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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. The best thing about the Black Canary story is that it legit could be anyone, lmao.
  2. I wish we had too. I also wish someone would just throw in a line about Felicity double-checking that he was still alive, because mad or not I feel like the amount of time he'd been trying to get this kid on the phone with no success would be concerning.
  3. ...was Felicity actually talking about that Laurel? I have no idea.
  4. Oliver...I just love you so much, please don't leave 😭
  5. She wants Dad to show her how to dislocate her thumbs - I stan harder!
  6. She made a man tase himself - I stan
  7. Aw, he perked right up to show off for his babies. 😭
  8. Lyla also doesn't look like she's two seconds away from asking to speak to the manager.
  9. You don't get to be mad about lying lmao
  10. "Better go buy a parka." What an adorable nerd.
  11. She's really gracious in her answers to these people who ask about "the Canaries spinoff."
  12. I've considered that too. I guess it'd be easy enough to do if they wrote everyone we know out of Star City to make excuses for their absence in the spin-off (personally, I think that built-in excuse of it being in the future would be one of the draws of setting it there).
  13. I love that mentioned his misdeeds - acknowledging your past shittiness sincerely and with remorse goes a long way! Also, Oliver's face when William busts out his Russian his great.
  14. It’s possible that Katie had taken off her wig for that pic.
  15. Katie posted a BTS pic From crossover filming with David Ramsey and Glen Winter with smeared blood on her face and a bloody gut wound in the area where Laurel had hers, so I don’t think it’s a paradise dimension thing (or only that), unless they keep you all bloodied up in death in that dimension.
  16. I hope this is something other than an icky sibling love triangle. I thought (hoped) Arrow grew out of that after the second season.
  17. Yeah. I guess she figures it can't be all that bad if the team is willing to consider her an ally now (oh, sweet summer child).
  18. Carina getting into it with fans over Stephen and Emily always cracks me up considering she used to write Jared/Jensen RPF when she was in the Supernatural fandom, before she went legit. Anyway, if Emily wants to be off of social media, I'm glad her friends are for the most part respecting her wishes.
  19. Carina's need to announce her friendships with/proximity to famous people is the most entertaining thing about her. It must've been killing her that people thought they weren't friends/weren't hanging out anymore, LOL.
  20. The comment I replied to and quoted read as if every other character in Oliver's life who has died has been allowed to come back *but* Laurel. I just pointed out that she has - I never argued that she didn't deserve to come back again, regardless of how I personally feel about her. I don't like Tommy either, but he's been brought back so many times his death is practically pointless, so why not Laurel too?
  21. It's tough to judge based on the hair - it could be braided back for a wig, and she just took the wig off. She does have a blood stain on her chest right about where E-1 Laurel got arrowed.
  22. I personally don't care about any Laurel that's been presented to me thus far, so if she's not in the crossover that much, great! But I'm not really sure why her only plot point thus far in the season has been E-2 and its disappearance if she's not going to be around to fight the guy who disappeared it/fight to keep the same thing happening to other earths. Given this show's history with Laurels I'm not totally surprised, but it is weird. The only thing I can think of is that she does betray Oliver and take the Monitor's offer, gets E-2 restored, then gets a big hero moment where she sacrifices herself to make up for the betrayal and/or play a part in helping Oliver/The Monitor/whoever/get something they need for Crisis, then she gets resurrected at the end and dropped off wherever the spinoff takes place so she can be in that? E-1 Laurel has been back - it was a whole plot point a few crossovers ago.
  23. MG said she was in the Arrow hour, so I'm guessing Oliver "dying" will be a cliffhanger before the break, and he'll see Laurel in whatever weird place he's in when Arrow comes back and he walks toward the light (or maybe he'll have to go through some kind of test like he, Laurel, and Constantine did to get Sara's soul back after Laurel dug up her corpse and he'll see Laurel there). If her deathbed scene is any indication, maybe she'll encourage him to fight get back to Felicity and his kids, LOL.
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