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Everything posted by lala2

  1. I don't care what anyone says - Millow are such garbage ppl. Didn't they hear that Chase was in a really bad way? Granted, I don't fully pay attn when they're on screen, but I could have sworn Willow demanded to know what Finn knew, and Finn told her Chase was in a bad way and that there was no cure. I'm not saying they have to be at the hospital, but since they've been displaying all this (fake) concern for Chase, I would have thought they would be there for him? Did Chase tell them to leave or something and I missed it. I don't know. I don't get the writing for them at all. I'm also sick of seeing them having sex. Where's my NAVA sex scene?!?! LOL! That's what I want to see. Anyway . . . . I just need Willow to go in Chase's room, break Chase's heart (no matter what his condition is), and leave. I want this done. I want Chase free to move on w/his life. I hope that was Nelle spying on Mildew b/c any trouble that is brought to them will please me! I cannot tell you guys how much I hate Valentin. It doesn't help that I absolutely hated JPS's character (Dick Roman) on the show Supernatural, and then he came over here and "killed" Nikolas and screwed over Lulu. Ugh . . . no amt of French speaking or hunchback tales could sway me. I cannot stand Valentin. That said, he is SUPER ADORABLE w/that baby. I found myself smiling at all those scenes today. I also think he has chemistry w/BL (and Anna). I think I could really love him, Brook Lynn, and their baby! Haha!! Valentin and BL could work together. It really sucks that this isn't their baby! LOL! I wonder if Dr. Austin will find Chloe!! It's really soapy that Linn/Fiz is unknowingly keeping Maxie away from her baby. Call me naive, but I never thought Cyrus was going to kill Laura. I don't even care that Curtis got shot b/c I don't think Laura needed a rescue. That said, I was only half paying attn b/c I was also working. LOL! Maybe Cyrus did threaten her, and I missed it?! Portia has to feel some kind of way pushing up on Curtin after befriending Jordan!
  2. I love Jeff Korber!! I remember that SVU episode. It was good!! He was also in one of my favorite Walking Dead episodes!! Very memorable! For those who watch TWD, you’ll know what I’m talking about. If he’s leaving this week, he will have definitely been misused, IMO.
  3. I think Maxie's best bet is to say Chloe stole her baby. She can't say she miscarried at this point so that's the only thing that makes sense. Who knows when, or if, Chloe will ever be found. Peter can then spend his time tracking down Chloe. I don't think he's dying because there's still the Brook Lynn angle of the story. I assume that will play out for a bit, and if Peter is dead, I don't see Maxie letting BL keep her baby! Why did Portia even pick up Curtis's call? I would have rejected that call and dialed 911!! I hated the cliche of Curtis talking over her. Ugh....so annoying!! Im happy no one recognizes Dr. Austin! It's better that way. Millow are so awful. I know it's for all the wrong reasons, but it sounded like Willow is finally realizing what she doing is wrong. I know she just wants to openly and freely love Michael (ugh), but if it frees Chase from this horrific storyline then I'm all for it. Maybe the writers will start writing for Chase again and stop seeing him as only a prop for Millow and his brother/dad!
  4. Yeah, I hated Eddie’s defeatist attitude, but I wasn’t surprised by it. Of course he behaves as if Katherine has total control over when and how he sees his kid?! 🤦🏾‍♀️ Honestly, you’d be surprised how many real people act this way and seem shocked when I explain that it’s not totally up to the other parent unless you want it to be! I actually don’t hate Eddie. I didn’t like how he cheated on Katherine in the first season, but they did a good job in rebuilding that marriage and rehabilitating him. I sympathize with him because he didn’t ask to be run over and paralyzed. Nor did he set out to become addicted to pain pills. At this point, he accepts that his marriage is over so I just want to see him get his life together. I’d like to see him in a good, stable position for once rather than being the show screw up. It’s lame at this point. Let this man get his life together please! Living with Gary, for now, is fine, but he should find his own place. He also needs to get a job. I agree that he should fit his car for the controls. I tend to forget about Delilah and her baby, but he should be there for that kid too. Maybe next season, Gary could be having issues and we can see a stable Eddie being there for him. Switch it up a bit.
  5. I love Chase, but I never understood his insistence on leaving the hospital. He almost died THREE times while at the hospital. He's not a stupid guy. I would think he'd want to remain in the hospital to figure out what's wrong w/him. How many time does he have to almost die before he decides being in the hospital is probably for the best?!?!? He left for a few hours and is right back at the hospital?! Come on, Chase! That Q mansion stuff was awful, so I hope he just remains in the hospital. They also need to write for him more rather than solely using him as Millow angst. Yes, he's said he thinks his brother/dad is lying to him about his condition, but if we must see him w/Willow, why not show him disclosing to her his fear that he's dying or that he will be forever hospitalized or something. I don't know. As a Chase fan, I just wish this poisoning story was more about him than Millow and Finn. We don't get to see Chase w/his parents or having any of his co-workers/friends visit him. It's just Millow there, waiting for him to die so they can be together and Finn. I hope Chase gets freed from this "triangle" soon. I'm over it. My viewing was interrupted for a tornado warning (I'm in the DMV), but I was happy to see Maxie thinking of a plan, and I later saw it worked, so that's good. I like seeing women saving themselves. If Dr. Austin is headed to PC, I wonder how Maxie is gonna get away w/this "miscarriage" lie. He knows she gave birth to a healthy baby so that will be interesting. The shootout was entertaining. I assumed Jason would show up to save the day so I wasn't surprised he did. I liked that Dante shot that one guy. Love Nava. Always. They don't get enough screentime! I hate Millow. Nothing more to say there. I like that Anna didn't give Liz an apology. What can she say at this point? She tried to have faith in her "son," and she made the wrong bet. People are going to understand and forgive her or they aren't. There's not much more she can do.
  6. I know I am a super fan when it comes to Roger. What can I say? His portrayal of Todd Manning is what got me into soap operas. I loved Todd. I followed him from OLTL to ATWT. I had nvever watched ATWT before, but I wanted to see him. I ended up loving his Paul Ryan. I was always a sporadic watcher of GH so I was happy when he came on as Todd, and I embraced his Franco. I love the guy. I do. I also like to believe I can be objective. And I know everyone has his/her own opinion, but I never undertand this idea that he's always playing Todd. In MY opinion, Franco and Paul Ryan were nothing like Todd. Maybe it's just me but Todd is the darkest character of the three he's played so far. The guy never smiled or laughed. He was never really happy. Todd was dour, depressed, and moody. He was not free w/his love except w/his daughter. He had some quirks but nothing like Franco. Paul Ryan had no quirks, IMO. I'll have to see about this Austin guy, but Paul Ryan was pretty straight-laced. Todd was a ball of issues! Granted, Todd wasa bit more loose when Roger returned the last time and definitely when he came to GH, but I still feel Franco was different from Todd. I don't see Todd in any of the characters he's played since. When ppl say that, I always go "huh" b/c I just don't see it. In that ways were Todd and Franco similiar?!?! Again, maybe it's the super fan in me, but I don't see it. ______________________________________-- @GHScorpiosRule - Nina definitely should be, but this is Sonny we're talking about. His sperm is magic, and I could see him impregnanting Nina. LOL! He just knocked up Carly who should also be past her child-birthing years, so it could happen.
  7. Ahhh . . . okay! I couldn't remember when they mentioned it. I thought it was mentioned when he went from Silas to Finn, but I don't know. LOL! I'm just glad to skip the whole "you look like X person who just died or left town."
  8. This is where I am! I was working and had my tv on mute (as usual the past few weeks) so I was quite surprised when I glanced up and saw Roger!! I cannot wait to watch the entire scene later tonight! I have been missing Roger and his energy. I really enjoy him as an actor, and I'm happy he's back. I also hope the resemblance isn't mentioned. They didn't mention it when ME went from being John McBain to Silas Clay so no need to mention it here!
  9. I saw this part. Chase was too tired to move. He was going to rest a bit and eventually fell asleep. I'm glad Brook Lynn told Michael that Chase wasn't stupid and would pick up on Millow's lingering looks. And Michael just gave her the same stupid look he ALWAYS does! Why does he always look so stupid and baffled?!?! CD needs to pick a new look to give. And did y'all see idiot Willow looking all uncomfortable when Chase put his hand on her knee?!?!! MORON! WAKE UP!!! Of course he's gonna touch you. Heck, he may want to kiss you, cuddle w/you, or have sex w/you. He thinks you're his girlfriend you idiot!!! Because that's what you've led him to believe and what you actively want him to think!!!! Millow's plan is insensitive and cruel as well as lame. How far is Willow gonna take this charade? She just needs to tell Chase the truth and be done with it. l'm beyond over this "triangle." It's not interesting on any level, and I can't imagine any fanbase is happy right now. Honestly, GH has been boring me lately so I missed the earlier scenes w/this Yuri guy. I liked his brief scene today. He seems sweet. I still think Valentin and BL could work together. I like their chemistry.
  10. DC / Maryland Custody cases are open to the public if ppl want to come and observe. ETA: Don't know why I just got notice of this message. LOL!
  11. Oh, I agree. I just hope she voices them next week so we know her concerns and aren't left guessing. He is unemployed, potentially homeless, and recently out of rehab. He's not in the best position - right now - to share custody but once he gets on his feet, that will be another story. They could do a very loose agreement where they both have joint physical and legal custody of Theo w/no details on who has him when, etc.
  12. No, the court wouldn't. I'm a family lawyer, and there doesn't have to be a custody battle unless the parties make it a battle. If the divorce was uncontested, and they reached an agreement on custody/visiation, the judge would just enter the order. Eddie assumed he and Katherine would just split time w/Theo, but he now knows Katherine isn't going to want to split time w/him. They may still be able to reach an agreement though. I guess we'll find out next what Katherine is concerned about. Does she think he's may relapse and endanger Theo? What is her concern? I do think it's funny how much I supported her in Seasons 1 and 2 and now she's really getting on my nerves! I didn't like how she just ran upstairs and left Eddie downstairs. They baby Theo too much. It's annoying.
  13. Now, you stop making sense! This is GH we're talking about here! Plot point has gotta plot point. Can't have Chase w/his family, which would make sense, when he's serving as a prop for Millow angst. Come on now! Think! 🙄 It is insane how the show hasn't even bothered to address their absence. Heck, say they are in the cafeteria or went home to grab a shower or something. Chase has almost died twice I think! It may have been three times! His parents should be there!
  14. When did Cyrus become obsessed with Sasha? Why would he care who she dates and who impregnated her? Didn't he ask Brando to kill her? LOL!! After she OD'ed on his bad/test drugs?!?!?!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! This is so lame. If Cryus had it his way, she would be dead!! I know they are struggling to find a way to fit LW/Carly in this plot too, but this makes no sense! I'm really scratching my head over this retcon/rewrite. I may be in the minority, but I like Brando/Sasha. To me, they are cute together. I don't want them to have a baby, but I don't mind them either. Chase - I get his frustration. No one likes to be sick, but I don't understand why he wants to leave the hospital so bad. Does he not understand that he almost died twice (or was it three times)? I know the show just wants to further use him to for Millow angst, but you would think that he'd be a bit cautious about leaving since he has almost died a few times now. Judging on Willow's outfit, I think he's been at the hospital for a week or two. I could understand his desire to leave if he had been at the hospital for months now w/o resolution in sight, but I don't think its' been that long. Oh, aren't Millow so self-sacrificing and kind! Ugh! 🤢 These two make me sick. Waiting until someone is better to just dump them is NOT the kind thing to do. It is NOT treating that person w/dignity and respect. Right now, while Chase is relatively okay, Willow should tell him that she's not in love w/him anymore and that she only wants to be there for him as a friend. Will it be hard? Yup, but that's on Willow. She should have told him the moment she knew she was wasting his time. I just can't w/her and Michael. They are both such garbage ppl!
  15. It must! My sister jokingly said months ago that LW must have minimums, and I now believe she's right. Carly is on practically every single day, and she's involved in every single story. It's beyond ridiculous at this point. GH may as well be re-titled The Carly Show. I'm not even gonna lie. I'm not even watching daily anymore. I work from home b/c of the pandemic and could watch, but I choose to not even turn on my tv anymore. It's all Carly (and Peter) all the time. I read the boards to see if other characters I actually like are being featured, and that's rare nowadays. Thankfully, I can catch clips of the ppl like (as I used to do when I went into the office everyday) on YT. But yeah . . . . it must be written in LW's contract that she must be shown at least FOUR times a week and must have a part in every single story! It makes no sense for Sasha to disclose anything to Carly, but of course she did. Ugh. Right?!?! I have little to no interest in a Brasha baby at this point, but I'd happily watch them talking about the baby and their relationship over Millow. Michael's face bores me! Willow is not any better. I want her away from Chase so I can actually enjoy his scenes!
  16. I don't know. All I can say is I care more about this Sasha/Brando story than anything Millow is doing. I'm not happy Sasha is pregnant, but she and Brando are more interesting to me than Michael/Willow.
  17. I was just about to post the exact same thing. I feel the same way about this situation. Eddie does have my sympathy. He was purposefully run over by a truck and paralyzed. He's arleady an addict so he was wary of taking pain meds. He tried to handle it w/o the meds, and it became too much. He was also trying to not mess up again b/c he already made some major mistakes in his marriage. He messed up. I feel for him. I didn't feel for him at all during the Delilah situation, and I was rooting for Katherine to dump him then. But this is a different situation, and he has my sympathy. I also don't think it was just Theo's presence that let Eddie keep his cool this past. He knows his marriage is over. And he knows what he did to Katherine w/his own affair, so I hope he understands he has no room to speak about her seeing Allan. She was honest w/him about not loving him anymore in the way a wife should, and I think he gets it. As I said last week, I just want Eddie to get his life together. I don't hate Eddie. He's gone through a lot, and it would be nice if he wasn't made the "screw up" for one reason. He deserves happiness too, and I hope he finds it. I also agree that Katherine was never forced to forgive Eddie or to endure Delilah. She chose to forgive Eddie and work on her marriage and be friendly w/Delilah. I would have dumped him then, but she didn't. She stood by him and worked on the marriage. They renewed their vows. I honestly don't think you can continue to throw cheating in the cheater's face once you've "forgiven" them. That is not fair to the other person. If you're harboring resentment and anger, just end the relationship. I understand Eddie's lies this time were Katherine's last straw, but it's just harsh to me. What can I say? I feel for the guy. He was paralyzed and in pain. It's not like he became addicted for kicks. I also agree that Katherine should have noticed him looking rough all the time or assumed he wasn't coping as well as he stated. And, yes, Eddie should have been honest. But as I said, I think he was trying to cope and to not be a burden on anyone. Blame can go all around when it comes to this situation if you ask me.
  18. There is literally no point to Sasha being pregnant. Sasha and Brando do not need a baby. We have barely gotten a chance to see them as a couple, and now, they're bringing a baby into the mix?!?! Why?!?!?! As @Daisy said, what is the point? I'm against pointless babies on GH, and this soap is full of them. In MY opinion, the last baby born that made sense and had an actual purpose was probably Scout. That "solidified" the "new" JaSam at the time. But since her birth - no other child born has had a point. Wiley had purpose until they ripped him from Brucas and gave him to Michael. Michael didn't (and doesn't) need a kid. Donna? Pointless. Avery? Should have been Morgan's kid or simply not been born! Neither Ava or Sonny needed a kid. James? I'm sorry, but why did they give Maxie a 2nd child? And now a 3rd? Why does she need THREE kids? Olivia's kid? Why? I don't even know the boy's name. LOL! He serves no purpose either! I'm saddened that they're saddling Sasha down w/a kid already. It makes no sense.
  19. Chase did do that, and he accepted the consequences of his actions. That's my point. Chase made a ridiculously selfless decision to help Michael secure custody of Wiley b/c his whack job of a girlfriend was weirdly obsessed and attached to a child she did not birth! This nut was crying b/c she couldn't make Wiley's health decisions KNOWING Wiley was not her actual birth son. Her son was dead, but she replaced him w/Wiley instead of getting the therapy she needed. Chase only confessed b/c he saw her feeling guilty about Sasha's OD. Chase never expected or demanded forgiveness. He did what he did and understood she had moved on w/ Michael. WILLOW is the one who led him on after that point, and that's not acceptable. She told him she wanted to try again. She told him she and Michael had annulled the marriage. She accepted his dates. She kissed him. She led him to believe they were getting back together. At no point did she EVER tell him she was in LOVE w/Michael and wanted to be w/Michael. She has known since November that her heart is w/Michael so why has she been playing Chase? Why has she been stringing him along? Why did she think it was okay to USE him while she waited until loser Michael finally grew a pair and told her he liked her too? She's supposed to be such a good person - so much better than awful Chase who told a lie that only benefitted her - but she's been lying to him and playing w/his feelings for months! There is literally no excuse for her actions. Willow is garbage. And now she plans to continue lead him on to only dump him the moment he feels better?!?!! That's nice? That's kinder? No, that is even more cruel and awful than what she has been doing already. Willow and Michael are trash.
  20. What was the point of having Sam end things w/Jason if you're going to have her running around, acting crazy about Jason?!?! And to have her begging Carly for information?!?! Ugh. I'm not even a Sam fan, and I hated those scenes. I was a fool to think they would have Sam truly extricate herself from Jason and to not worry about him. The man hasn't given her a second thought, but she's tripping all over herself b/c of him. She's obsessed, and it's not b/c of Danny either. It's sad and pathetic. I guarantee he is not worried about her (or Danny) at all. Was that Millow scene supposed to be cute and sexy?! She just wants to have sex so much. Do it already then! Why wait? Ugh . . . . there is nothing cute or sexy about Millow. I'm sorry. They just do absolutely nothing for me. Michael has a perpetual "duh" look on his face, and Willow could benefit from a hair cut or a new style. She has the same stupid look on her face all the time too. I'm also sick of their self-created problems. Willow chose to lie and string Chase along for months so she can shut up and deal w/her decisions. Poor Chase. He's being taken through the wringer. I hope Finn can find a cure for him soon b/c this is ridiculous. I missed the beginning of the show, but as a black woman, today's conversations btw Portia and Jordan and Cam/Trina were interesting. It's nice to see real issues addressed every once in a while. After bonding w/Jordan, I'm thinking Portia now feels bad about flirting w/Curtis the other day and helping him take off his wedding ring. LOL!
  21. I had the show on today, but I was doing more work (haha) than watching. I looked up and did see Ned singing to Brook Lynn's baby. I actually unmuted and watched that scene. That was sweet. I looked up and saw Carly and mini-Carly talking. I don't know what about b/c the volume was low. I hate both of them and don't really care what they were talking about. It was probably Jason-related! 🙄 I saw Britt screaming at Jason about coffee and complaining about hiding out w/him. I just have no interest in seeing Jason in any kind of romantic situation any more. It's always the same w/him. I saw Sam screaming at Maxie about something (don't know, didn't trun up the volume to find out). And last, I looked up and saw Peter w/gloved hands tossing a wallet into a dumpster and Maxie welcoming the new nurse . . . . . sooooooooo I guess Peter killed the real nurse. Nice. Peter getting away w/more murders. Yay!! 🙄 He needs to die already. I don't think I missed much in this episode.
  22. I honestly never felt Cameron gave Jason much thought if you ask me. Josslyn didn't seem that interested in Jason either, which is why I'm finding all of her OTT emotions for Jason to be odd. But it makes sense - in my mind at least - that Cameron would have more negative thoughts on Jason once Jason did something that impacted his life.
  23. It still bugs me that Cameron had to believe Jason didn't do it in order for Jake to accept his apology! Jake was, and still is, being an obnoxious brat, IMO. His "dad" is a hitman. He literally kills ppl for a living. Why wouldn't Cameron believe Jason killed someone he actively hated?!?! It's all so lame and sickening. The Corinthos clan is literally a cult. It's group think or you're shunned! They frown upon independent thought. It's sick.
  24. Ugh . . . I wish I could say I was shocked or surprised. My sister was telling me all about it, and it sounds awful. I'm glad I decided to NOT watch Cameron trip all over himself begging that obnoxious, awful, garbage human being for forgiveness! She has been an awful friend to him, and he is well rid of that witch, IMO. I wish he didn't want her lousy, pointless friendship since it's all about her and no one else!
  25. I found today's scenes w/Josslyn enlightening. Her character is a complete waste of time b/c she is a miniature Carly. That is literally all she is. She has no unique personality traits. She's not shy and reserved. She's obnoxious and entitled like her mother. She is 100% loyal to Jason, which I just find odd. As I listened to her today talking to her dad and worrying about Jason . . . . I just wondered why. Why is so invested in Jason? Since when did they become that close? Have she and Jason even shared any scenes lately? I understand supporting him and believing he didn't kill Franco. Fine. But she was willing to drop an allegedly dear friend b/c he felt differently. I understand worrying about him b/c he was just shot, but when it comes to Jason, they are writing Josslyn in an OTT way, IMO. She seemed just as obsessed w/Jason as Carly is. I don't know. It's just weird. She and Michael aren't individual, independent characters. They are largely extensions of Carly, which does their performers no favors, IMO. I also think Cameron is a big person to apologize (if that's what he plans to do tomorrow). I don't think Josslyn deserves an apology b/c she was obnoxious and awful to him, but if he does apologize, it will just show he's too good for her. I just hope he doesn't get indoctrinated into the Corinthos cult. At the end of the day, Cameron had every reason to believe what he did, and Corinthos cultists telling him Jason would kill in a less sloppy way was not reason enough to suddenly think Jason was innocent.
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