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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. The flashback was 7 years ago last year, so 8 years ago now, she'd need 9 months to bake the kid, so I guess he's 7-ish?
  2. LOL, what about that gave you hope? Seriously. No thanks. At all.
  3. Fingers crossed the girl had a penchant for blue-eyed douchebags and we still have hope. Not counting on it, but hey.
  4. I guess I'm in the minority, because this felt very Arrow on The Flash to me. Everyone was lighter, making jokes. It was Star City dark in setting, but light in tone IMO. @Morrigan2575 posted the answer right below my question. :)
  5. Someone on The Flash forum mentioned Iris had a line. I totally missed her. What scene was she in?
  6. I just posted that one comment over there, because technically it could still be considered a spoiler. And because we're discussing the trailer for tomorrow's ep.
  7. IIRC, there are other people standing behind Oliver. It's not just Barry.
  8. If this is the kid conversation, ugh. Why is it happening in front of everyone?
  9. Was Barry's "I think you're somebody's father" supposed to be in this ep?
  10. I was just thinking about some of the teasers that were released today, and I'm changing my awkward hug candidate from Barry to Cisco. Cisco hugs Oliver (for whatever reason), and vibes about Baby Mama, leading to that revelation from Barry in that NZ preview. That would likely mean that the secret Oliver was asked to keep wouldn't be about the kid. Maybe it's something to do with Malcolm/his return?
  11. Oh, he's definitely going to find out. It will be very sad, but the upside is (and this is also sad) that Oliver knows what Moira is capable of, so...even though I think he'll be upset and saddened, I don't think he'll really be all that surprised.
  12. Well, to be fair (and I do think that Moira was awful for doing what she did), she didn't just do it because she thought Oliver wasn't capable. She did it because he flat-out told her he thought his life was over, and that it was unfair that his life should be ruined because of one mistake. He made it pretty clear he didn't want it. So if he has any regrets, it's probably about that.
  13. Oliver was an idiotic douchebag, but he seemed like he had kind of warmed up to the idea of fatherhood before nameless ONS told him that she lost their baby. He could've been an awful dad, but I don't think he was one of those morons who would've driven away with a carseat on top of his car, or like...criminally negligent. If he did wind up being terrible at it, he had the safety net of rich, affluent parents. There's only so far he could've fallen. It's sad that he never got the chance to make the choice on his own. He should be upset about that. I'm hoping that if the mother does ask him to stay away that Oliver decides to do it on his own because the kid seems happy and well-adjusted and safe the way things are (and maybe has a father figure in his life), and not because he feels pressured/threatened into it.
  14. I thought it was weird, but I also enjoyed it. Maybe because he seemed so angry when he was doing it? That made it doubly funny to me.
  15. Yeah, I think The Flash's is going to be about the kid, since it seems like that's Oliver's arc over on Arrow. I think Arrow's is going to be something to do with DD and/or the attack on the city that he's got planned for next ep.
  16. I don't think it's a secret he has to keep specifically from Felicity. The write up under that headline indicates that the person asks Oliver to keep it a secret from everyone.
  17. She doesn't know Oliver's friends though. And her one run in with his family wasn't a good one. It definitely could be something else, though. Personally, I think Barry asks him to keep quiet about it.
  18. Can you imagine how terrible it would be? Ugh. And he'd probably also grapple with the fact that he might not have gotten on The Gambit if he'd known.
  19. I just had a thought: maybe the heartbreaking part is Oliver learning about what Moira did. Especially if the mom winds up not wanting him involved...that would probably kill him.
  20. I think it would make most sense for her to ask him not to tell anyone if she didn't want him involved. Either way, he's a public persona, and it seems like something she might not want getting out at this point, especially since it seems like she doesn't have a clue Oliver knows before he comes to her house.
  21. Depends on why she's asking. Is it a just for now thing, or a forever thing? The way it was phrased makes me think it could be a team member, since the writer said he was asked to keep it from everybody. Unless it is the mom and the everyone she's referring to is anyone Oliver knows.
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