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Everything posted by RandomWatcher

  1. She's staying http://www.tmz.com/2018/09/19/julie-chen-big-brother-host-return-stay/
  2. Former Houseguests are going nuts over this And Evel Dick continues to post that video of JC with the Minion.
  3. JC won? Wow, talk about the unexpected And of course Swaggy can't stay off Twitter
  4. Seems the ones behind Hamsterwatch and Vegas getting suspended are Hayleigh fans. They're trying to get Evel Dick suspended too.
  5. There's a rumor on Twitter that Bayleigh cheated on Swaggy with Scottie in the jury house. And Vegas' account has been suspended. He/she is having to use a backup account.
  6. Btw, does anyone else wish they would show feeds the moment they move in? That way we can see how everyone gets along, learn about everyone's quirks, see how showmances begin etc.
  7. KC is currently in the kitchen seemingly deep in thought while Tangela are in the HoH room talking about random stuff
  8. I don't know who's more full of it: JC or Swaggy
  9. Also, caught part of an Instagram Live last night with Dan. He talked to a few people including BB10's Jerry. Remember him?
  10. Don't think Swaggy cares as he's likely living off of Bayleigh's parents money. Lets see how long that holds out after Bayleigh gets out.
  11. Meanwhile on Twitter, Hamsterwatch got suspended for some reason
  12. Meanwhile on Twitter, Paulie is revealing far more about his and Cara Marie's sex lives than anyone wants to know.
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