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  1. I think Claire is being groomed to take over the Newman empire. <fingers crossed> She's young enough to leave room for years of storyline twists and turns, and we know she can go to the dark side if necessary. Plus, IMO Y&R could stand to have a woman at the top for a change. Say it louder so the people in the back can hear! Tara, please come save your child from his fake mommy. Summer's too distracted by her jealousy of Harrison's former nanny. Nobody is taking care of Harrison. He's out running the streets, lol. No wait, isn't Traci back in town? Maybe Great Auntie's babysitting Harrison. Sure.
  2. Claire has a lot of coats. Seems like every day it's a different one. Sigh, Lily. You know better than to be indebted to Victor! Didn't you see The Godfather? Damian Kane. Huh, I just got an idea from his last name. Maybe he's related to the world's tiniest supermodel, from Pine Valley! 😏 Wait a minute. Is Show suggesting Damian is a gangster? If he took over two major companies with no apparent financial means, it sounds like perhaps blackmail or extortion was involved. Ohhhh, so some mysterious guy named Aristotle Dumas owns the companies Damian is pretending to run. GMAFB, JG. You're straining the literary reference, hard. Ditto comments upthread, I loved Claire's eye-roll when she witnessed Kyle comforting Summer with a bearhug. Lily being sassy with Victor was interesting. I'm not sure Neil would be pleased. Yep, AFAIC Damian was right. Amy could've kept all her lies to herself. She's basically trying to offload her guilt onto her son at a moment when he's likely to be most vulnerable. Next she'll ask for something huge so he can prove he's forgiven her. Summer is savage, talking ish to Claire right to her face! And in front of Kyle too. Um, hon, have you met Claire before? She is nobody to fcuk with. Watch yourself, Summer. Dinner with Damian. Oy, Lily, you're probably walking into trouble. Make sure not to drink too much, and keep both feet on the floor--if you catch my drift.
  3. Tamara Tunie was on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night. I was stunned and impressed with her regal and imposing bearing. It was almost like she was staying in character as Anita Dupree. Colbert usually manages to crack a joke or two with every guest no matter how important they are, but you could see he was not gonna try it with TT. (Also, word may have come down from the CBS bigwigs not to say anything remotely sarcastic or negative about BTG.)
  4. Damian said he'd checked into who Lily Winters is, and he learned they don't share any DNA. Play ball! Lol, Damian offered his hand for Lily to shake and she basically went, "Ew." Look at Sally being all hip to the Paris fashion lingo. "Embroidery atelier"?Okay, writers, stop showing off. 🙄 TMW your boyfriend's ex's kids ruin the romantic mood via long distance. Sally, Phyllis and her family will bring a whole 'nother level of chaos. Get ready. Overconfident much, Audra? You almost outed yourself to Nate about how well you actually know Holden. Nate's spidey senses have started tingling. TMW your girlfriend sashays out to meet with her hot male friend and all you get is a peck on the cheek. Poor Nate. I thought Damian's flirt game reeked of desperation. He probably needs to dial it down at least 10 notches with Lily. Hey, it's Chance. Oh of course Summer guilted GCPD employee Chance into finding out where Phyllis is. Summer, hon, you and Daniel are rich. Hire a private investigator to track your silly mommy. Lily, AFAIC you need to mind your own business, which is not Damian and Amy's fraught relationship. You don't know Damian like that. Or Amy. Amy agreed to let Nate send her medical records to his friend who's an oncology specialist. What are the odds those records will be faked or heavily edited? I'll take Sure Things for $500, Alex. Damian must be down bad for Lily if a possible date with her was what finally compelled him to go see Amy. Hmm.
  5. And again, I don't think the producers are aiming at the average Y&R viewers with those ads. They probably figure the people put off by the commercials were unlikely to watch the show anyway. Yeah, and she should do it like the heart sacrifice ceremony in the movie Apocalypto. (The scene is on YouTube and it's not for weak stomachs.)
  6. Whee, I loved how Daniel was telling Summer about herself and wouldn't let up. He's a good big brother. Lauren's dress. Oy. What was that print, tiger stripes on PCP? I also had to appreciate how Kyle wasn't backing down from Victor's verbal onslaught. Meanwhile, Victor seems to have gotten stuck in neutral, repeating his petty taunts to Kyle over and over and over. Right there with you, Lauren. I too was amazed to learn Michael hadn't told you what happened when Ian shot Victor. Michael acting more loyal to his boss than to his wife is not a good look AFAIC. Geez, Daniel, maybe you could put a GPS tracker on Phyllis' phone (like the one you have on Lucy's). Or, you could accept that Phyllis is a grown@$$ woman who doesn't need to share her every movement with her grown@$$ kids. (Grrr, got me out here defending Red of all people. 😡) Sigh, Diane and Jack, gloating in Victor's face about Glissade is 100% not the way you want to go. Just sayin'. But stop acting brand new, Lauren. You knew Michael was ethically-, legally-, and morally-challenged when you married him. Summer! How are you still trying to be wishy-washy about Chance? Is something wrong with your eyes? Or your cooch? Giiiirrrrllll. Aw, Victor. It looks so sad in your endlessly bitter and vengeful world.
  7. Not really. The Real Housewives shows are fairly cookie-cutter, thanks to the proven formula. BTG will have some specific cultural and historical references, right down to the set decoration, character names, and the location. I don't think BTG intended to appeal to the type of audience Y&R has. In fact, I'd surmise a key part of Y&R's audience is offended by the very concept of a predominantly Black daytime soap.
  8. Heh, I wish Kyle did have the stones to talk such trash to Victor. But I figure he's going to be beaten on that score by Uncle Billy. The only Newman granddaughters Billy hasn't screwed yet are Faith and Claire. (Katie is verboten since she's Billy's kid.) Faith is probably still a longshot since she's fairly young but I bet Billy could get with Claire when she finally gives up on Kyle.
  9. Summer seems to have felt a way upon hearing Kyle was having dinner with Claire, Victor, and Nikki. Does Summer have an issue with Nikki? Diane mentioned how Jabot used to sell rose-scented face powder. Yikes. Sounded to me like an allergic reaction waiting to happen. I'm thinking maybe Diane should've waited to tell her husband about the Abbott manse renovation until after the work was done. Jack wouldn't stop being a Nervous Nellie about it. According to Michael there were spies planted in Glissade before it was sold for parts. Of course there were. Sigh, I don't know why Jack didn't fire everyone and start over when he bought it. He knew Glissade had the taint of Victor on it. Yo, Chance, come get your sorta girlfriend. She's staying obsessed with her ex and his new squeeze for no logical reason. You could probably distract Summer in your special way. 😍 "I'll decide when the Abbotts have suffered enough!" Yeah, that sounded like the ravings of a lunatic. Looking at you, Victor. Come at me. Man, those eye daggers Claire and Summer were shooting at each in Society. Everyone duck! Not a fan of Claire's dress with its giant polka dots. I thought it was too loud of a print for her and she didn't look thrilled to be wearing it. Hey, Jack took off his watch while he was boinking Diane. 'Twas a miracle!
  10. A new Moroccan vibe in the Abbott manse interior decoration. For the straight-laced Abbotts? Oh Diane, you're hilarious. They are not trying to live in a 19th century bordello. AFAIC Lily should've told Nikki and Victor to go fcuk themselves sideways with WD-40 as lube. Kyle, I don't understand why Claire was so upset either. She just had lunch with you and Harrison a few hours ago. Relax, Claire. Claire insisting Kyle bow down to Victor's dinner invitation felt sus to me. It was like she was using Victor an excuse to exert her will over Kyle. Hmm. Wait, so Diane and Jack have to vacate the premises but Kyle and Harrison don't? IMO that makes zero sense. Audra sure looked worried about Nate trying to convince Damian and Holden to stick around GC. Hon, sometimes the best way to get ahead of a lie is to come clean before you're exposed. Aw, Jack's wistful glance over the Abbott manse living room before he left. It's been a good run, Jackie. The ghosts of John and Dina would want you to embrace change. Holden's thirstiness. Bleh, not attractive. Calm down, Holden; Audra ain't all that.
  11. Doesn't MCE have some kind of breathing issue? She used to gasp a lot between sentences. Now she just does it silently so it sounds like she's leaving odd pauses.
  12. Why did Janine make a face when Manny gave her and Greg his blessing a couple?
  13. Nah, the HR department has been mentioned. And I don't think the resumes would've gone straight to Nikki. Yeah, Nikki and Audra did interview Claire at Society but didn't Claire sorta engineer that? She wanted to jumpstart a seemingly cozier relationship so she could maneuver Nikki to Oregon.
  14. Yes, Audra told Nikki her resume said that but other things have also been claimed about Claire's education. None of it may be true but clearly she's no dummy despite having been brainwashed by Jordan. However, I remember wondering how Claire could've lied about an Ivy League education on her resume. Wouldn't NE's HR department have checked, and wouldn't she have needed to provide a copy of her diploma and/or transcripts? At that point in time it wasn't known yet she was a Newman, though Nikki had sorta taken a shine to her. Whenever one of the Newmans mentions NE's vaunted position in the business world I just roll my eyes. Imagine if Google or Amazon operated the way NE does, with family members put in jobs they aren't qualified for and the CEO changing every few months. They'd be the laughingstock of the world.
  15. Re Cady McClain, I'd be curious to know who approached whom. Did the BTG producers recruit her or did she make the first overture? She's become a known show-hopper so I'd be surprised if she stuck around beyond the next sweeps period if that long. But anyways...All My Children fans represent for Dixie!
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