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Everything posted by RandomWatcher

  1. And the rest of the time we would be discussing alliance names that don't sound really stupid
  2. And going by Instagram, I figure we'll hear about Nicole being pregnant sometime in the next year.
  3. Production would likely get really tired of us doing constant shoutouts to this site, Hamsterwatch, Vegas, Joker's, etc.
  4. If it helps, I recently read that Canadians can now apply to be our Survivor.
  5. I just follow random past BB HGs on Twitter to see what they say.
  6. I don't recall but did we see Gina Marie, Andy and Spencer tell McCrae that he wasn't getting any further?
  7. Meanwhile on Instagram, Jessica just posted that Robyn Kass is going to officiate her and Cody's wedding
  8. Rob from Rob has a podcast but apparently he wasn't invited this year
  9. In case anyone cares what Josh and Paul have to say about this season
  10. Remember last year when only half the HGs, those that voted for him, went to Paul's party?
  11. He's no Tom Selleck but I'm going to give the show a chance...which is more than I gave the new Macgyver
  12. Has anyone actually gone home yet or are they all just going to redemption house and possibly returning?
  13. Since nothing is going on, here's an early Evel Dick pic post his season
  14. I agree. Would rather see Rob from Rob has a podcast do them.
  15. Both Tyler and Angela might want to get restraining orders because I could very well see that happening.
  16. I try to watch BBAD but after a few minutes, especially now, I get so bored with it I just turn the tv off and look at Instagram before falling asleep. /Tomorrow this whole thing ends and we can stop obsessing over this show until Celeb BB comes on and go back to our usual habits of seeing what these people are doing on social media.
  17. Interesting premise and Josh Dallas knows how to deal with a daughter he didn't get to see grow up
  18. Could also toss in Caleb's kid BB 15's Amanda's kid BB 15's Aaryn's kids BB 14's Britney's kids And Swaggy and Bayleigh's potential kid.
  19. So if there is a BB40, I think by then they'll have enough for a full house: Cody and Jessica's kid Christmas' kid Elissa's kid Jeff and Jordan's two kids Derrick's daughter Janelle's kids Rockstar's kids Helen's kids Brendon and Rachel's kid Devin's kid Helen's kids Jun's son Dani and Dominic's kid etc /I may follow to many of these people on social media.
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