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Everything posted by moonorchid

  1. Yes, she never alluded that she thought this was permanent. She didn't backstab anyone to get it. But she was chosen and in her point of view, it would be cause she deserves the opportunity. itll prob be revealed she was used as a ploy by Catherine and it will suck cause she does deserve the opportunity, she's put in her time just as much as Meredith. I don't understand this fierce loyalty to Meredith either. Back in the first 8 seasons I could understand, but now, Meredith barely has the capacity to care about the "sisters" who clamour for her attention and she's latched on to Alex cause her actual people (Derek and Cristina) are gone. When's the last time she actually cared about Jackson, April, Arizona, jo, Deluca, Ben, Stephanie, Bailey, Richard, Amelia. Owen (except to hate on Riggs) and Riggs. How is Meredith inspiring this fierce loyalty from these people when she can muster the energy for any of them? Yes! I've said this before, it's easy for the rest of them to take a stand and work for a cause because they have options, the ability to say no. April doesn't. She actually has to take opportunities to prove herself. It sucks that after Meredith is begged to come back and she takes her place at the throne April will continued to be punished for this. April should have explained herself better, and she tried with Jackson, but these people as her friends should have given her the benefit of the doubt and straight up asked her what she was doing and what she thought she was gonna gain from this.
  2. This notion that April is unworthy of chief of general because it's merediths is beyond me. What are mers stellar qualifications? It would be amazing to see where april would be if she had half the breaks and guidance that Meredith did. i hated it when April yelled at the patient cause, cmon girl! But it was a boiling point of Maggie's incessant childish behavior and everyone being, "you're not dr grey!". I was glad when she kicked Maggie out, all Maggie was going to do was second guess April every step of the way and be overly critical and that's not the kind of environment a doctor should have while operating. Maggie in the past has mentioned how she was always an outsider because of her smarts and her being so much younger than everyone. Well she seems to be enjoying being in the "cool kids club" now :/
  3. It's nice to have an episode where things are happening. For better or worse. i think to understand why april took the position is to understand her time in the military, and maybe even her faith. She tells Jackson that she felt a responsibility to the hospital to step up, to focus on the bigger picture. There's a reason Owen was the only one who really understood where she was coming from and that's cause of their shared experience being in the military. The military is all about the bigger picture, the mission, the whole instead of the individual. Like it or not that's the way it is. April didn't backstab anyone to get this position, she was asked to step up so she did and if it wasn't her it would be someone else. Now do I think this was a calculated move by Catherine and bailey, yes. Cause look who is getting ALL the heat right now. Bailey and Catherine are off the hook cause now April is the "traitor". I also think there is some truth to what Catherine said about Jackson. Jackson has worked hard all his life but through all of it he had and has the power to say no. I've said it before, April doesn't have the privalages that everyone else save for a few have at the hospital. Maybe she is an opportunist, Its temporary, it doesn't change the "mission" of everyone else, and afterward she'll have something to put in her record when she looks for another job cause oh my god is that a hostile work enviroment and April will never thrive there. I feel like this is also playing as a roundabout way to revive japrils issues just in time for their centric episode. i was glad Ben called both bailey and webber out. This whole thing is based off the residents not being taught enough. And they are not. Stephanie, jo, and Leah should be taking more points in surgeries...like mer and crew did...and they are still holding suctions. It was so apparent when a few episodes ago Jackson gives minnick this whole beautiful speech about making sure this guys face is done right...and Jackson was right...but then he snubs Ben for saying he'd want to do it...that was wrong. I felt so bad for Stephanie and she was put in such a bad position by minnick. Her mission isn't wrong, her methods are so far beyond not appropriate. Arizona was right, this was a child, minnick handles sports medicine. She had no business letting Stephanie's first surgery be on a child. And then to completely abandon her hen he died. I loved what arizona said but I feel it was more important to find Stephanie then minnick in that moment. Over all this was a frustrating hour because of how childish everyone is acting. Maggie with her total attitude, she can lose me with that, that whole table side eyeing and snubbing April like this is a high school, Webber and bailey arguing during bens first surgery, even april with her "I'm nicer" argument with the patient. Finally, people say April should have explained...what does she really owe people who come into it thinking so little of her personally and professionally. April knew it was gonna suck, this isn't her first rodeo with a crowd who thinks she doesn't deserve her position. She walked in trying to do the job she was given and people shat on her for it. No one approached her even just to ask "what the hell april?"
  4. It very well could be. I haven't seen the episode yet but from what I've gathered on twitter and friends early viewing but could it be she's lashing out hard cause everyone is lashing at her hard? Not one person is giving her the benefit of the doubt, even just to ask, "what the hell are you doing?" This may not be about April proving she's tough, but April proving she's deserving of respect and her position, albeit we all know it's temporary. April has always always been given the least amount of consideration as a resident. April has had to start from the back at every step of the way. Jackson doesn't even believe her, so what do you think everyone else thinks of her? i don't think this show puts ambitious women in a bad light, unless your April kepner. But I don't think April was being an opotunist...she was asked to step up and, like the good soldier she is....she stepped up. Honestly they all need to resign if they want to make a statement.
  5. Exactly, what are merediths stellar qualifications that make her so much more qualified than april? It's still a hold over of the season 6 mentality of "invader" and really crappy writing that April is still so disliked but characters like Maggie, who shares a lot of the same qualities, was liked right off the bat (maybe not so much now but she got a lot more leeway than april ever did). the way it's come to April is not her fault and from the episode we did see it looked like she may have been coerced. I am of course willing to see how it plays out. But the idea that April is sooooo unqualified for the job compared to Meredith is beyond me.
  6. The bolder part I get. It sucks for Owen but Amelia is entitled to change her mind about kids. But the bold part goes back to what I felt when Amelia and Owen were in the beginning stage and def when they got married...Amelia is no where near the mentally healthy space to marry anyone much less commit to take on their baggage. This was a poor choice to have Amelia do this as a way for caterina to get some maternity leave because it highlights how just the thought of changing her mind was too much for her to handle and now she's isolating herself from the one person (cause lord knows Meredith, the sister Amelia begs for the most doesn't give a shit) who wants to be there for her. Like I said, if Amelia doesn't want kids that's fine. But honestly, although they will never do it till Kevin mckidd leaves...if he decides a life without children is something he can do without regret then it's time to divorce Amelia and go to Switzerland because the only person he loves enough for that is Cristina. Any other scenario will ring false.
  7. Why do people think april can't do it? she was chosen chief resident through everyone else shooting themselves in the foot, had a hard time at first cause no one respected her at all, but she stood her ground and wielded her authority and made it work. She was still chief resident by the end of her residency, unlike Callie who couldn't hack it at all. So I don't get the unqualified part. She gets flustered easily but I don't think she falls apart. She doesn't get the benefit of everyone thinking she's already gods gift to medicine so where Meredith gets to start at the front of the line, April has to start in the parking lot. Its stupid, dumb, and unprofessional that Meredith got suspended and it's equally all that and unfair that April was put between a rock and a hard place. Unlike everyone else, she has the least amount of leverage. She's not an owner, on the board, or has pedigree. If bailey gave her an ultimatum, and after seeing Meredith grey be suspended, then I don't see a scenario where April could have refused. But April is a traitor and Meredith is a martyr. I'll be shocked if this episode doesn't go step by step what I think it will.
  8. It would be insufferable but this show doesn't surprise me with bad decisions any more. it just caught me so off guard but it made sense with tweets I was following while it aired on the east coast. It could all be nothing, that wouldn't surprise me either, but if it's nothing...the sense of "family" and "closeness" they are trying to achieve is bullshit. Maggie and Jackson have exchanged maybe a handful of sentences and I'm supposed to believe that just dropping Maggie's name urges him to move mountains?
  9. If people hate jackson with April, Maggie would be worse...and like way more emotionally immature.
  10. Here here the only one who spoke any sense. Alex isn't going to be punished in any way shape or form, so I'm glad Andrew at least said his peace and didn't let Alex feel better about himself.
  11. Probably and that just annoys me more. The board shouldn't have such an intimate connection to the hospital. It removes objectivity. Like when the other chick should have gotten the job but everyone knew and loved bailey.
  12. I sensed that she wanted bailey to talk Meredith into the process. Not suspend her and add more fuel to the fire. Regardless, Bailey created this mess. An aside, I get that it's Meredith Grey and it's "Greys Anatomy" and the show has been fueled by her storylines for years...but This show fueling merediths sense of entitlement enrages me to no end.
  13. They aren't blood related and didn't grow up together. I wouldn't be grossed out. Just annoyed cause I still ship japril...even though my crack ship is April/Andrew
  14. Since when are Jackson and Maggie so close? Im getting the beginnings of Jackson/Maggie and it would solve a lot of plot lines. It would erase the triangle from hell, push mer and Riggs together, put a wrench in japril, and give Maggie a storyline. Its just so weird that out of no where Jackson is all "your maggie pierces mom, of course I would" and telling Maggie and her mother now he's there for them both. And I can see the scene now, Maggie finds out her mom has cancer and Jackson is the only other person who knows and she cries in his arms...she slowly lifts her tear filled eyes to his clear blue ones...they lean in close....lol I blame Bailey for everything going on with minnick and the attendings. If she had better interpersonal skills she would have been upfront with Richard and held a meeting with the attendings to introduce them to minnick before she started walking into OR's. If she actually tried to make the attendings feel like a part of the process I don't think they would be so against this. Even with what's happening to Webber. I don't blame April for taking the position, Meredith Grey just got suspended for going against bailey, April doesn't have the clout or connections to go against bailey. And her baby will always be taken care of but April does not have Avery money. It will suck if everyone turns on her because of this. I don't understand everyone's opposition except for supporting Webber. Derek Shaphard always let Meredith grey learn first hand in his OR. But still, I blame Bailey 100% I was cheering for Andrew there. Alex was instructed not to speak to him before he was sentenced and he was big enough not to mention it, but Andrew doesn't know that or prob cares. Alex is getting away with it so he deserves what Andrew said. Alex also likes to forget Jo was there when mer was too busy with Cristina, but he doesn't tell either of them he's not going to the slammer. Ok Alex. But I will say the Alex who was apologizing to Andrew with no ulterior motive is the Alex karev I know. I'm at least glad this pointless storyline is over. Catherine can lose me with her hypocracy. Maggie needs to put some big girl panties on. Episodes like this where she has the emotional maturity of a tween is where she loses me. I had realized after 45 minutes that not really happened.
  15. Yes yes yes!!!! im so grossed out by the general consensus of the show and most of the fandom, that what Alex did does not warrent punishment because Jo didn't disclose her traumatic past to him. Or even better, that this is all Jo's fault. What alex did is on Alex. I don't care if jo was actually cheating on Alex with Deluca, it's been glossed over but Alex violently beat Deluca to where there was concern he wouldn't have use of his eye. That is on Alex. Alex Karev deserves some sort of punishment for what he did and I'm sick of this show actin like Alex is a martyr. This is how Alex gets away with a lot of his vile behavior, he does something like beat a man nearly to death and then he saves a pregnant lady and Meredith gets sad and all is forgiven, if there was even anger in the first place. and don't get me started on how Jo's domestic violence story is being told through two men.
  16. This episode was a good episode except for the fact that it was a bottle episode to start off the second half of the season so it revealed nothing about the cliffhanger we've waited two months to learn the resolution of, AND, i honestly could not feel sympathy for the prisoner. She was combative and petulant from minute one. Everything out of her mouth was a whine or a scream. She breaks the doctors finger for not giving her more food. She can't be bothered to hold still while instruments are in her belly and next to her unborn child and puts herself under so much stress that she goes into labor early. She is in a maximum security prison doing 20 to life. It wasn't for a damn misdemeanor. I also did not appreciate the emotional manipulation by the show not telling us or the them why she was in there. I would have maybe felt more in that birth scene when bailey took her hand if they knew why she was in there, and still found compassion for her in that moment. And really, all three but especially Arizona, a big FU! You don't know why that girl was in there and you don't know what her mother was put through, so just because you watched her cry for her mommy doesn't mean that that's the whole story. PLUS, you all didn't want to know in the end and because they wanted to pass judgement, them choosing to not know makes them all freaking COWARDS!!! I get they didn't need to know to treat the patient, but the patient was the baby, not the mother. I'm not saying they shouldn't show compassion, but it would have said more about all three if they showed that level of compassion knowing what she did.
  17. This episode embodied what I still love about this show and what has been grating to me after each episode. There are genuine moments of laughter and heart that I still enjoy. Jane saying goodbye to Mateo and the narrator calling him a traitor and mateos toothy grin as he waves...best toddler on tv! Jane in her comedic moments and her heart warming moments I still love very much. But then she slips into her morally righteous moments and that's when I start to get really angry at Jane. Rafael has been a punching bag for this show from the beginning but that has amped up this season. jane being mad at Rafael for putting Michael in a position to lie for him, I understand. Jane firing with "maybe if you had gone to church you'd know right from wrong" im sorry, F.U Jane!
  18. They really should have had jolex hash this out four episodes ago. I loved their scene. It's easy to forget these two do have nice chemistry and it was the first time in what felt like forever that I felt their love for one another. Im glad Meredith was fighting for Alex to fight for himself, but I also liked Alex falling on his sword for jo and I only like this for one reason: it will be the first time Alex has ever chosen Jo over Meredith. And if they want to go forward with jolex they need to have him do that. He can still be the bff and the great uncle to her kids but he has to choose Jo. i know Meredith has suffered, lord knows she's been dealt the crappiest hand ever. I know she feels like Alex is all she has because she imprinted on MAGIC and has never let that go, but the reality is no one character has so many other character clamor to be there for her. She has two sisters who've begged to be there for her. So no, if Alex left she would be fine like she said and she wouldn't be alone. I do know that if jo had been honest about all this earlier Alex prob wouldn't have found himself in the situation he is in now, but I can't find it in me to blame her or be mad at her. She prob doesn't understand the legalities of divorce or name changing or public record and her only recourse is "hide" and that's what she's been doing. She was a victim of domestic abuse and she's been living in fear ever since she left. It's not easy to just tell some one this and honestly, I think it's harder to tell someone you love and who has professed to love you. I really liked jo telling Alex that if she leaves it had nothing to do with him. That said a lot to me about her feelings of him in that moment. I thought Camilla did really well there. I liked the doctors rallying around Webber. The throw back to japrils mercy west days was nice.and hey Maggie and Jackson spoke to one another! I do enjoy jacksons bougie attitude at times and him tellling Maggie to "land the plane"...haha YES! Not the best winter finale but not the worst.
  19. All I know is when bailey said to Alex, "next time I give you a place, know your place", I did something I haven't done in a long time, cheered for bailey!
  20. I have not rewatched those scenes so I may be mistaken. From what I remember, he wanted to talk to deluca and the impression I got it was to try and lesson the upcoming punishment/chance of arrest. When deluca freaked out you can tell he felt horrified. With jo, she tried to talk to him and he told her she's too damaged to love anybody (pot calling kettle), than he ran into her at Amelia's house warming party and wanted to talk cause he might be arrested. Ive seen Alex be afraid of being arrested and really questioning about what he did and what that says about him. What I truly haven't seen is him being sorry. He's prob been advised not to speak to Deluca and that is exactly what he should be doing, but he's talked about this with others and being sorry never comes up. Coming back to this episode, I didn't care for how he was with bailey...paging her like she owes him for being stuck at the clinic. Scolding her infront of colleagues, contradicting her in front of patients. But this is old school Alex. This has always been a part of him. Doing things the wrong way for the right reasons and this show continues to justify his actions. He's not acting like he's damn lucky to have a job at all and to be able to still practice medicine.
  21. Once upon a time though Jo was a rockstar. She was being mentored by Callie. The tune changed when Meredith became the sun and especially when Derek died. But for the most part you are right. I really need this show to s*** or get off the pot with this character. She has an amazing story to tell and instead I'm seeing why I should root for Alex.
  22. It's the one thing that is halting my sympathy for Alex. His complete lack of remorse for what he actually did. He's acting like a martyr and it's pissing me off. I'm being hit over the head with how "amazing" of a doctor he is. Two episodes in a row of him making miraculous diagnosies of two patients people defending him as a good doctor. He's being charged with felony assault. That we know he actually did. It doesn't matter if Deluca is physically healed, Alex deserves to be punished in some form, he should not get away scot free with this. The alex/Amelia scene was powerful and I felt it. The problem I have with it is it was done so Alex can tell Meredith to back off of Amelia. Amelia and April were on the same damn case, it's a huge elephant now that their common loss is not being discussed. Maybe its coming. Amelia is scared to death to have another baby after hers died, and April did actually have a baby after hers died. April could offer amazing insight into this specific and delicate situation that NO other character can deliver with as much honesty. So I hope thats on the horizon cause my immediate thought to seeing Amelia spill this to Alex was, "it should have been April". If Leah's return is the catalyst to Grey Sloan getting nailed for their crappy teaching then I am all for it. Catherine is right to question bailey's treatment of Alex and this situation and she's right to question webber. Wanna know who this teaching hospital failed? April Kepner. Her mentor was too distracted by his drama with Cristina to actually teach her, every attending dismissed her for the most shallow things (I.e: Callie: "i need you to change your voice"). Meredith Grey had teachers bending over backwards to help AND cover for her. All of them had mentors that gave a damn except April. But just looking at Jo and Stephanie's intern class. The attendings were too busy having sex with all of them to actually teach. Leah with Alex and Arizona, Stephanie and Jackson, Shane with Cristina, and jo and Alex. Is it a secret that Stephanie really started to excel once Amelia became her mentor, and Jo's apparently the crappiest resident ever? Speaking of Jo and Alex, I feel so sorry for fans of this pair. Cause even if they get together she will always be second to Meredith. It's sad.
  23. My goodness I love this show so freaking much! First time posting but there was so much to delve into here. Im loving how we are seeing how our past affects our present. We're seeing how all three kids are who they are, for better or worse. Kevin - The perceived "normal" one with no outward things for the parents to worry about gets overlooked every single time. For a set of parents that were so overly concerned about keeping eyes on their kids, it killed me (as I'm sure it did Kevin) to see them sit with their backs turned towards the pool i.e Kevin. They deserved everything he said to them in that moment. Another poster was so on the money with their parents slight preference of concern (I don't want to say love cause I truly don't think that's the case) towards Randall. Kevin gets his toy taken away and Rebecca is awed that Randall solved it rather than getting on him, Randal wonders off and Kevin gets yelled at, even staying in the pool together was more about Randall feeling included than Kevin's fear of swimming. You can see how the parents fueled Kevin's need for attention AND his resentment of Randall. This episode finally made Kevin interesting even if I got second hand embarrassment for him in the audition scene, lol. Kate- When you get notes like the one she got...that stays with you, and it shows. I'm sure those girls were turned off by more than just Kate's weight...she's still "childish" when they are trying to be "cool", she's loud and silly. But they drew a pig on that note, she would remember that forever. So knowing this event, it's easy to piece it to where Kate is now as an adult and why it's so unbelievable for her to think anyone much less Toby is interested in her. And I thought her reaction about the ex wife was in character and made sense. She went way overboard accepting an interview and actually taking the job (which I hope she calls and quits immediately) but none of that screamed "psycho". It screamed "massively insecure" partially because she got validation from a "skinny" girl. Kate is prob the most messed up of all of them. Toby felt real for he first time and I liked it. I like Toby and Kate together even though even I wonder why he chooses to deal with a woman who has so many inner demons when he barely knows her. Randall - by far he has the richest story of the show and I love Sterling K. Brown in this. Everything between him and william was amazing and I loved how they contrasted their different experiences with racism with their different backgrounds but still knew that they were fighting the same fight in a different way. But the moment that really made me choke up a bit was when Randall was telling William about how he feels about looking for him and his internal conflict with it when says "and I love my father" and the way his voice trembled and he almost lost it. Jack wasn't perfect but you can tell how much all three kids love him so dearly. Jack and Rebecca - I love them so much. They were the reason I wanted to watch in the first place but from this episode I loved how the explored two parents who have the best of intentions and are doing the best they can, and still they make mistakes and are falling short in some ways. Side note: I relate to Rebecca in just wanting a space of time to finish a damn paragraph, and I salute her actually finishing her book at the pool, something I never could have done, lol. Overall I feel like this delved deeper into these five characters and I love how this show is confident enough and strong enough to let things unfold naturally and not rush anything.
  24. Just FYI she says there were cleaning people at jacksons house and she felt it was rude to sleep while they cleaned. I've had a cleaning lady come to my house, I don't even feel comfortable staying at home when she's there. It's weird. So April being there had a legit reason.
  25. I agree with this and I hate it. Bailey pissed me off big time. She has enough care in her to tell deluca not to talk about the case in the hospital but when he brings up a legitimate issue she's already checked out. Does she not care that one of her residents is describing an hostile work environment? The one who was beaten pretty viciously with no fault of his own? But because it's Alex, one of "her's", she's just doesn't care. It was prob played for laughs but I literally said "oh screw you bailey". My main fear about this storyline was how it was going to be all about Alex. Alex the perpetrator is getting all the sympathy here plus his is the only POV we're getting and it's making me want Alex to serve jail time (which we all know he won't).
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