two. When baby Michael finally pulled himself away from his posse of suck-ups and spoke to Nelle privately, she shared - IMO at least - a touching story about how she still has complications from the surgery forced upon her as a child. She expressly stated her concern that Wiley would experience similar issues/problems. If Michael was at all a decent or caring person, he would have taken that moment to calm down and recognize that she was speaking and reacting from a place of fear not complete indifference to Wiley's well-being or his health. He would have gotten another second opinion - no rude Monica either - to speak to Nelle but Michael is a complete ass, so he just shrugged off her story and acted like she wanted their kid to die! I think Carly entered the picture after that and was also equally awful to Nelle. I disagreed w/everything that happened at that hospital, and I'm happy Monica and Bobbie were fired. They deserved to be. I only wish Carly had faced consequences for locking Nelle on that roof!
  13. I couldn't agree more with you about Kristina and Josslyn. Josslyn has never referred to Mike as her "grandpa." Friday's scenes were so contrived and clear Emmy bait. I couldn't appreciate them at all, esp. since Kristina has had no mention or scenes w/her own grandfather. Dopey Michael has been by w/Willow and his brat a couple of times now, but nothing for Kristina! Why? They can't even bother to mention her or fake like she's been by to see him. It's ridiculous. I will disagree w/you about Franco not truly loving Elizabeth for who she is and not being deserving of her. I've never really been a Liz fan, so there is nothing about Franco - in my mind - that makes him so much lower than her and undeserving of her "precious" love. Honestly, who is she? She's no one special in my book. The story is a tumor caused Franco's serial killing, so to me, Elizabeth can fall for him just like she fell for mass murderer Jason! I really see no difference. Franco randomly killed people, and Jason kills targeted people. Both are still murderers. That said, I believe Franco does truly love her. I think Liz loves him, but she doesn't really accept him for who he is. I loved the Frina pairing and thought MS and RoHo had great chemistry. Jelly came along and broke them up b/c they were too "isolated." Ummm . . . okay. Jelly then moved Franco into Liz's orbit and slowly built up the Friz relationship. It went from friendship to eventual love. I enjoyed it. I'm a huge RoHo fan and feel his has chemistry w/everyone, so it was easy for me to become a Friz fan. I thought Liz truly accepted him. I have never thought she's only w/him b/c of low self-esteem or anything. Liz has no self-esteem issues that I can see. To me, her marrying him while he was in jail showed that she truly accepted him and believed in him, but her whole reaction to Ava bringing up his past shows she really hasn't accepted him. We may agree on that. IMO, Liz wishes he had never been a serial killer, and she spends far too much time - IMO - worried about how others perceive him. Franco will never escape his serial killer past. It's just not gonna happen, so I wish Liz would stop worrying about how others see Franco and just love him the way he loves her. Other ppl don't need to understand her relationship w/this man. The only ppl that matter are her and her kids and him. That's it. This man loves her and only her. She doesn't have to fight another woman for his affections. He loves her boys. He wants to put them through school. He wants to make her happy in every possible way. He was looking at her w/such love and adoration during that telethon, and she was giving him the stank eye. I just don't get her! LOL! Liz should appreciate what she has in Franco and forget about everyone else. Plus, if his past can bring in some big bucks . . . . . go for it I say!! But . . yeah . . if they screw up Friz, I would jump on the Frava train so fast! I think RoHo and MW have great romantic and friendship chemistry. They did on ATWT too!
  14. I really resented Josslyn's scenes yesterday. I have nothing against blended families and think it's great that she and Mike thought of each other like family. That's all fine and good, but to see those scenes for her knowing that Mike's own blood granddaughter would very likely never get similar scenes or any scenes at all really grated on my nerves. I know Kristina isn't as valued as Michael or Josslyn, but come on! Those scenes should have been hers. We NEVER saw Josslyn being close w/Mike prior to this storyline. They retconned an entire relationship just to get EM an Emmy! It's ridiculous. I can't even say if the scenes were well-played b/c I muted my tv. The scenes seemed overly long, out of place, and OTT. They could have at least mentioned that Kristina had been by to see Mike or something. This show and its favoritism for certain characters is too much. Cameron's comment to Dev was ridiculously rude and mean. Call me crazy but just b/c Dev hasn't mentioned being interested in anyone doesn't make him gay or asexual! He may just not be interested in dating anyone. Maybe he's not into any of the girls at that school. Maybe he keeps his feelings to himself. Who knows, but for Cameron to declare him asexual and then smirk about it was just nasty. I know some think he's expressed interest in Cameron, but I've never seen that. Could Dev be gay? Sure, I guess, but why? It's not like GH plans to bring on another gay teen for him to interact with, and even if they did, it's not like GH would write for them so why bother? We see what this regime does it w/gay characters so why bother adding more? The only writer who actually wrote for the gays and treated them like normal soap characters was RC, and he's long gone. There is zero point to Dev being gay or asexual unless they just want another "Felix" for the teen set - someone to listen to the others' relationship woes and not be a character in his own right. And Cameron did seem quite smitten by the looks Josslyn was throwing him. Ugh. I liked Cameron/Trina, but this show is probably going with Cameron/Josslyn. Whatever. Josslyn is pretty much a mini-SheBeast, so I don't care about a Cameron/Josslyn pairing. Dev did give Cameron good advice. If there is one girl he likes more, he should just ask that girl out and let the chips fall where they may. Maybe something interesting will happen at this dance to move this story along. So, the Friz/Nava stuff was confusing for me today and had me second-guessing whether Friz is playing Nava. I still feel like they may be, but I don't understand the goal or point of their scenes. Maybe I'm biased, but I feel like Frava have a genuine friendship. I honestly don't think Ava wants to ruin Franco's marriage. As I see it, she feels if Nikolas makes a play for Liz and Liz takes it, that speaks to Liz and may mean Liz doesn't deserve Franco. Franco seemed to be telling her to try to make her marriage real or make Nikolas fall for her since she sort of likes him. I don't know. They seem to care about each other. On the other hand, they have Liz acting like her marriage is on its last leg and is about to fall apart, and I guess I just didn't think their argument was that serious. LOL! She's so OTT w/Nikolas, I can't help but think it's a setup. Nikolas hates Franco and thinks Liz deserves better, so he'd be happy if her marriage fell apart. I don't see him as looking out of her. Anyway . . . . I am not sure what is going on, but I'm ready to move on. LOL! If they intend for Nava to develop true feelings for each other, they need to get the story moving in that direction. It's been too long. GH is dragging out too many stories, IMO. Maybe the pandemic is influencing me . . . but I feel like 2021 is right around the corner, and we'll still be seeing these same stories.
  15. I also agree w/those who think Friz are playing Nava, but honestly, Ava didn't say anything wrong or incorrect to Franco, IMO! Elizabeth doesn't want Franco to succeed as an A-list artist again b/c that would mean his past would be raised and talked about, and she cannot handle that. She wants his past buried and forgotten so she doesn't have to think about who it is she WILLINGLY married. I honestly do not know why Elizabeth married a reformed serial killer if she cannot handle ppl bringing up his past. I love Franco, but the man was a serial killer. There is no world where this is not mentioned simply b/c he had a brain tumor. It will always be mentioned. People will never forget. If Liz has a problem w/that, that's on her! If GH were a halfway decent show, they would use this friction to show that Liz doesn't really accept Franco. And then Franco would move on . . . to Ava. I have been a huge Friz supporter, but with Elizabeth getting on my nerves lately, I've been loving the Frava vibes!! Frava has tons of chemistry, IMO! Darn this pandemic b/c I would have loved to see that kiss! I actually think Ava supports and accepts Franco (unlike Elizabeth) and would work well w/him. He wouldn't need to hide himself or be afraid to make art that is appreciated on a larger scale b/c his inescapable past is brought up again. She would understand that was inevitable and wouldn't let other ppl's opinions guide her. Elizabeth cares so much what other ppl think. It's sad and ridiculous. I'm sorry. I just don't understand Elizabeth's problem w/Franco doing art again or people bringing up his past. None of it makes sense to me. In my eyes, she's making an issue where there is none. ETA: If Friz is playing Nava like I suspect, I will be upset when Friz is upset w/them. IMO, Ava was just giving Franco her opinion. Franco was saying Liz doesn't like his past coming up, and Ava told him why she thinks that may be. Nik, on the other hand, is actively trying to get Liz to dump Franco, but I honestly think that's how he feels based on the things Liz is saying. If my friend was in a "crap" marriage, I may not support them in staying in that marriage simply b/c we're friends. I'm not sure how this plan is supposed to work, but GH writers are crappy.
  16. Does anyone else find Sam's dialogue odd? Why does she care so much about the hospital? Why now? Jason doesn't care, so why does she? I'm sorry, but there is no world where I think Sam would care about something Q-related if Jason doesn't also care. Sam pretty much spits out what Jason says and thinks. She's hardly her own individual. If she was, she wouldn't have sold the proxies in the first place. I don't know. Jason's made it clear he doesn't care about the proxies and is not upset w/her, so what was she going on about today? What is going on w/Sam in general? None of her interactions w/Brando make any sense. Her whining to Jason about these proxies today was highly annoying. The writing for her is all over the place, and I just wonder if it's leading somewhere or if it's just bad writing.
  17. So even though I find Olivia to be a nag and absolutely wrong w/r/t Ned being upset w/Brook Lynn for the ELQ shares, I was completely on her side today when it comes to visiting Dante. If Olivia wants to see her son, that's her business. Even if it's a pointless trip, that's on her! Brook Lynn is not in a coma. She's not dying. She's up and as bitchy as ever, so why should Olivia delay the one opportunity to see her son b/c Ned wants Brook Lynn to forgive him right now?!?! Ned just needs to suck it up and realize that Brook Lynn doesn't want to speak to him right now. She'll eventually get over herself. Chase - you made your bed and now you have to lie in it. Sasha was absolutely correct. You can't just take back your lies. Chase and Sasha should have just encouraged Millow to marry for Wiley's sake. That would have made more sense. The show could have then dirtied Millow up a bit by having them fall for each other and "emotionally cheating." Same end goal, but a different (maybe more interesting) journey. I hope Chase really takes Sasha's advice and moves on from Willow. As Sasha said, Willow definitely loves Wiley more than she loves Chase. He is better off w/o her.
  18. Okay . . . I am really going to need Brook Lynn to grow the heck up! She acts like she's 5-years old! I have ZERO sympathy for her, and I hate that Ned is being this apologetic. He had EVERY right to be upset w/her for what she did w/the shares and to kick her out. I understand he doesn't care now, but he wasn't wrong when he tossed her butt out the door! Brook Lynn was being extremely selfish and short-sighted when she sold those shares. And her reasoning was ridiculous b/c Ned TRIED to get her out of her contract. It's not like he thumbed his nose at her. He tried to help. What did she want him to do?!?! She signed the contract. I cannot stand BLQ. She is an ungrateful, selfish brat. Not even almost dying had an impact on her nasty attitude. I just can't w/her. She's like 35-years old! GROW UP! Are they aiming for more Emmys for Max Gail for something? The world is depressing enough w/o having to watch Mike literally slowly die on camera. It's just too much! I actually like Sonny taking him to see the horses though. Mike did love to gamble. Am I supposed to think Carly actually cares about Nelle? I really don't understand why she's no upset. This is the same woman who locked Nelle on the roof to freeze to death! But now, she's so troubled by seeing Nelle fall. Carly tried to pull the girl up. The girl fell. It's not like Carly let her go and or had to choose btw saving her and a puppy or something. This seems very uncharacteristic for Carly. Seems like this is just being written to push CarJax together. I tried to watch some Millow scenes - give them a fair chance - and I just cannot with them. They are boring. One of them needs to be quirky or dynamic in some way. They bring the exact same energy to scenes. It's not good . . . . at least not for me. I'm so over Nina's daughter, and I say that as a Nelle fan. I'm sick of hearing about it. I'm sick of seeing that stupid necklace. They need to wrap up that storyline. At this point, I don't care how they wrap it up - just give her a daughter and be done w/it! ETA: Oh, yeah, I can't believe I forgot about Alexis. I'm no Alexis fan, but I did feel bad for her. Poor Neil! That was actually the most surprising thing GH has done in a long time.
  19. The only good thing I saw about today's episode was Nelle kicking Carly in the face! LOL! My sister did tell me that Nelle said some good things to Michael, but I was working and only happened to see the kick to the face. That was epic! I could watch that on repeat like Kristina dropping those truth bombs about JaSam's messed up "relationship." At least I got a good kick to Carly's face out of this lame story. So . . . . . what was the point of all this? We all know Nelle is not dead. Do the GH writers think this is suspenseful or interesting?! It's not.
  20. I give up. GH is just not a fun or interesting show at all. I had the show on mute mostly but I saw in the previews that Michael caught up w/Nelle. How boring! Please don't get me wrong - I didn't find anything interesting about today's episode since it was centered on Wiley (and I couldn't possibly care less about Wiley), but I thought they would drag out the abduction longer. I don't know. I don't understand half of these plots and why they are written. Brook Lynn is already up and talking. Jason is fine. No one cares about the ELQ takeover anymore. Michael has caught up w/Nelle. Taggart is up. Why was most of this stuff written? What was the point? Everything is so boring and anti-climatic. All that talk about that turn, and I thought Michael might have an accident but nope. He's fine. Ok . . . .
  21. DG's version of Michael has been the only version I enjoyed. That Michael was interesting and flawed. I loved that he came back hating on Carly and wanting to live w/Sonny. That made me laugh. I thought it was very fitting given what Carly did to AJ. I also loved how much he wanted to be in the mob and how jealous he was of "Dominic." I think that was Dante's name at the time. That was good, interesting stuff to me at least. And then Chad entered the picture, and everything interesting about Michael disappeared. He was raped and became extremely boring and "good." Hahahahaha! Right?! A can of dirt is more exciting that Michael. Who knows? A worm might emerge? Let's see! I couldn't agree more. This is why I will always be Team Nelle. The deck is stacked against her, and she will inevitably lose. I'm sick of Michael and Carly's hypocrisy. I sick of them sitting in judgment of others. I'm sick of them winning all the time. I did not get to see the show today b/c I was in a bunch of Zoom meetings, but from the captions, it looked like Nelle might be regretting leaving? I was not sure b/c I could not hear her tone. In any event, if she manages to get away, that's fine w/me. I have no doubt she loves her child and would not harm him. I'd love to see Michael and Carly lose Wiley for years. It would serve them both right!
  22. She can resent it, but she can't be upset, IMO, when it happens. It is inevitable. He was a serial killer and a famous artist. Anytime Franco creates art that is seen on a large scale, his past is going to be mentioned. Why wouldn't it be? If 20 years pass, his serial killer past would still be mentioned. That is just something he cannot escape. If Liz seriously thought there would be a time when his past would be totally forgotten and not mentioned, then she was sadly mistaken and foolish.
  23. I disagree. Franco is a reformed serial killer. There is no way his past is ever going to be forgotten. It will always be discussed. Elizabeth is being extremely naive to think otherwise. Highlighting Franco’s past and return to the art scene was an effective way to generate buzz and interest in his current work. I honestly don’t see how anyone in the business could NOT do that. To me, Elizabeth’s main issue is she has not accepted that she married a reformed serial killer. That’s the real issue. She doesn’t accept Franco. She wants him to forget his past and never mention it when he has come to terms with who he was and who he is now. He hates who he was, but knows his past can’t be erased. Liz likes to think it can. That’s why she was always in Jason’s face re: Franco. She cares too much about what others think IMO, She probably never should have gotten involved with someone like Franco who has a very dark, troubled past. She clearly needs a perfect partner, and that ain’t Franco. ETA: Yes, I definitely think that was real video footage of the kid playing Wylie that was sent to GH to air for the show. You could tell because the quality of the footage wasn’t that good.
  24. I have a heart of stone b/c every time they panned to Brook Lynn's body lying on the floor - I just didn't care. LOL! Brook Lynn was an idiot to confront Nelle in the way she did, esp. w/Mac and presumably Jordan at this function. And not to mention the Corinthos clan was there. If she told them what she overheard, they would have been on it! I'm not saying she deserved to have her throat slashed, but I didn't care that it happened. LOL! I just don't understand what Liz has against Ava and why she thinks it's only Ava playing them. Why wouldn't she assume Nikolas and Ava are playing them both?!?! It's an infidelity clause so it works both ways, Elizabeth! I will forever be Team Nelle (mostly b/c I find her entertaining and I loathe Michael and his mommy), but if Julian did shoot her, I wouldn't be mad at him. There's only so far you can push a person through blackmail and pulling their strings before that person bites back. Looks like Julian is finally biting back. I can't say I blame him, and I do like Nelle. I find Olivia to be highly irritating and annoying. I am completely Team Ned when it comes to that Brook Lynn situation. I know Olivia is desperate to speak to Dante, but Ned has a right to feel betrayed by Brook Lynn. He's entitled to his feelings. I admittedly muted the Michael/Willow scenes. Did I miss anything? Did they discuss something interesting for once? LOL!
  25. Okay . . . so as a (former maybe) Friz fan, I have just re-watched their scenes this week and last week b/c I have been trying to see if I could figure out what Elizabeth's damage is? LOL! I honestly do not get her. Franco has been looking at her longingly, lovingly, and adoringly, and she's just been giving him the stank face. He even asked her if she was angry w/him, and she just gave him a snarky reply. Can someone please explain to me why she is so angry and upset? She thinks Franco is embracing his past because he wants to do art?!?! Or she's upset b/c he thinks fondly of how ppl rec'd his art back in the day?!? Or she doesn't want him to want to create art like he did in the past (without the murder or course)?!?! I honestly don't know. The rambling in Jason's room didn't make it clear to me either. It doesn't help that I haven't really seen Franco do anything other than paint a portrait for Ava. That's literally all the man did. Some may disagree but I can completely understand Franco desiring to create art he truly likes as he used to do or to be seen as a great artist again. What's wrong with that? There is part of him that believes his genius was tied to the tumor, and that the art he creates now is not the same. He may not care for the art he creates now and prefers how he used to be. Is that a problem? I'm not an artist but I can understand his thinking. I don't think Elizabeth she be so mad about that. Maybe she could try talking to him w/o making a whole lot of assumptions. LOL! And as far as the scholarship goes - Liz has had major attitude ever since Ava asked Franco to paint her portrait. She didn't like the unveiling ceremony either. So, if Franco was upset w/Nikolas . . . okay. It's the same thing IMO. Plus, Nikolas is actually flirting w/Franco's wife! They almost kissed like a day ago! Franco hasn't been overtly flirting w/Ava.
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