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Posts posted by AnitaM86

  1. Its odd that the earthquake is listed in the episode description yet isn't in the promo, there's no sneak peek or any press at all (that I have seen) about it.

    I've been wondering the same thing. I don't understand. If this is what is supposed to attract viewers...what gives? 


    Owen not managing to transfer calls can't be it. 


    they are more important than their other halves.

    I hadn't seen this. Good catch. Yeah, they might not be calling themselves superheroes but...they are sun. Which burns. And can't sustain life.


    I hate that line. 

    • Love 3
  2. Didn't ER do an episode about a night shift in the ER and nothing much was going on in terms of patients?


    I believe they did several (sorry but since Netflix doesn't believe in ER, I can't rewatch it and be sure how many) but I do recall one that was the contrast of the day shift/night shift with Pratt & Carter in S9. The one big shock was the end

    when Carter decides to leave to Africa.

    That was it. The rest was a tense, but no big deal, episode. I think GA did that in S7 when Cristina was a drunk bartender and Meredith & Alex were supervising the night shift. But put in comparison both and childish drama GA can't sustain itself on the drama ER created. 


    I've come to realize it's hard to compare both as the level of adulthood, writing, and daring SLs in both shows are completely on a different level. Even if they're medical dramas. 


    The lack of followup is what bugs me.

    Because they're magically all right. ;) 


    Yeah, that bugs me too. Especially after the shooting, that one just enrages me as had the most potential. Other than Cristina...nobody did show an extent of issue with what happened. Meredith miscarrying? No biggie. Derek being shot and almost dying the way his father did...let's drive fast, get incarcerated but ok! Alex didn't use elevators three episodes but nothing else. April also seemed pretty ok even if she tripped over the body of her dead best friend. This truly has to be the most dead-like group of doctors in history. 


    I think the one where Gant died start with the night shift being really quiet too.

    It was. I am also recalling S11 night shift on Christmas night was pretty quiet. Depressing as hell but quiet. 

    • Love 3
  3. Why can't this show depict more mundane events?

    Because then they wouldn't be able to make grandiose speeches about how they beat death and that is boring. According to them, anyway.


    It seems to be that they have very limited abilities in creating drama. Either it's this big catastrophic event or personal devastating drama. The mundane day-to-day events of life are boring to them and treat them as such, even if it doesn't have to be. They seem to be unable to create good drama with it. 


    This potential earthquake, that hasn't even been shown in the promo, is sort of mundane (to me) given how the show has overused catastrophic events before. You know everyone will magically be alright. It's sort of how it always goes. I wish they didn't have to recur to this to make good drama but I believe they can't do better. 


    no need to see superheroes....

    I wouldn't be so sure. One of these people considers herself to be the sun and while Maggie hasn't had a moment like this, it could happen. But I'm a cynic now, so maybe it won't. We'll see.

    • Love 4
  4. He could come back to see the kids after the earthquake.  How long has he been gone (Grey's timeline)? If he and Meredith have been separated for 3 or so months and barely speak is he just going to move back in like all is well? If they stay apart I hope he takes the kids.

    This is my guess as well. He comes primarily to check on the kids and might be swayed to attempt to talk to Meredith (if she's at home, at least) and somehow be convinced to stay for a while.


    He should've taken the kids in the first place. Stupid brainman.


    I have to admit I was hoping it was somehow Derek getting hurt the whole time , so Meredith would feel bad.

    Actually...count me in here. But I was hoping more on the mental illness side to explore that on the show but then I realized what show we're dealing with. In the Latin American promotion of the show, Derek's storyline was presented as "Derek's depression" (to be fair, it's been his and Japril's SL the one with big promotion). I thought that'd be an interesting angle to develop but like I said, at the end it's GA. 


    Isn´t he capable of dealing with this on his own?For God´s sake, isn´t he a trauma war doc??!!!

    Give the man a break, I mean, he can't even transfer a call. Tsk tsk. 


    Looks like we've reached the mid season slump.

    Pretty sure that started a few episodes ago. But yes, here we are. Again.
  5. I don't live in the US, so I don't know the answer but, can 911 ever be unavailable? 


    It's a phone Owen. You press transfer, then the extension. Or better yet, ask someone that knows. And you call yourself a surgeon.


    He has to make it himself for the big, grand gesture. Otherwise sometime in S12 the fact that he stole it and didn't make it himself will be the next thing.

    And I thought I had it. I was willing to even go the NASA route. Damn. 

  6. Maybe instead of a candle house Derek can make a solar system mobile.

    This made me laugh more than it should've. Bet he stole it from some science fair in DC and instead of the names of the sun and every planet, he substitutes the name with Meredith and then everyone else and then he puts himself in Pluto, because really, that's where he really is. Pluto is back to being a planet, no? 


    Anyway, you're probably right. His grand gesture will be that. 

    • Love 2
  7. Women have always been expected to be content with playing the supportive woman/sex object to the lead men. Fine with me if once in a while the men were playing second banana. I just wish she was executing it better.

    Ten years ago, yes. That was the role women were expected to portray. Now, it isn't. But here's the thing: many shows now put women as equal to men, not one is better than the other, which is the trend that Shonda has had for this show (I don't watch Scandal becauseI find it unbearable, so can't say much about that).


    My problem is that in order to make her female characters to excel, Shonda & Co. emasculate the male characters to point of caricature. I don't believe that as a writer, you need to switch sides (men be the sex object/supportive husband) to make female characters great. It's just terrible writing of characters. The men of this show have always been written awfully, whether as a fantasy (as McDreamy) or arrogant a-holes (Burke) or broken tortured souls (Alex & Owen). Alex is probably the only one that is written with more of a sense of a good man than the rest but then again, Jo is written as someone that respects him and sees him as his equal while Izzie didn't, especially towards the end of their marriage. And now she makes her female characters have the air of grandiosity (which to a point, it's fine but...there's a limit) that makes any character (female or male) impossible to tolerate. 



    I don't mean to turn this into a feminism class of this show (because it's dumb to do so) but to make the point, I love feminist characters. But I don't love feminist characters when they are sent to diminish the role of men. That's not what feminism is. 


    There are no role models for equality anywhere here.

    This pretty much sums it up as the rest of your post, Tuleh2. (By some reason I couldn't like your post, so kuddos).

    • Love 10
  8. Frankly, what I'd love is for him to say, "Yeah, I was in town and took the kids out of daycare for three days to spend time with them. What? You didn't notice?"

    LOL. Of course not, she was drinking at Alex's!


    Personally, I would want his return to be more about the kids. Meredith has shown little interest in Derek, so I'd like for Derek to return or call to see if his kids are ok. Maybe start showing the treatment Meredith is showing him, see how nice it feels.


    Why is Owen answering the phone, is he the receptionist now? 

    Owen is now a full service surgeon. Need a babysitter? Owen can do it. Need to be yelled at? Owen is at service. Recepcionist took a bathroom break? No worries, call the Chief of Surgery and he will answer the phone and tell you what department to call. Because logic.


    I was wondering the same thing about why didn't he call 911 but whatever. This show is just so dumb sometimes and thinks we are too.

    • Love 3
  9. The episode ended with Amelia describing the surgery as legendary. I only hope that round 9,999 of Derek and Amelia competing doesn't begin again when he returns. He'll need to do something professionally when he returns and SGM seems to only have one of everything.

    It probably will as she will still be his boss. I was very annoyed at the fact that she was on purpose putting him on the bench or giving him easy cases, essentially punishing him for staying. He's not a dumb surgeon (clearly) but she seemed to like to put him into that case to make herself feel better. I hope that with this tumor, she can stop being so insecure around him and be able to share cases or give him tough cases, but I will seriously throw a brick if she continues with the pettiness she's had for the first part of the season. Sure, Derek's attitude didn't help, but neither did hers. 


    Or perhaps he will continue his part of the research in Seattle. I would really hate for him to drop this project.


    I looked it up, because it sounded so silly. But...actually...it seems to have been based on this study: https://www.psycholo...uperhero-stance.


    There have been several versions of this study, I believe. I had read similar (and admit to have tried them), so I wasn't necessarily put off by that.


    I'm surprised at all the hate for this episode, though I guess most of it comes from Amelia hate/disbelief (plus, at this point most people here are probably hate-watching)

    Guilty as charged on hate watching. However, on the hate when the character is new, for me in this particular case, it was not the issue. The hate, in my opinion anyway, was because of how the character has changed and the grandiosity that went with it. Superheroes! The music! Legendary! Come on. Everyone in this hospital is the best of the best, apparently. Don't feed into it. Make a great episode, not a egomaniac episode. It was too much and tried too hard, is my point. It was noticeable.


    I doubt Geena Davis will stay on GA. If anything I doubt we will see her next episode. Was she listed as a guest star? 




    I personally don´t like Guzman´s style - this episode writer, I always find his episodes bother me to a great extent.

    He was the one who wrote Cristina´s fling in Mayo with her boss, he also wrote Crowen divorce,and introduced Emma for Owen (just a few examples why I dislike him)

    To be fair, this is not his fault entirely. These were planned SLs by Shonda & Co., I believe Tony & Joan were still in charge, (I assume he was involved somehow), so the episodes assigned to him come with a planned SL he has to develop. Granted, the SLs weren't great (thank Shonda for that) but his episodes are mostly ok. Other than this one. 

  10. The Fake Doctor Shepherd did something (while admirably got the entire tumour, etc), cost Doctor Geena Davis her eyesight. At least show some remorse.

    She never showed much concern about Dr. Herman, the patient -not the tumor, before the surgery, so I didn't expect for her to have any after it, with whatever consequence. She will live on the high of superhero Amelia regardless of the tiny detail that now her patient is blind. 


    Although to be fair, many doctors on this show show little remorse when they screw up. Probably Derek and Bailey have had it worse showing remorse, or Alex back in S2. I can't tell for anyone else. 


    Is she all right mentally?


    I didn't find her pre-breakdown in the bathroom all that horrible. That felt normal and human. She was scared to take on a tumor that was this big and that's fine. I started to lose her once she had her breakdown in middle surgery. I thought that her plan involved the detours, but I was wrong. 


    Is The Hulk a superhero? I think you were unfortunately spot-on.


    He's on The Avengers, so...yes?


    Pure Shonda.

       Superheroes = Gladiators

    Oh no. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. Just no. Why. No.

    • Love 3
  11. A crisis like none before...the plane crash, the shooting, the bomb, when Derek ran out of conditioner...everything is a crisis in this show. At least try harder.


    I couldn't help but to giggle at the promo a bit. They're so dramatic and end up being so predictable. The only time I've been truly shocked was the shooting episodes but other than that...nope.


    I wonder who chooses scenes for the ABC promos... and what key they have for that ....


    Not sure but they make a really terrible job. Probably some guy who has no clue about the show and just puts things together. 


    An earthquake! Really? Will there be a plague of locusts in an upcoming episode?

    No. Zombie apocalypse. I've had my money on this for a while and I better get this. 


    Although we still have left: volcano explosion, ebola, and who knows what else. 

    • Love 2
  12. Superhero? And the superhero music to go with it? I started laughing. They try so hard sometimes.


    Richard, stay quiet. When Derek was lost during surgery, you were ready to destroy that surgery and later fire him. And yes, the patient would be dead because Amelia was over her head. 


    I FF'd the rest, so have no clue. 


    Amelia, oh Amy. You may have the same surgical skills as your brother (he's still better though), but your attitude needs some work. The speeches! Superhero! Fight! Blah! Blah! Blah! I roll my eyes. 


    You weren't moved by the Shakesperian lyricism of "Make Death run like a little bitch?"

    It made me cry...of laughter but they're still tears. They count, right?

    • Love 3
  13. My interpretation of Cristina's speech to Meredith was not "You are the most important person in the whole world and everything revolves around you" so much as "Don't give up on your dreams and goals so Derek can chase his -- your dreams are just as valid and important."

    I interpreted it the same way and the sentiment is absolutely true, but the show has interpreted it awfully and essentially, making Derek miserable for doing something that she wouldn't do for him until she backed him into the corner of leaving. 


    She doesn't have goals and dreams that need for her to be rooted in Seattle. None whatsover. She has emotional reasons, which is perfectly fine and valid reasons to stay, but none that involve her career. Also, she doesn't seem to have very well established goals. She wanted to make history with the printed portable veins (?). Perfect. What has happened since then? She goes to Alex to drink after work. Doesn't go home to her kids or her husband, who actually gave up his dreams to stay with her. Instead of staying at the hospital doing research, or at home researching useful info, she's not doing anything. 


    Honestly talking, what are her goals & dreams? We all know everyone in this hospital wants to be the best surgeon in history but...Derek has brain mapping, Bailey has her gene mapping program, Arizona is specializing in fetal surgery, Callie has her own projects...


    The thing she fears is intimacy, not danger.


    This is the truest description of Meredith, ever. 

    • Love 3
  14. Surely it was because she admired him and wanted to be like him.

    I always believed it was because of how their father died. They just said he was shot, but in the flashbacks, the shooter had the gun pointed at his head. But that was my assumption. However, I find it hard to believe that any of his sisters has any admiration for him to follow his steps. They seem to always have lack of respect to him (Nancy and Amelia being all team Addison, even if Amelia knew about the affair before her brother did. How nice.).  


    To tell you the truth, exploring this story and why she chose the same field would be a better and more interesting story. Siblings have odd bonds. Instead of Meredith + sister of the day, how about these two who have lived their lives together forever and through tragedy?


    No, that's interesting so this show wouldn't address it. My bad.


    Re: Assuming that GA viewers and PP. To be sort of fair, they've been attempting to include some of Amelia's background in GA. The flashbacks we saw in episode 7, Derek having them this time, Amelia had them. Also the baby story is coming into play, without much detail. Which I'm thankful because that story did make me feel things. So...small steps. Extremely small steps.

    • Love 1
  15. I hope its just a risk and not that Amelia develops some illness from it.

    If I didn't know better, I would bet my cash she'd become The Hulk. Let's hope not. I can only take one illness story per character. 


    they find him a bad replica of Cristina and here we go....

    I truly find it hard to believe that Amelia is a bad replica of Cristina. I can't find any sort of similarities between them. 


    No one ever listens to Owen.  They never listened to Richard either.  The COS says no and all of them (throughout the series) do what they want anyway.

    These doctors live in anarchy. Besides, Owen has always been a weak CoS. Even Richard got more under their skin than Owen ever has. I still don't know why he's CoS, but I assume now that Owen's purpose on the show (being Cristina's love interest) is gone, his presence is also a bit extra. 

    • Love 2
  16. She's not even letting a second resident help?

    I believe she'll be there with Stephanie but not sure if you mean just one more resident, or have two in total. 



    Also nonsensical like Webber and Owen were in awe when applauding  Amelia, why? What for? What did she do to achieve their admiration?Also why weren´t there any others (like Meredith, Maggie,Alex, Bailey) to support a colleague? That stinks, too. I guess she does not deserve any of this awe she was given by Steph,Jo,Webber,Owen.

    I don't think this is nonsensical. The tumor is, according to GA -I'm no doctor to tell-, a big deal. And Owen as CoS should be excited to have a surgeon of his take on such a big surgery. Richard is her friend and the residents obviously want to get into a big surgery. I don't find this any weird. We can also assume that the other Attendings were doing surgery or attending the patients that the residents weren't. Among the things I find weird in this show, this in particular, wasn't it.


    She did say she consulted with them but they wouldn't do the surgeries so is she consulting with them on the surgery going forward?

    I'm not sure if she is though. If the others said no and had no plan, not sure how she can consult with them with the surgery going forward? I assume she could find a neurosurgeon who has the same death wish to do the surgery (even though I would believe Herman would find or consult all the brilliant surgeons in the world first) but I doubt she wants any help either. I'm guessing she wants the glory all to herself.

  17. what Meredith's "fear" about Derek could be???

    My guess is that this will be that it'll involve Derek also being OK without her, or that he is unhappy with her and that in fact, their marriage may be in more trouble. 


    Or that Derek does see her as Ellis. Either way, unless Derek develops a massive terminal illness, I doubt they'll divorce.


    she thinks she can get along just fine without Derek


    I think that this has been the point of this season, of being the d*mn sun. She doesn't need a man or a husband to be happy (which is a fine message) but doesn't fit well with how the show has been portraying it, essentially dismissing the existence of a man she chose to marry as a secondhand thought. 


    We'll see though. I believe PD is back this episode, so perhaps we will have him soon enough. 

    • Love 1
  18. They portray Owen now as a liar,like he has no backbone,just goes with the flow, which I find really offensive to the character.

    This is pretty standard behavior for GA writing. Owen has lost his backbone since he became Chief (at least in terms of of his professional life). I never liked him as a person, so probably not the best person to judge here but I see no different writing for him than many other characters on this show.


    Yes, they are buddies from AA meetings but still??? It seems he cares more about Amelia than his newfound biological daughter???!!!

    I don't think this is a bad thing. Maggie has a father and it isn't Richard. She may share her DNA with Richard but other than that, I don't see her pursuing a bigger relationship. She also seems to be more interested in Ellis than him, since that is her link to Meredith and that's all that matters. The next move should be hers but I don't think Richard should be the one pursuing the relationship.  


    As for Richard and Amelia, the bond they share of the same disease is different and it's something that will always be there and having someone to talk to is good. Amelia can't talk about this with anyone, so she finds Richard a safe haven and same on the other side. It seems to me this is more of a normal flow of relationships.


    Can they give laughing gas or something while you're strapped down? It's the only way I can imagine if being bearable.

    The first time I had an brain MRI, I was offered anti-anxiety medication (not Valium but a very very very weak one). I was 12 years old, so my pediatrician told my mother it was a possibility in case I couldn't stand the amount of time in the machine. I assume this may be a practice for those who are claustrophobic or have problems being laid down for a long time.  

    • Love 1
  19. I don't think there are really any underdogs on GA

    I just want to explain what I mean with this: it's not that they're the underdogs (because like you say, this hospital is the hub of the most excellent top surgeons), but the case is. It's this impossible tumor that nobody thinks that Amelia can take out. It's an underdog case and she will excel because the case was impossible and you know the rest. This is why I think Amelia will succeed. 


    I think Amelia failing at the surgery will be the plot point to bring Derek back.


    I hope not, because that would mean more whining on Amelia's behalf of how she is still the other Shepherd. Although TBH, there's no good plot to bring Derek back with either her or Meredith. But who knows. 

  20. I WANT her to fail. I never watched PP, so my only exposure to this character has been on Grey's.

    Which in that case, it makes sense to not like her. What is it with GA writers? I also want to her to fail, so it can be a teachable moment of the fact that grandiosity and arrogance isn't equivalent to invincibility on the OR. But like I said, GA looooves to have the underdog be the hero, so probably won't. And we will endure this attitude longer. How fun.


    Does anyone know the age difference between Derek and Amelia? I assume he's older, but is he the oldest of his siblings (all sisters if I recall correctly)?

    I don't believe that it has been established on the show the order of siblings but just by appearances, you can tell Derek & Nancy are among the eldest, followed by Lizzie and Amelia is the youngest. No clue where Kathleen falls in the whole family. I always assumed that they had a 10 year difference or so. Amelia knew Addison since she was young (I recall the episode where she gave birth to her baby and Addison explained the whole unicorn thing to Jake, I believe she mentioned Amelia was 11 or 12, and loved unicorns). That's my assumption but hopefully someone can come with a better estimate. 


    I also have a feeling Meredith doesn´t like her at all

    I don't believe Meredith likes anyone from Derek's family. She tolerates them and got along with Lizzie at the end but I doubt she even acknowledges their existence, despite the fact that they are Derek's family and if something happens to them, the people who will raise their children. But no other family counts, it seems. 

  21. We don't disagree.


    My mistake. I misread it.


    I agree that she has to prove herself in Seattle Grace Mercy Who Knows What The Name Of This Hospital Is Now that will get her to not be the wrong Shepherd, but the Shepherd. I fear she's alienating more as she's seen more reckless than with a plan. It's hard to not compare her to Derek, as they're related and in the same field and she is replacing him, which is why I think she won't screw up and the surgery will be a success. Obviously with Meredith at her side because duh, why not, but I don't really believe she will fail. This show likes to make hero of the one people don't believe in and nobody, other than Stephanie, seemed to believe in her. I don't think Amelia can realistically expect to separate from Derek's aura, sort to speak, but she can change the "wrong Shepherd, other Shepherd" view she has of herself. Maybe you're right and after the surgery she proves herself and leaves that insecurity behind and we can all move on from this and hopefully have her be the character she was on PP and not what she has turned into.


    I'm exasperated at her writing because the path they're taking her in is ridiculous. I almost want her to fail as a punishment to the writers, if that makes sense.


    I feel like Dr. Herman's surgery is more about Arizona than Amelia.


    I wish someone would feel that Dr. Herman's surgery was about Dr. Herman. Amelia wants to prove herself. Arizona needs a mentor, but who wants the woman to stay alive for, you know, saving a life? Anyone?

  22. I only disagree on one thing though, or at least see it differently. Amelia was on purpose snubbing Derek. I think it was on episode 7 where he mentioned that he's been on the bench for weeks or being assigned relatively easy cases. It seems to me that she was also trying to punish Derek for not leaving and therefore making his professional environment also impossible. 


    I had forgotten about the S8 surgery but yes, it was a good moment for both. They collaborated and did a great surgery and have a brother/sister moment that gave a better sentiment to all. Perhaps the animosity that she currently has is what has been intoxicating her character lately, at least for me. She shouldn't have to be "the other Shepherd" but she seems to be set on that image. I think that this is what this tumor is for her, leaving that phrase but I don't know why these characters, especially her & Meredith, cannot come to the realization that their careers are not the same. Amelia needs to set her mark somewhere. Maybe this tumor will come with her champagne idea but taking out difficult tumors is Derek's thing as well. Diminishing Derek won't get her to not be the other Shepherd. A medical idea will. 


    I was excited for her to come because she and Derek did have a good back & forth that was different from patronizing Nancy and good sister Lizzie. They share a deeper pain none of the other sisters do and Amy, as a character, was very interesting and funny on PP. But they better put her in a story that doesn't involve feeling threatened by her brother's career or Owen's new love interest. This is the first time she's a mentor to someone, right? Why not develop that? 


    She'll never be a fully explored character as she was on Private.

    To be fair, no one is. Except Meredith but for the obvious reason. But Derek, Alex, Bailey, Richard, etc., we're given pieces of information and expect to have it suck up. PP was more daring in SLs, I have to admit. Charlotte's rape & Amy's relapse, to mention a couple. GA would never dared to do either. They don't have the time or talent to do so. We have now, what, 14 cast members? Even April's baby drama lasted for 2, and that could've been more significant. Derek losing it on S5 was 3 episodes and at the end was about Izzie, not how he felt. Alex's family is a disaster and we only got a mention about how he went to rescue his sister. GA is not a show for character development or daring stories. I'm not surprised at this but at least we got PP to give her a better development. This "after life" they've given her is terrible. GA writers know how to poison the water. 

    • Love 5
  23. I think she is hated because she had a big episode with significant screen time. It was similar to the reaction that Maggie got after her big episode earlier this season.

    Not necessarily. I think it's a very to each their own kind of situation. I loved the Derek-centric episode in S6, but they found a way to have every character involved in the story. Here, it was just three characters. I'm not a huge fan of Maggie and I didn't like her episode either, but it certainly was better than this.


    I didn't hate Amelia. In fact, she was the only one I could stand (alongside Charlotte) on PP. But there's something about GA writing that made her impossible. This has gone for a few episodes. If you'd told me at the beginning of the season that she was going to have a stand alone episode, I'd be excited but with how they have turned out to be Amelia's SL, I am finding myself not liking her anymore. I think it's how izabella said, the "I am better than Derek therefore I must put him down" angle of competitiveness has been dreadful and frankly, dumb. It's like the whole Meredith being in Derek's shadow thing. I don't believe you can realistically expect to be better than someone who has developed his career for more time, but I'm sure Amelia is also the sun and what not. The show is very childish handling competitiveness as well as relationships and family relationships. 


    Owen saying to Amelia, "it's just coffee." I thought it was a nice nod to those of us who have stuck by the show since the beginning.

    I hadn't realized this until you wrote it. Now they're doomed. 

    • Love 1
  24. I laugh every time one of them talks about being head of their department because they're all department of 1. The only department with more than 1 seems to be general. Who is the department head of general? Is it Richard?  Just curious.

    I thought it was Bailey, as Richard was meant to be in charge of the Residents. But to be honest, I have no clue. 


    Hey, excuse me. Shadow Shepherd? The guy still exists. I think. He hasn't quit, right? Oh why do I bother.


    It all felt like a middle schooler wrote it, one who thinks that grand idiotic monologues like Amelia's badly delivered speech are powerful writing. For FUCK'S SAKE, this is such awful, hackish, idiotically bad writing and acting.

    Officially the best review of the night. Winner.


    I agree with Tuleh2. Everyone is smug. Derek can be smug, but Amy is right at his side now. Must be a family thing, I guess. Whatever it is though, Amelia is way over her head.

    • Love 1
  25. I felt Amelia was like Charlie Brown's teacher: wah wah wah wah.


    She's a terrible surgeon. Even Derek, in all his grandiosity, asked for his peers' opinion. Or some input in his surgery. Hell, when he went against the Chief, he had the entire staff on his side. Amelia? Nada. No Amy, the tumor won't think you're the wrong Dr. Shepherd. The tumor knows you're the wrong Dr. Shepherd.


    Another thing that bothers me is that Amelia is beyond fascinated with the tumor but doesn't seem to care much about the owner of the tumor. I feel that she wants Herman alive just to be able to get to do the surgery. I don't know why she comes off like that to me, but it does. 


    Seriously, whatever she's trying to prove it's not to save Herman's life or her peers. It's just to prove Derek wrong about something. This is pathetic. Not sure if Amelia was better written in PP or if everyone was just worse there that she seemed kinda great. But no.


    Where was Meredith?

    To be honest, I didn't miss her. Especially after last week. And when she complained about her love life, I just thought "Well, you made your bed, now lie alone on it."


    Dude is smug. With a side of insufferable.

    He can be the worst human being in the world, but if he is still the world class neurosurgeon that he is and one at reach (because it seems Amelia has not many colleagues as Derek does), then she needs to swallow her pride and give him a call. Suck it up, you're an adult. Deal with it. It's a life you're playing with.

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