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Posts posted by SoWindsor

  1. 8 minutes ago, cdnalor said:

    Really, how stealthy does she have to be when there's already a cameraman and maybe a sound guy moving around the camp?  These stealth missions seem stupid to me.

    That’s what I was thinking too.

    Why don’t they show who voted for who at the end during the credits anymore?

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  2. 9 hours ago, Spike said:

    If we are going there, did Danni have bad plastic surgery?  She looks like Janice Dickinson.  And how can Denise be late 40s yet look 70?

    Looks like just Botox and lip fillers. I think she looks great though a bit too frozen. Less Botox would be better.

    It does seem like women can’t win — they either are judged for getting Botox and having no wrinkles or not getting Botox and looking old. 

    When did Parvati throw Ethan under the bus during tribal. I missed that. 

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  3. I wonder why parv was excluding Dani. It seems strange since they were in an alliance and I don’t think the old-schoolers were gunning for her. Why didn’t she just ask Rob? But I guess that’s what paranoia does. 

    I was disappointed to see rob suck at a puzzle challenge since he always dominates. But at least he’s still in the game!

    I wonder what all the whispers were about during tribal. It seemed like they were considering changing the vote but it went the way they thought.


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  4. I didn’t watch all of Hannah’s season. Just read the spoilers. 

    If the windmill with Peter was fantasy suite why was Luke there? Wasn’t he eliminated during the previous episode/hometowns?

    I’ve heard that Andi Dorfman is being considered. I’d also like to see Kendall — newly single and made it to final 3. Taysha would work too and they’d have their second black Bachelorette though I personally wasn’t a huge fan of hers. Would love Katie Morton actually.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Sterling said:

    Her back & forth, blame Peter/play victim, happy-go-lucky to miserable, strikes me as someone with Borderline Personality Disorder characteristics.


    I completely agree that she most likely has borderline personality disorder. I think a decent amount of contestants do. I certainly believe Gia Allemand did. Perhaps Caelynn as well.

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  6. 9 hours ago, Arkay said:

    Genetics is a funny thing. I had thought Victoria had some Indian heritage, but I guess not. Although all of this visit was so clearly set up. I mean, the family is awaiting Victoria and Peter, they are at the door, but they never come in. If that were my daughter I would have gone outside to check, way before Peter is driven off, and it seems obvious to me that they were told to wait inside. Or they already knew the visit wouldn't happen. It's sad we didn't get to really meet them, because the bit at the end showed a fun family, in my opInion.  

    I also saw no resemblance between Victoria and her family. Perhaps she is adopted. 

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  7. 20 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    And a few other things. Amber and Rob both mentioned after the season how they had talked about making a deal with Alicia, since that was kind of their game play, to make side deals with everyone. But while Rob did, Amber never did and just made him think she'd talked to Alicia.  Because she wisely realized that all those side deals were going to come back and bite him in the ass. 

    And sure enough it did, when Alicia used that as the reason to not vote for him. Of course I think Alicia was just looking for a reason to be pissed about something and riding the Lex/Kathy/Big Tom wave of hatred but whatever. 

    Two, Amber spent time bonding with Shii Ann because she wisely realized that Shii Ann would likely be the person to not be bitter and vote on who she thought played the best game. So she worked to plant enough seeds in Shii Ann's mind to convince her that she was pulling Rob's strings and likely even playing him. She wasn't but Shii Ann didn't know that. Rob didn't give Shii Ann a second of his time because he didn't think she was necessary to his game. 

    And finally, it was Amber's decision to go for Big Tom at 5, when they were set on Jenna. And I've always firmly believed that that's where Rob lost All Stars. Jenna would have likely still voted for Rob even if they'd blindsided her at 5. His betraying Tom allowed Tom to seethe along with Kathy and Lex and ensure that Rob would never get his vote. Something I think Amber was banking on. 

    I don't think anyone's arguing that Rob was essential to Amber's win during All Stars. But some could argue that he might not have gotten as far without her. Because Jenna said after the season that she did come to Amber to blindside Rob, which is the challenge Amber threw for him to win. Because Jenna was ripe to try and blindside him at that moment. 

    And I know many focus on Rob's asking Lex to save Amber as the only reason she stayed. But Shii Ann and Kathy both later talked about how they were still set on booting Amber, despite Rob's plea to Lex, until Amber put forth the option of her and Rob with them, along with Big Tom who was with them and so Lex and company saw a chance to get the upper-hand come merge. Which is also why Lex's whole "a brother came to me and I answered" spiel was complete and utter bullshit. 

    I do think Amber was obviously overwhelmed, likely owing to how long she's not played the game. She definitely seemed tentative and a little unsure of herself. And I understand the argument from some that Rob had a target on his back too and was able to maneuver, while Amber didn't even seem to try.

    However, aside from editing not showing everything, we saw how the tribe members were with Kim, literally not even wanting to talk to her. If it was anything like that for Amber, then was there really much she could have done? 

    Rob also had Ben who is apparently some weird fanboy of his, on his tribe and Parvati who has as big a target as him so she was willing to work with him so they could protect each other. He and Jeremy seem to be friendly and of course Jeremy came with Natalie.

    So numbers wise he wasn't in as precarious a position as Amber, who had Sandra gunning for her because she's pissed at Rob and Yul, Sophie, Wendell and Nick all seeing her as non-threatening by herself but a threat because of her connection to Rob. 

    Wow how do you remember all this!!!!?

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  8. 5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    Breaks my heart that Vecepia wasn't even asked, and she would've played if she had.  That's kind of unforgiveable, IMO.

    how do you know who was asked and who wasn’t and why the decisions were made?

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  9. I’m so bummed about Amber. I loved her during Australia. Loved Rob on Marquises. Was beyond excited about what their day 1 alliance on All Stars turned into. She was one of the ones I wanted to see win this 😫


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  10. On 2/6/2020 at 12:16 PM, TomGirl said:

    He wants every woman to virtually promise to accept him in the end, even though he, of course, makes no such promises.  He seems very immature to me.

    Probably because he was so rejected by Hannah. He’s in an insecure place so needs a lot of reassurance.

    It kind of reminds me of why Arie picked Becca over Lauren. Becca made her feelings very clear and Lauren was a bit of a mystery. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, TheFinalRose said:

    Apparently Alayah is a fan of the Reddit Bachelor site, which, if you haven't been there, makes Reality Steve look like a minor leaguer.  All sorts of sources crawl out of the woodwork and post there in real time so it's possible that Victoria's embarrassing episode was reported as it happened.  But it's equally possible that she heard it from a producer and blamed it on the internet instead? 

    I’m sure Reddit gets it from Reality Steve. He’s always the one who spoils the reason along with all details. 

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  12. 12 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    I thought the same thing!  Why did they choose Peter?  Not that good looking, no swagger and he just can't carry the show!

    I keep wondering if any of the women will just leave saying "sorry he's just not for me"!  Then I remember they signed contracts so they are stuck with Peter til the final rose!

    Ugh just ugh!

    They aren’t stuck. They can leave voluntarily if they’re not feeling it with him. 

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  13. On 1/24/2020 at 10:45 AM, phlebas said:

    I think someone could figure it out... but I bet it wouldn't be ABC.

    There was a show called Tila Tequila, a shot at love on MTV in 2007. I watched it.

    ”Are you ready for the ultimate battle of the sexes? There's about to be an all-out war over cyber hottie Tila Tequila! She's on the hunt for the `one' - whether that's a him or a her.”


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  14. On 1/4/2020 at 9:16 AM, Blakeston said:


    i just finished this episode, and I have to say that Love, as a love interest, is reminding too much of Lila from season two of Dexter.


    I think of Dexter a lot too but don’t remember Lila being a killer. I thought the blonde girl played by the actress in The Handmaid tale was the killer. 

    Like Dexter, Joe also goes after the bad guys (Henderson) to help others. So you’re rooting for him. 

    But Joe is worse because he also kills innocents and those he says he loves. Dexter would never have killed Rita.

  15. I watched this for Kaya. Loved her in Skins and her chemistry with her two love interests on that show. So I was really disappointed not to see that same chemistry with either Justin or Marcus. This show was a miss for me. That said I still love Kaya.


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