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Everything posted by ari333

  1. Whoopi is clearly jealous of Sunny. Is Joy's hair a different color?
  2. This is not paranormal per se, but it creeps me out and makes me feel bad. I wake up many nights at 3 am. It may be 2:58 or 3:02 or 3 on the dot. I dont drink coffee or tea or cola. I thought I should try to get more exercise and make myself more tired, but my foot swells and I have to stop. I hate this. It is creepy. I hug my husband, but it is still creepy
  3. I remember Bits throwing food. I was horrified.
  4. If it is not so bad, then maybe MM should spend a few weeks in the cage with no soap, blanket, or toothbrush, medical care, medicine or adequate food, shower and water. Joy is looking like she feels better. Good for her.
  5. Did I mishear or did MM say , "Hamway Hilton?" She kept screaming and stumbling over her words.
  6. Sorrry I cannot get the spoiler box off. Have other mayors been blamed when there is a horrible shooting of a black person by a white cop?
  7. I liked the around-the-neck fan
  8. I agree with Sunny in that the "boy" term is not good for a grown man.
  9. I am afraid of falling on regular ground. I cannot imagine getting on a rope even with a safety harness.
  10. I did not really like Williamson
  11. This is shallow of me, but they looked sick or tired today (Monday)
  12. oh dear god MM shut your pie hole
  13. "Actions mean more than tweets!!" heh yes.
  14. Oh, I agree, but I did have a little cringe
  15. I cringed about the dog and Wanda. I love Ana, but yikes
  16. For me, Wanda is always funny. She is a great guest on any show and great standup. And also she's a good actress imo I didn't really know about Swalwell (sp?) before today. I had heard a mention or two
  17. Loved the show today. Glad Joy is OK and back I always enjoy Wanda
  18. I missed Joy LOVE Ana
  19. "Down for the count?" wth? Is that not a fight term?
  20. Dave owned MM and I loved it
  21. Love Dave. Not crazy about the beard. I guessed he was joking about the facelift, but he must have a reason for that huge beard. He is still recognizable imo
  22. Wow that was fast Dave was hilarious. I miss him. He was a great guest. His 15 yr old wants to fight an elderly man *snort* And I recall when McCain "weaseled out" (Dave's words) heh
  23. I flove Dave.!!
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