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Dot Com

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Everything posted by Dot Com

  1. In one episode I recall Will telling Hannibal that his father was a boat mechanic. There was also one episode where Will was on his bed surrounded by dogs. There's an engine (or part of one) on the floor and he's working on part of it on the bed. I Think we see that briefly right before someone knocks on the door or he hears a noise or something. I believe there was a still photo of it released before the episode. Also, in the episode where Freddie goes into Will's barn I believe there is an engine hanging from the ceiling in the barn.
  2. I'm thinking that while Sean had that piece of fulgurite (sp?) stuck in him that It was able to read and drain all of Sean's memories from him. That's why Drill is so obsessed with Clair and Wes and those around them. Also explains the amnesia.
  3. Otto wrote: "Wow -- that is quite the leap that Wes took comparing the fulgarite formation to a volcano erupting. Thank goodness that woman was nearby talking on the phone about her child's project for school involving a volcano." I do believe that woman was Wes' secretary. Also the boy said that Drill told him to call and ask her a question about the volcano. So Drill definitely wanted Wes to dig up the "rock". Iooks like it might be a crashed spaceship (or part of one) to me.
  4. Is it just "professional Capital" MisterGlass? I'm thinking that one reason he wants Hannibal in his facility is to punish him. Make the man responsible for framing him and his getting shot in the face pay by making his life miserable.
  5. So did I. Loved having Chilton back!!
  6. I Know some ASL but I'm far from an expert. I recognize some of the signs. The speed in which they're signing doesn't seem to slow considering the fact that Henry went deaf three years ago. So he and his family have only been signing for three years. Of course Henry should be the best and fastest at it.
  7. I assume Henry read the instructions before he left on his little trip. If I read something about going into a dark hole I'd make a point of grabbing a flashlight. Henry should give Sean his crayon to use to write with when he has his visions.
  8. I'm watching for Sean's story as well Calypso. I saw the girl that plays Harper today in the "Ant-Man" trailer. Chaos Theory wrote: "I don't think Drill wanted to blow up the plant. He wanted the energy from it since he seems to be a big energy monster." Oooh good theory. That's what happened with the big black clouds. Drill sucked the energy up from them. Dr. Maria to Sean: "What are you doing? Stop that. STOP THAT!" Me: "you're a Doctor. Don't tell me you don't know what a seizure looks like!"
  9. I wouldn't say that either of them is aging badly. Aaron tends to keep his hair short. It was short when he did "Warehouse 13". So if you see a picture of the two of them together and one has a buzz cut then that would be Aaron. I Think he might have been a bit heavier for awhile. Right now though on this show Aaron's hair is longer. So I personally can't tell "The Following" Shawn Ashmore and "Killjoys" Aaron Ashmore apart. I know that one is a touch taller. They both have the same tattoo on their wrist area so that doesn't help. Up until "The Following" it was more Movie = Shawn and TV = Aaron. Not so much anymore.
  10. That's the thing. The reasons they stay on the ship makes sense. Therefore they should have another kick @ss non-android adult woman who can go on missions with the guys.
  11. When Brenda was talking about her youngest son's birth. She said that when she realize something was wrong (shredded uterus or whatever) Toby and the midwife got her to the hospital. So she was using a midwife for at least some of her pregnancies/deliveries.
  12. When Sean was in the bathroom shaving and the light started to flicker. He started moving his fingers on his left hand and saying that it was a message and that it said run. It didn't seem to me to be the same thing as when the kids are speaking to Drill. I had thought that it could possibly be Morse code. However I really don't know anything about it. Morse code would explain the finger movements. I just came across this tweet from a few days ago by Milo Ventimiglia that said: "Our gaffer Mark actually programmed the lights with Morse Code to spell "Run". HA! I was right!
  13. I would really like to see Aaron and Shawn star in a (successful) TV series together. I'll have to give this a few more episodes before I decide. I'm not quite sure about it yet.
  14. Oh don't be sorry or embarrassed. when you watch aIot of TV it can happen. That scenario sounds familiar. I'm sure it's been on quite a few TV shows.
  15. Makes me smile every time Zoey calls Will William.
  16. Wasn't Amy in a coma for a little while? Maybe her spirit went on a little walkabout to heaven. As a result she's gained a psychic gift of sorts. Wouldn't be the first time that's been done on TV/movies.
  17. Well she didn't kill Her to steal the wedding ring. She killed the wife of the Man she was having an affair with because he broke up with her. Tgen she stole the woman's ring.
  18. If no one watched the show on NBC then the show wouldn't exist.
  19. I have never read the books and I've never watched the movies. All I knew was that Hannibal was a cannibal killer and he liked chianti and fava beans. I adore this show! My favorite show in a long time. I enjoy watching Mads play Hannibal but my favorite characters (and actors) are Will and Dr. Chilton.
  20. During that scene I could hear my mom in the kitchen opening the freezer door then heading towards the living room. Me to mom - "This would NOT be a good time to come in here eating that fudgsicle! Watching 'Hannibal'". Welcome back Will. I really really missed you!
  21. About 1 minute after this episode started the ceiling fan light across the room went off suddenly by itself. I was like 'Ahhhh, Drill?' Turns out my brother had turned on his air conditioner and blew the fuse that light was on. It made me wonder for a moment there (LOL).
  22. Can't remember everyone's names. The teenage boy with superstrength. When the guy at the sanitarium said that his mother was from a very religious family did anyone else expect that she or the father would be a relative of Joshua's?
  23. Hi Otto, Farther up the page when you wrote "I was surprised that they let Harper anywhere near her comatose mother -- after all, Harper tried to kill her mother." I had posted something at the same time that was partly in reply to something you asked. Mine was posted directly before yours at the same time. Because of that I wasn't sure if you had seem my Reply or not. Jdport: I lIke the show just fine. I actually like it quite a bit. Sean is the character I'm most interested in. I Find him intriguing.
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