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  1. I feel like Keo’s weakness (this could be wrong) is that he seems like he expects his partners to adapt to how he teaches as opposed to adapting to how they learn. And when they mess up he gets frustrated in the wrong way.
  2. I don’t remember exactly what was said, but Alfonso guest judged during Jordan’s season, and said Jordan needed to humble himself or something. It was just eye roll worthy coming from Alfonso’s mouth considering his giant ego.
  3. It looks like Jenna is lunging rather than standing up straight.
  4. Sharna’s got Bobby Bones.
  5. I don’t mind mostly unknown or older celebs, to be honest. I always end up preferring someone I’m surprised by on Week 1 rather than someone I have preconceived notions about.
  6. I think the one Derek partner that won and then preceded Erin as co-host was a model. Brooke something? Sorry, my brain isn’t working today. Lol.
  7. I’m assuming Alexis will be either Gleb or Keo’s partner strictly based on height. (Google is telling me she’s 5’9”-5’10”)
  8. Technically, they didn’t. They wrote Arizona having that perception. What I noticed last episode was Carina caring about Arizona as more than sex and Arizona not wanting to acknowledge beyond the sex right now.
  9. The issue I have with it, is that they have other characters drink themselves to death in similar situations (Meredith, Callie, Arizona, Yang downing bottles at a time comes to mind) and no one bats an eye, or it’s played as comic relief, so now that I’m supposed to take it seriously it’s just...meh.
  10. 2.0 and 7.5 million in overnights.
  11. The issue I have with this April storyline is that they’re writing her as someone would someone in her 20’s, not her 30’s. I just think this notion that she should need a babysitter of sorts is ridiculous. It should’ve been interesting in theory to see a wilder April, but it’s just stupid. And having Jackson once again only care because she is sleeping with/seeing someone else is the cherry on top of the stupid, in my opinion. I assume their thought process was “well, crap, we haven’t given that intern anything to do yet.”
  12. I was reading about surgical innovation in general, and apparently diagnostic tests that can help with diagnosing/treating etc whatever medical issue falls under the surgical innovation umbrella.
  13. I absolutely agree that their intention was to show that Carina has started to have feelings for Arizona. Especially since they followed it up with her basically being apathetic towards Owen.
  14. I was mostly being snarky devil’s advocate . I feel like 99% of the April/Arizona friendship has always been talking at each other instead of to each other. It was nice to see Carina care about Arizona on a more normal human level. Need more of that if they intend on keeping them together longer term. If it were a more clever show, I would wonder if it was a bait and switch kind of a thing where the viewers are being lured by April’s more blatant odd behavior, but Arizona is really the messed up one. Or it could be something as simple as having Sofia physically with her now triggered something inside her.
  15. No one batted an eyelash that Arizona took a week off work and came in equally looking like crap minus the hangover except Carina.
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