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Posts posted by AnitaM86

  1. And since he figures Mer 'made' him take the job, would not be surprised if he was not only cheating but not feeling all that bad about it.

    Personally, I think that if he wasn't feeling bad about it, that he wouldn't have returned at all. After all, he would be justifying it by that, why return? Because he got caught? He could've made up a lie if he wasn't feeling bad about it. I don't believe this line of thinking goes with what's happening.

    • Love 2
  2. Derek is gone??? NO !!!!

    I, uh, spoiler alert? My bad. He's not gone, just absent for 6 episodes. Don't worry, he's back.


    shouldn't they technically be coming in every year?

    Technically but let's not give them ideas, they might bring them as recurring and we'd have to stand them. Let's leave it at technically.


    I never liked Meredith and I think Pompeo is a bad actress...but that didn't matter because the others carried it off well. I never liked the intern-attending romance plotlines but they were interesting nonetheless. Izzie was one of the best characters on the show but later the writing got so bad that she became whiny and unbearable. Introducing Denny was the worst thing and he was a pathetic bore...Izzie cutting the LVAD wire and whining about it later was just plain terrible. The Izzie-George romance was almost unwatchable and Shonda should've never done that. The unreasonable cutting out of Burke and George were some of the worst moments on the show.

    I used to really like Meredith and now find her unbearable, for times, (funny how things change). Her lack of self-awareness is testing me but have to admit her scenes with Derek are good. EP has some really great acting moments though. To name the last one was the one where she had broke in tears in the nanny interview. My personal opinion is that this show rarely gives her, or PD, a good opportunity to use those acting chops. SO had the best ones. 


    I also found Izzie difficult to swallow when Denny was introduced. I don't know why SR was obsessed with Denny but I always hated all the SLs related to him.


    I'm not sure what possessed the writers with George & Izzie. I really don't. The ONS was bad enough but pursue the relationship felt...incestous. It was terrible. No chemistry, nothing. Same with Lexie. Just no.

    • Love 2
  3. we'll probably the rest of the season with Meredith talking to her friends about how she can't trust him.

    Again. Like she did on S4. She'll throw everything in his face, again. Addison, Rose, when he finished her shampoo. How to trust the person who finishes your shampoo without telling you? 


    But being self-aware and see her role? No. So dreading this. 


    I don't remember Meredith having PTSD. She struggled somewhat after the crash but I thought less than most people.



    I don't believe she ever really struggled at all. Not after drowning, not after the shooting, not after the plane crash. She only kinda flipped when Mark was dying and decided on a whim to go to see Cristina and couldn't sit in the plane. Other than that...I really can't tell ifs he had any PTSD. 


    It also seems kind of contrived, but I doubt it would be worse than ER's "Helicopter: 2, Viewers: 0."

    I'm honestly surprised the show hasn't gone helicopter yet. Kuddos for not trying to copy this, yet, GA. 

    • Love 4
  4. I feel his absence acutely on the current show.


    Me too. Those 30 seconds that he's usually in, really make a difference.


    I think that GA is somewhat struggling to make what the show is without two-ish (Derek was just gone for 6 episodes) of its main characters. And there are moments, where they almost seem to make it, like the tunnel scene last episode, but it's rare that those moments come at the form of the entire episode. Cristina & Derek being gone have left a big hole. Love them or hate them, their presence made some form of impact. 


    Or maybe this show isn't for the nostalgia. I see the reruns on Lifetime and go "ah, used to be better than I remembered!"


    Except S7. That one has no salvation in my eyes.

    • Love 2
  5. I just don't believe that Shonda is re-writing history by having Meredith say he's done this before.

    To be honest, Shonda does tend to rewrite history when it's convenient. I did think she attempted to do that here to make him sort of the party at fault because of something that happened with his first marriage that has nothing to do with the other. Obviously, Meredith is escaping the details (that matter) and her role in it. 


    If you can call it trying. I never though he was at all committed and was emotionally completely checked out the entire time.


    He seemed halfway to me. Sometimes he was, sometimes he wasn't. When there were only Derek & Addison scenes, he did seemed pretty in. The thing is that Derek was like the dog from Up, Meredith being the squirrel when her name was remotely mentioned. 


    I also agree: Prom sex was all sorts of adultery cheating that exists. That one has no justification. 


    I think Derek temporarily leaves when it gets hard. We've seen him stomp away throughout the series but its more of a sulking/cool off period.  I don't see this situation as that even.

    I think this is accurate. He always has a period of brooding when things get difficult and some physical separation. His trailer drunk party, sleeping in the dreamhouse after the trial revelations. I would think this is a more accurate description of his pattern of separation than the "marriage hard, need to go". It doesn't has to be related to his personal relationships but general failures he has made. 


    She didn't seem terribly "insecure about their relationship" then, nor since he's been gone (how many times has she blown off visiting him?)


    I don't think she even cared about his absence that much. We only got a mention of how hard it was to sleep without him but that was it. No mention of how his absence was affecting the kids, or how she missed him, or anything. Just that she was on a streak and happy to be without him for a while. I'm not sure how we will see how Derek dealt with the separation and I'll reserve judgment until then. 

    • Love 1
  6. Another plane crash? They aren't even bothering with creating new disasters? Lazy.


    but they won’t be the only ones reeling from the event that took the lives of Lexie and Mark.

    They shouldn't be the only ones. Derek & Callie lost Mark as well. 


    Maybe Derek is on the plane or the plane crashes into the hospital and takes someone out (that was a joke).

    It would be so cool though. Too morbid to find it cool?

    • Love 1
  7. F.U. and your revisionist history, Shonda.  Trashing Derek just in case Dempsey demands to leave permanently? No bueno.

    Don't you know that the demise of Addison and Derek was Derek's fault because he wasn't paying attention to Addison? It doesn't count Addison slept with Mark (for a long time) and conceived a child. It's Derek's fault! Addison called it scratching an itch, so not sure what else she was planning for. A threesome? 


    When in doubt, blame the man. It's the MO of the show. Either Derek didn't talk much about it or Meredith is picking the side of convenience. My guess is the latter.


    I'm also confsued by Meredith's statement, as she also told him to go. Twice. Once pissed off and the other time in good terms. Did she also forget that? Yeah, Derek left on a whim, but he offered to come home. She said no and then started going to airport hotels on weekends. When will she see her role in this? Never.


    I didn't care that Jo had a moment of humanity and got upset.


    This is my favorite part of the show: when these superheroes are humanized to the degree of needing a moment. It's the most normal thing on the show. 


    The kissing was so terrible.I had to laugh.

    I couldn't laugh. I got nauseous. 

    • Love 4
  8. It'll be funny if Grey's Anatomy's still standing after Scandal ends.

    You may want to prepare the laughter because I'm almost sure this is what will happen. Scandal doesn't have 11 seasons material. GA can do constant rebirths given the huge cast and that there is no such thing as scandals. Just same old story, different character.


    Its crazy consistent.


    Definitely. The TGIT brand really did GA a lot of favors here. Very wise decision by ABC. 

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  9. For the love of everything, someone needs to tell KMK to take it down a notch on the kissing. No need to eat face everytime. I know it's supposed to look passionate, but just no. Also, Amelia still lives in the dreamhouse or has she moved out? Because whatever it is, the trailer is there and they could have sex there, not in the hospital. Remember the no fraternization rule? Of course not. This hospital doesn't follow crap.


    The tunnel scene almost felt old school. It was good to see that. 


    Credit where credit is due: they're doing a much better job with Maggie than they did with Lexie. The Ellis connection is much better than the Thatcher connection. 


    Glad to see PD's face back. Of course they have to make him look guilty. DRAMA! 


    Also, Patrick Dempsey stands in a doorway, speaks about 3 sentences, makes enough money to buy a new car. I don't know whether to cheer or gnash my teeth about that.

    Both. I pray for the day I get to have the same job. *prays*

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  10. I just hope that Patrick Dempsey changes his mind since his divorce announcement and he doesn't wanf to leave GA anymore, not before the end of S12 anyway

    Heading to the PD thread to discuss this. 


    Amelia is the head of the neuro and I don't think Shonda will demote her. I can't imagine Derek will come back as a subordinate


    I honestly don't know how the writers will fix that but I don't think is a far possibility. He could return to do just that except now will suck it up because of some lame reason. Since Derek's work isn't as important, doesn't matter. So, for me, this will exactly happen. 


    As for the death, who knows. I have my money on Richard. I doubt it's Derek (although I'd be thrilled in a very disturbed way as I would be able to finally quit this show) but either Richard or Jackson or Stephanie or Owen or April. With the exception of Richard, I don't like the last three so, maybe it'll be one of them. 

    • Love 2
  11. 2 weeks passed from the "superhero" episode and Scorsone constantly tweets,reacts and retweets things related to it. Well,well.... One should know when enough is enough.

    Why?  It's her character and it was a big episode for CS. I thought it was ridiculous but that doesn't mean everyone did and much less her, who is paid to portray Amelia. 


    Besides, it's her Twitter account. She should be able to tweet and retweet whatever she wants. If she decides never is enough, then unfollow or get used to it. I don't know why this is an issue at all. 

    • Love 4
  12. I would rather see Derek go right up against a line, but not cross it, then have him just lose his stupid phone.

    For me, this is the most likely scenario. Like you say, it'd be a call back to do the reverse of his marriage to Addison and not go there. 


    However, I do think that it will be a 45 second explanation that will never be mentioned again. Marriage fixed!


    I would be more concerned about those whose contracts are up this season (do we know anything about owen, april, jackson, arizona contracts?) or the characters who haven't had any story line or focus (especially alex, but also jo and stephanie).

    I think KMK's was up last year (?) but by some rea$on, he's still there. Owen has nothing to do but I doubt it's him. Richard made sense because of the pics, and even if it was the first scene, they could shoot the last one just after. Maybe.


    I wouldn't mind Stephanie. She is just consuming oxygen at this point. 

    • Love 1
  13. Can at least one couple on this show survive without cheating???


    Hopefully. I mean, it's just so repetitive. What is cheating supposed to prove? That nobody can keep their pants on? Take a pause for the cause, Shonda.


    Adultery/cheating seems to be a standard for all couples of Shondaland. I remember she once tweeted about not wanting to glorify adultery but can we say the opposite? It's the one common thread all couples have. 

  14. Should be Richard because there are a few BTS pictures of car scenes with JPJ.

    I thought the same thing when I read them. I don't find it that weird as the majority of viewers may not be invested enough to look for the sides and make assumptions, although who knows at this point.


    Did JPJ sign on until S12? I thought he did but perhaps he only did a year or a PD year of some episodes. Either way, killing him off before the SF seems odd. 


    They can explore the issue without tarnishing his character by making it actually happen.


    I'm not sure that Grey's knows how to do that. What they consider humanizing is patronizing and condescending. What they consider powerful is really being petty. If it was any other show, I could buy this premise. Here? It'll probably be that Derek is untrustworthy in any way for a random reason that Meredith seems to be unable to deal with. 

  15. Why do I have this weird feeling you are right?

    I don't doubt it but I doubt it'll be soon. Besides, they have to go through the usual "will they or won't they" merry go round. Perhaps the show ends before that. 


    Am I insensitive?


    Not laughed would've been insensitive. It was a ridiculous SL. 

  16. Honestly, I don't believe it. Mostly because this show isn't daring enough. And it already happened with Callie and Arizona as well as Owen and Cristina and that didn't go so well. 


    Then again, this show seems close to desperate. Maybe they'll try it. I would be shocked if they actually went there. They don't have the courage but it'd be ballsy to do so. 


    But the episode and the promo sure did their job. It has people talking about it.

  17. On last night's The Good Wife, Marissa Gold said the truest thing ever: "Handsome men are so weak." I think the writers will play with this without actually cheating and going there.


    Events like surviving a plane crash can make people want to live more for the moment and grab onto happiness when they can.

    In any other show, yes. I doubt that this could be a reason is that the show rarely remembers all that trauma. Plane crash, shooting, all that would make me quit my job and travel everywhere and eat and drink everything. These characters seem to have forgotten that it even happened to them. Meredith, Derek, & Cristina seem to get in planes without problems. Did they even get some sort of counseling? Derek had a small moment of this (two episodes) but was all about done speeding his car in about a week. I don't think this could be a plausible reason in GA.


    I hope she remembers that she said this, and felt this way about the character.


    Does Shonda even remember Grey's is still going on?

    • Love 1
  18. This is the third time I write this thing because apparently I just press backspace and go all the way back. 


    I really doubt Alex would ever call Derek for anything. I don't think Alex cares enough about Derek or MerDer's marriage enough to call Derek and warn him anything. Besides, Meredith isn't moving on. The assumption is he might be. But she just realized she needs nobody to make her career excel. That it wasn't Derek's fault or Cristina's fault that she wasn't the best. It was hers. And now it's not. Ta-dah! Of course, she had to almost burn down her marriage to realize that but now time to suck it up and pick the pieces back. 


    I don't know if there won't be any flashbacks, I mean, they have to explain the call first. There was a pic about the set a while ago that included what it looks to be a DC set (US flag, blue curtains, golden salon). I wouldn't be necessarily shocked that Derek has had the temptation of cheating, but not going there. After all, he's a handsome man in a new city with no friends or family? I don't believe he would go there but perhaps the whole call would be explained with the fact he went to the bathroom and it results the woman who bought him a drink answered and since she didn't know who Derek was, she was confused. It will be something lame like that. Besides, Meredith wouldn't care. After all, she went to Alex's bathroom while getting showered and seeing him naked. 


    As for the episode descriptions, pretty sure it's more than it is. I mean, Maggie was trapped in the elevator for what? Two seconds? I still have no clue how that affected Meredith's streak but ok. Maybe the whole "rattled by recent events" is the aftermath of the call and pondering her future if Derek did cheat on her (with the usual Ellis/Thatcher/Richard parallel because why not) and what would be next for her and the kids, while "facing the music" is more about trust issues. Meredith not trusting Derek enough to believe he wouldn't cheat and Derek being kind of insulted by it or something and both realizing this separation isn't working and that she wants Derek to come home. And he will give in because Derek's work and dreams are worth nothing. And that will be the end of it. I doubt it's more. 


    Dying, close friend almost dying, close friend dying, Derek being shot & almost dying, sister and husband's best friend dying and surviving a plane crash didn't quite do it, lol.

    Pfffff! Death. You forgot miscarriage too. But hey, it's not like this stuff mattered anyway. Well, the Derek related stuff. 

    • Love 1
  19. Who would answer someone else's phone if they found it or stole it only to then hang up?  That doesn't make any sense to me.

    If they stole it, in my country, they use it for extortion. While in the US this is highly unlikely, this is a common practice here in Narnia. If they found it, probably to know who it is. Or, since Derek has an iPhone it could've easily been mistaken and took his instead of hers. Those things are very alike, especially if the same model. 


    From my view, since the woman seemed confused about the whole thing, either A) She's a ONS (which I doubt) or B) This woman thought she had her phone and took Derek's instead and thought she was getting a wrong call. Mistresses (when they know they are) tend to know the wife or husband's name of their lover. Since iPhones have caller ID, she would've known who Meredith is and either not answer or pretend to lie about it. Or maybe I've watched too many soaps.


    What I don't know is if Meredith called his cell or his office or his home. If she asked if he was in the lab, it probably was cell or office. At this point, it could've been a stranger picking up the phone. 


    This whole thing is so odd, is getting people riled up (well done ABC) and the worst part is that it will turn out to be the lamest, most disappointing answer ever. 


    dancing in his underwear.

    This ima gave me the vapors. That being said, underwear gremlins? Epic. 

  20. Technically I am not sure that Derek can be called a cheater.

    Personally, I would. There wasn't a formal or legal separation. He just left. And he had both, a physical and emotional affair. 


    So, as much as I love him, I would call him cheater. 



    I preferred the way it was done at "that other place" where the episode thread was locked until the episode aired.

    There wasn't another thread to discuss it before but now there is. In case you want to discuss the promo & SPs, which is what we talked about before the episode. 

    • Love 1
  21. for years, Meredith's attitude (and Derek's) was that her life revolved around Derek's magnificent glow forever

    Wait, when was this? Because as far as I can tell, it never was. Career-wise, well, yeah. He was already an established surgeon and she was beginning her career, but personal-wise? Never. Had Derek been the sun, that house would've been built in S5, there wouldn't be any strays, maybe she would've stayed on the day his best friend died. 


    Meredith's first impulse has been that since Derek was the one who had The Gift, she should support him as needed


    By messing up with his ALZ trial and setting his career back and refusing to move to Boston where Harvard wanted him and she had a job she got on her own? This is one kind of support I don't need. Ever. Being realistic, Meredith also used The Gift to her advantage, which is what teachers are for: to learn and become great. But other than the initial moment when he became Chief, I haven't seen much support. 


    that a woman shouldn't have to put her man's needs first at all times, even if the world might prefer that women remember their place in the scheme of things in our culture when things get tough.

    Which is a perfect message that should be repeated and shouted out loud. One that this show, not only does not convey, it portrays awfully. In another thread, I posted of how this show gave that message: by making men's needs or wants, not only seem irrelevant and not worth of consideration, but emasculate the characters to a point of caricature. There is no compromise, as marriage is, there is jut "my way or the highway". As far as I can tell, the show wants only men to compromise to fulfill a woman's wish.Obviously, it's a case by case basis, but in the broader sense, this is what I get from the show. 


    I am a proud feminist all for equality, but the last thing that this show says, is feminism. The message they want to push is good. Very good. But let's not pretend that any relationship (in this case MerDer) is equal in any way.

    • Love 3
  22. l also don't find anything disgusting about a man liking or wanting children. It seems pretty normal to me.

    Its not disgusting but the way he is expressing it is not normal. Derek likes children. Mark liked children. Alex likes children. Owen is...scary in that way. His need for children is something that would terrify me. He needs to take a step back and not bond and look like he is going to take in every child that is left parentless at the hospital. 


    Its probably something really lame like Derek lost his phone and the woman hung up once Meredith said she knows its Derek's phone.


    Most likely as the woman there said "what?" when Meredith asked if he was in the lab. She had no idea who Derek was. Which makes sense on the lost phone or stolen phone. Or if he's actually cheating (which he's not because that would mean round 3 of infidelity in the main couples), it's probably a ONS. Whatever it is, we won't find out until the very end when Derek has to fly back to explain because lets face it: Meredith is not going to DC to fight for her marriage. Time to give in again, Derek!


    Especially in front of his supportive, relatively long term girlfriend who offered to babysit your orphans just a few weeks ago. Mer went from one of my favorites to my absolute least.

    I'm getting close to there as well. The air of grandiosity that she has (that also bothers me with Amelia) in every sense, including her broken marriage, is beyond belief. I'm glad that Alex stands up to her but she needs to find a therapist for this kind of thing. It's annoying. I'm annoyed. Alex deserves better. Jo is better. Let them trash Derek but let it be them, not Meredith. Ugh.


    Paging Dr. Owen.


    I trust the house with the oven on more than Owen. He might kidnap them and run to Canada. Rather have them sent to Derek first or any of the sisters.


    Where else are we supposed to talk about the promos and sneak peeks other than the place they are posted?  On any board they usually aren't spoilers. I am guilty of posting before it aired but I thought it was allowed. Sorry for my part of adding to the confusion.

    Ditto. Is there any way to create to a board to talk about sneak and promos though? I know you mentioned the media one, but not sure what would be more appropriate now. 

    • Love 4
  23. I live in a seismic country. We have many earthquakes a week. Plus volcano explosions.


    This? Why do I bother.


    Not cool to lecture Alex on relationships, Meredith. But I loved Alex's comeback "You have a happy marriage without a husband." She can justify herself all that she wants but Alex is right here. 


    Ew. Owen and Amelia. Just ew. 


    I had to laugh at the phone thing. I mean, you had the Chief of Surgery and the Chief of Neuro with a Trauma surgeon and the surgeon responsible for the residents. That's A-class level of incompetence. An earthquake and no patients? Suuuuure.


    I highly doubt Derek is cheating. I am almost positive this will be another Ellis/Thatcher parallel of how they're not that and hopefully put the final nail in the coffin on the whole comparison. I think she is like Ellis but given how repetitive this show likes to be, I'm guessing they're going there.


    Really, Shon? Another cheating storyline?

    They're really desperate for ratings, aren't they? I can bet my delicious chocolate nutella cake I'm eating that next episode's ratings will be high. 

    • Love 4
  24. I don´t know how male actors feel on this show but they must feel super belittled and ridiculed through their characters(the latest example being Owen struggling to operate a phone),they have nothing to do, no storylines, nothing,their female colleagues are the sun....

    In terms of their characters, I'd be offended to be portrayed as just the bed warmer/sex buddy babysitter that is supposed to be the role of the husband on this show. This is a terrible show to portray what the feminist movement want in terms of equality, but I assume that the writers don't know better. Like I said on another post, it seems the most balanced couple is Jo & Alex but given the trend on this show, they'll soon join the club.


    That being said, money talks. And it's big money, especially for Patrick. 2 sentences and $350,000 for him. That's a sweet deal. I wished he had the guts to leave and that the gods of Netflix or HBO or Showtime or FX or whatever would offer him a sweet deal with a character that is actually given respect, but I doubt he will now. He had a chance in S10 but given all he's going through right now, I don't believe he'll move out of GA soon. At least until S12 is over. 


    As we can see in the SP,Meredith states she is more successful without Derek which I call b....t  I feel offended for Derek.


    To be fair with Meredith, which is really painful right now, she just pondered the question but it seems she has discussed it with Alex previously and Alex has stated she is. I would really hate if Derek is reeling and being not being successful. But let's face it: since he's Pluto, he'll return saying he was fired or whatever and revolve around the sun because he's not the sun.


    No, I'm not bitter at all.


    I guess that means we know what Alex's screen time will consist of - listening to/talking to Meredith about Derek. Again.


    Did you expected differently? ;) It's such a shame he's being used like that but I can't say I expected better. Sigh.


    she and the children haven't visited him? Of course the two selfish adults couldn't put aside their differences to have their kids spend the holidays with both of their parents.

    Perhaps they didn't even celebrated it. I mean, they weren't celebrating Thanksgiving either until Emma (?) proposed the idea to Owen in front of Meredith. Those kids must've not even noticed it was Christmas. I feel bad for Derek since he said he loved Christmas but he also could've flown back. 

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