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Posts posted by SoWindsor

  1. About Hiz, Dany's second dead husband, if he had tried harder to rein in his fellow great families and give up whoever is behind the Harpies, he would still be alive. Instead, he kept trying to have it both ways. He should have picked a side, Dany's side.



    No, the Sons of the Harpies were setting an ambush and the guy was about to murder Dany when they were distracted. Jorah was facing her so he saw the guy and threw the sword at him.

    Oh wow can't believe I missed that. No wonder she looked so appreciative. I hope he comes out of friendzone. He really is quite attractive.

    • Love 3
  2. That was really disturbing with Shireen.

    Didn't Jorah start that fight by killing a harpy or did I miss something?

    I didn't like that Drogon was getting hurt by those arrows. Seemed like only a few more would've killed him.

    It's always great when Dany connects with her power by connecting with her dragons. Those are the scenes that give me chills.

    It's scary when people are rooting for the Bolton's. I still want Stannis to win for Sansa's sake.

    Please let something good happen to a good character.

    • Love 7
  3. That was so good. I want more!

    Jon Snow is just amazing. Love his character and I really like Tormund.

    It seems impossible for anyone to beat the walkers and wights.

    I'm curious though why some have the glowing blue eyes and others don't.

  4. As far as I know, the religions we've seen thus far are pretty different:

    - Old gods: a sort of spiritualist religion related to the use of tree-based icons. Focused mostly in the North.

    - New gods/the Seven: Catholic analogue, represented by seven distinct personalities: three male, three female, one genderless. Currently experiencing a populist revival in the form of the Sparrows. Priests called "septons" or "septas," churches called "septs." One such sept in King's Landing (the main sept?) was built by a former ruler named Baelor. Focused throughout most non-northern regions of Westeros.

    - Drowned god: deity associated with sea, practices baptism-like rituals with the phrase "what is dead may never die." Focused in Iron Islands.

    - Lord of light: deity associated with fire and burning, where priests have powers that include but may not be limited to: resurrection, generation of smoke beings, clairvoyance, and poison immunity, though some of these may be Mel's own handiwork. Adopted by Stannis Baratheon, practiced in Essos at least somewhat.

    - Red god: May be related or unrelated to the god venerated by Mel, possibly Death itself. Venerated by the Faceless and Syrio Forel (possibly). Focused in Braavos.

    I hope I didn't forget anything, and that should be limited to show-only stuff.

    What about the many-faced god?

  5. I wonder how Sansa got her red hair back? It was still black last week.

    I kind of felt that Sansa reminded Ramsey of his bastardness to somehow get him on her side. Or that she'd plot with him to kill the kid. Sort of how Margary was with Joffrey.

    • Love 1
  6. Sansa's storyline is so depressing. I hate that this is happening to her. Ugh!

    Like others I was very happy with what happened to Cersei.

    I really hope Dany forgives Jorah.

    Overall i was not loving this episode. It was a bit slow.

    • Love 2
  7. This show lost me which is why I am here. As soon as I lose interest in a show I don't care about spoilers or knowing what will happen.

    I didn't like this episode and haven't enjoyed the 2nd part of the season.

    What are the wolves that you all are talking about? I haven't read the books but I don't care about being spoiled.

    • Love 1
  8. Season 1 Episode 9. Jon Snow (and the TV audience) learns the true identity of old Maester Aemon..


    Maester Aemon: [chuckles] The gods were cruel when they saw fit to test my vows. They waited till I was old. What could I do when the ravens brought news from the South? The ruin of my House, the death of my family? I was helpless, blind, frail. But when I heard they had killed my brother's son, and his poor son, and the children. Even the little children!Jon Snow: Who are you?Maester Aemon: My father was Maekar, the First of his Name. My brother Aegon reigned after him, when I had refused the throne, and he was followed by his son Aerys, whom they called the Mad King.Jon Snow: You're Aemon Targaryen.


    Old Aemon knew that Jon was the purported bastard of Ned Stark...Old Aemon might also believe that Ned fabricated a cover story..Even Stannis voiced his doubts about Ned being Jon's bio-dad. So this is speculation generated in show.

    My frustration was more around saying Jon Snow IS a Targarayen. We certainly don't know this for sure based on the show alone. I guess I'm used to TWoP where speculation had its own thread and episode threads were just to discuss the episode. Spoiler or speculation tags would help. Perhaps it's best to not read the non book episode board.

    • Love 3
  9. Nice touch to have Aemon speak of being a Targ all alone right before his secret great-great-nephew walks in.

    While I love this site and being able to share thoughts it's frustrating that spoilers and/or speculation is allowed in the non-book thread without spoiler tags. The show has not revealed this and I for one wish I did not see this.

    • Love 8
  10. When Ramsey's sidechick sent Sansa into the kennel, I flashed back to the scene in "Goodfellas" when Jimmy sent Karen into the alley to look at dresses

    What did she want to happen with Sansa finding out about Theon? I also don't believe Sansa is that dumb that she'd walk in there. I get why they wanted her to find Theon but it just didn't make sense.

    • Love 3
  11. Wow this was a great epsiode. I was on the edge of my seat.

    The entire time we were in Winterfell was unbelievably tense. I don't think I was breathing.

    The Bolton's are such villains. Holy moly. That Miranda and Ramsey are terrifying. And Theon is so pitiful it's sickening.

    I'm so scared for Sansa. I want her to be okay! Glad that Brienne is still watching out for her.

    I don't want Jon going back up North of the Wall. But that scene with him and the ginger was great. I love Jon.

    Dany was all kinds of awesome. The dragon scenes were wow. Not sure how I feel about her marrying that guy but it seems like a good political move.

    The Jorah and Tyrion scene was unexpected. I don't want Jorah to get greyscale.

    Overall very impressed.

    • Love 4
  12. That scene with Tommen and Margary must have been uncomfortable and I imagine why did didn't go topless. Normally Natalie does so I'm guessing it was the actor's age.

    She felt more Anne Bolyen here taunting Cersei as soon as she gained power.

    Natalie is so much prettier than Margary. They should play to her physical beauty more .

    • Love 1
  13. Jorah - he was going there anyway - but I imagine Tyrion will get there much faster with you..

    I thought he was taking him back to Danerys as a way to regain her trust somehow. Ugh I really don't want Tyrion going back to Kings Landing. Was eagerly awaiting Tyrion, Varys and Danerys. Something totally different and new.

    I am horrified for Sansa. Absolutely horrified. Like I felt sick to my stomach for her. What will happen with Theon/Reek? Will be warn her? And that sick brunette girl who shot the blonde with the arrow due to jealously.

    Sansa has become one of my favorite characters. I really do not want to see her back to a position of weakness being abused by a deranged, vile man.

    I would like to believe that Littlefinger would not do this if he knew how sick Ramsey is but I'm not so sure. But he did make that comment about not knowing anything about Ramsey.

    Jon was amazing. I'm happy he didn't let his compassion get the best of him. He needed to be head Janos. What was the significant of Stannis watching?

    • Love 1
  14. I don't think there's any doubt -- that look that passed between them when he was handed the message, and her turning her head back to the front, showed that he has her under his thumb.

    I don't believe LF and Sansa are sleeping together.....yet. That would be a huge thing in their relationship and don't see that happening offscreen.

    I do wish Daario and Dany had more chemistry. I loved her and Drogo's scenes. They should've done more chemistry testing.

    It seems like Mance stayed alive for a few more seconds after getting the arrow to the heart. I would've thought it would be instantaneous.

    • Love 2
  15. What a crap ending to a crappy season.


    The worst was Mickey having sex with a WOMAN. Like they cannot show Ian/Mickey having sex at all this entire season but they show Mickey, a gay man, having sex with a woman. And wtf was that break up scene.

    We've only ever seen Mickey have sex with women. Obviously he loves Ian but I think that scene with the woman followed by Mickey (for the first time) soliciting sex with a man cements that Mickey is gay. It's not just an Ian-thing. At least that's my take.

    • Love 4
  16. I really didn't like Ian breaking up with Mickey.

    Interesting that Sean was the Fiona role to Fiona. And Fiona was the Debbie.

    Confused with Gus saying that's what friends are for. Why did he think she'd want to hear that?

    I surprisingly liked Frank and Bianca the most. That storyline really took me by surprise. I think it's because we've never seen Frank in a "caretaker" role before. It just worked.

    • Love 4
  17. A friend recommended this and I'm so happy she did. It's amazing. I love the music.

    I'm confused though....how did Tommy find out who Grace was? Did she tell the police the peaky blinders were going after the other guy at the racetrack?

    I feel like I missed something.

  18. I always found Doug compelling and thought he did love Rachel so I was shocked he killed her. Wasn't he distraught thinking she was dead in an earlier episode.

    Also how did he bond with his brother and niece and nephew if he truly is a sociopath.


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