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Posts posted by AnitaM86

  1. Wouldn't it be grand if they could get Christina to come back and kick her ass, and makes Meredith whine that she is only being the Sun because Christina TOLD her she was. And then that's when Christina smacks her and says, "When I told you that, I didn't mean it as a GOOD thing!"


    IT would be grand if ANYONE told her that being the sun isn't a good thing. At this point, I'll take Stephanie telling her. Anyone. 


    Then again, it would mean that Shonda would have to recognize that that line is the worst thing she has created since Ghost Denny and we all know she won't. 


    It makes me wonder if they had to re-write some of storylines due to Patrick's personal issues.

    I believe that this SL was set to be as it's happening. I assumed that PD had also asked for some time off when his contract was negotiated. But who knows. Although I have to say, if they had to be rewritten, these writers need new jobs because they're doing a terrible job at it. It doesn't excuse their laziness to destroy (or what they assume is humanize) their lead character for not knowing how to write. 

    • Love 3
  2. At this point tornado, volcano and anitaM86's zombie attack are up for grabs for the finale.

    I know I was kidding about the zombie attack but now it looks plausible. Jeez, don't these people know when to stop? Next season it will be a Alien vs. Predator thing? 


    Wait. That would be awesome, so no. 


    it's episode 11x18 that's being filmed.

    Do we know when does he come back? I recall reading about him being in 11x16 but can't remember if it was just talk. 

  3. Right, the 24/7, 365 magical day care at the hospital.  Well, to me, that sounds like a shitty childhood!


    To us normal people, and probably Derek too, but I am starting to believe that to Meredith, that's a justifiable place to have your kids at because she was brought up like that. For her it's a normal thing to not have fixed schedules and be in someone else's care as Ellis was like that and she may not be willing to be like Ellis, but unwillingly, she is being Ellis. Those kids never see their mother or randomly because either she's at Alex's (as she was most of the first half) or at the hospital or at their father's care. Which is why I don't understand why can't she just give the kids to Derek. Surely he has a terribly awful schedule too, but seems that at least he would attempt to give them a more normal life and try to be more involved as he already was. Didn't he want to take Bailey to a music class or something? Not even my stay at home mom did that to me as a baby. 


    I'm generally OK with kids storylines, if they're treating the kids as actual important persons to the ones that delivered them, but this show should've just stayed away from them, given the result. 


    I was on a break from the show when Alex and Jo got together. Did he actually ask her to move in, like officially, splitting the bills, etc.? Or did she just start staying over and never went home?


    Now I'm curious about this but I think that she lived there and paid rent with the other interns and then stayed. Alex keeps telling her it's her home too. That's all I recall.


    Meredith doesn't have a nanny for the same reason all these seven figure per annum surgeons are jostling for shower space.



    • Love 1
  4. Shonda needs all of the dads to seem in a better light than the moms. ISSUES


    This is so true. The men have always been better with the kids. They also seem to hold the babies with more love and not just carry them as objects. I've bought Mark as a dad. Derek seemed brighter with kids. Hell, even Richard was a better fake father. Not sure why she can't do the same with the moms.


    But like you said. Issues.

    180 degree character changes. 


    At this point, character continuity fairy is as reliable as Kanye West's ego rants. You rather not make sense of it because it doesn't.

    You're right. She did do a 180 on the loneliness thing. That doesn't mean that it wasn't a much needed time out from life. But yes, she did coward out in not wanting to face her own responsibilities of her own marriage without any consideration to her kids or husband.


    The worst part is that Derek will have to give in and make the compromises once again. 

    • Love 2
  5. Well, I just relapsed on this show again. 


    I am really not on Meredith's corner now. 


    I never expected Meredith to be cheating but I'm not sure her actions were that much better. I am not against having an actual "time-out" to recharge, by all means, have it, but did she really need not to tell anyone? Maggie seems to buy whatever she sells, so just tell her the truth. That way, if there's an emergency with the kids or with Derek, there is a way to contact her. Also, she couldn't spared a better hotel? Airport hotels are the worst. Surely there's a Four Seasons with a better mini-bar. But what do I know.


    Derek should've taken the kids with him. I'm sure as hell he would've provided more stability and a better care. Leaving them with people they don't know and trusting them with anyone, it seems (her line of "I trust my kids with the baby sitter" really bugged the hell out of me), isn't doing well. It may be how she grew up, but it doesn't mean that's how it should be, especially when there's a parent who is more interested in them. Last week, it seemed they were a burden. Yesterday, it seems she doesn't even care. She didn't even call to check on them. I do not follow this line of parenting. 


    As for MerDer, I don't even know anymore. I know Derek's feelings aren't even worth enough to be considered but gotta feel awful for him. I understand Meredith might be taken back by how the last few months have gone but for the love of the hospital you love so much, talk to your husband. Maybe he feels the same way. Maybe he also needs a break. Maybe he's also worried (and now confirmed by us) that Meredith doesn't want to be with him for now. But this avoidance, as she has done all season, isn't boding well. I hope that at least he's golfing with Obama and going fishing with his new buddies and got a new dog, because he deserves more than being last place. 


    Herman can be funny! But she's a goner. No way that now that she's likable, she's going to stay.


    I was starting to dislike Amelia. Now that Owen kissed her, I now really don't like her. Stop forcing everyone to pair with everyone. People can live alone and be independent and be happy. The GA writers need a lesson in this. 


    I'm not interested in Bailey that much more but liked what I saw with the transgender SL. 


    On an even shallower note I was convinced that wasn't even Ellen Pompeo in the long shots because no way a woman who has had two children has abs/stomach that looks like that.  If it really was her I hate her. I haven't given birth and I don't look that good.


    She only gave birth to one of her daughters. Given that she's tiny and is in Hollywood (i.e. exercise all day and diets), she rebounded pretty well. Fantastic body. I knew the lighting was on purpose to avoid anything but I am jealous as well. And I'm as skinny (but not as fit) as she is. 


    ETA: Maybe it's my bias to PD, but the show has taken a hit without him. Even if he showed up 30 seconds but now nothing? Terrible. Same with SO. I was done with Cristina when she left but the whole thing feels off. 

    • Love 5
  6. He did not want her involved at all with donating a nerve

    Eh. He seemed to not want anyone from his family involved due to the surgery. In the same conversation later, in a very nice way they both talked about him being afraid that if the surgery fails, it'd be for nothing.


    Like Meredith said, they give each other crap and then walk on fire for each other when needed. 

  7. I feel like the cast is large enough that adding Amelia and Dr. Lovechild was unnecessary. I really have no interest in either character, despite their relationships to the main characters.

    I think the actress playing Dr. Lovechild confirmed on Twitter that she was becoming a regular, but I haven't seen anything announced and not many promotion of her character, so maybe not.


    Frankly, I rather have Amelia than Stephanie or Jo. I can't warm up to them no matter what. I did watch PP and mostly because of Amelia & Charlotte, so I like the character already. 

    Derek doesn't like his family or want to live near them, so that's out too.


    Not sure this is true, as when he was excited about moving to Boston, he talked about his family being in the East Coast (and then Meredith said Lexie was here). I've never gotten the feeling that if Derek had the chance to live near his family, he wouldn't. Meredith has also been pretty dismissive about Derek's family. When Lizzie arrived she mentioned about Meredith never wanting to be a part of their family (a sister), which may be her right and Derek has allowed it (for whatever reason, but it has to be because of Meredith and not him), but not sure if this has been Derek's first choice, so that may be a more permanent personal sacrifice he has made for her.


    Turning down the NIH would be awesome job No. 2 he has to turn down because Meredith doesn't want to leave Seattle. Permanent sacrifice again. 


    Are there any medical research studies going on that get weekly meetings one-on-one with the president? I'm no expert but I highly doubt it. And again, there's always Skype.


    Of course not but I also don't think that POTUS calls doctors personally either in the same day that a meeting didn't go as expected, so the realism of how the NIH/WH/Derek situation is as plausible as April being a "good" doctor. 

    • Love 4
  8. Hey photo fox! Glad to see you here as well.


    But if it was a job Mer found herself, I would totally be on board with her making the move.

    I agree 100% with this. I hate the whole "legacy" issue because it does make you feel like you're not good enough to do it on your own.


    TBH, I don't think Meredith ever wanted to move to DC because if this was the problem, she could've told Derek "fine, let's go but I want to work in another hospital." She seems to can't leave Seattle, despite it all. She didn't when Boston was at reach, now this. I think her last line of "my family and life are here" is the true testament and the most valid reason. Derek has also compromised his career a few times for her (Harvard & the ALZ trial), so I don't see that as the biggest issue, but still a very important one.


    It's not like Derek can't do the brain-mapping stuff in Seattle. It's not like the President is going to be his helper buddy during the study.

    He said that the President wanted to have weekly meetings. I also assume that the NIH offering a full time position there means that he has to be present at the NIH, although I have no idea on what exactly.

  9. Me, too, and what she said about being the "trailing spouse" and always being the "intern he fell in love with" really struck me.

    But what I find so weird in that line, is that she wants to stay in the hospital were she is known as that. Had they moved to DC, Meredith would not have to give any explanations, wouldn't even have to say she's Derek's wife or how they met or anything. She is choosing to stay in the hospital where she was the intern that fell in love with an attending. I don't get the reasoning with that line and staying in Seattle (friends, family, etc. I get that but not this line specifically). Why not start over in a place where she is just a great surgeon with a great mind?

    • Love 4
  10. I had to laugh at the other sister. I mean, come on. How many secret sisters can Meredith have? This is not shocking, just funny now. I won't even try to make sense of this though. Time line fairy is on crack.


    Of course Meredith is not moving. This is the second dream job Derek is turning down, which isn't fair either. But their fight was well written and well acted. 


    I hate myself for this but I really enjoyed the Meredith/Cristina scenes. They were so natural and true to the show. 


    I really don't care about the rest. 


    Farewell Sandra. You will be missed.

    • Love 3
  11. I love seeing Diane in charge. When she said at the end "This is MY fight." I was thanking the gods. I hope she takes down Canning and his smug self, but I did enjoy him very much on the scenes where he was watching the press conferences. Very entertaining.


    I am not a Peter fan, but I do like him when he's in offense mode like he did Castro. I knew that once Alicia set the limits to their "marriage" that Peter would soon be tempted (sorry, but "nice lipstick" isn't a proper compliment), no surprise there. 


    Eli Gold is made of gold. I always want more of him. When he was asking Alicia about Finn, there was genuine care for her and it was a nice change of pace from the usual strategic thinker that Eli is. 


    I am not sure I am completely ok with moving Alicia to another man (I love her on her own), but I do hope that we see something good and substancial for Finn soon. (But man, did I hate his haircut. Leave it as it was last episode.) 

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