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  1. Been missing this show since they took it off Netflix a year ago this month. They had given me just enough time to watch the whole series once. I really wanted a rewatch. Well, wait until Christmas for DVDs I thought. The DVD price on Amazon skyrocketed over the holidays. It recently got down to $90 for all 11 seasons plus the movie so I ordered today. Thought I'd share here.
  2. Just had this happen last night.... Any time the subject of mojitos comes up, my hubby does his best drunk Emily impression. :). He really knows the way to my heart!
  3. Anytime I have a Danish it's Danish day....the happiest of all days! Also, I've developed an obsession with diners.
  4. Lemon Breeland....what to say? I love this character. Sometime in the first season I asked my aunt, who had just finished the series on Netflix "Are we supposed to like Lemon better than the doctor?" She also preferred Lemon. She's just so much fun to watch. I've never seen the actress in anything else, but I'd watch a new show just for her. I shared in another thread that she captured my attention in the first or second episode when I realized she was going to be more than just a cartoonish character. And the first time she said, "Zoe Hart, my sworn enemy" in that southern bell way of hers....lol...she had my heart. She was definitely the highlight of the show for me. This may sound shallow, but visually she was just so stunning that even added to my enjoyment of the character. It was part of the fantasy of Bluebell....perfect crisp wardrobe, perfect hair and makeup....gorgeous! Hart of Dixie seemed like four seasons was right for it, but I'll always regret not getting to see Lemon as the First Lady of Bluebell continuing her civic and entrepreneurial pursuits.
  5. I only recently discovered and watched this series on Netflix. I've been dying to come here to discuss it, but had to wait until I'd reached the end to avoid being spoiled. What a delightful show. I watch TV before bed and tend to choose shows that aren't too dark or heavy to send me off to a happy dreamland. :). Gilmore Girls is my favorite show, so Hart of Dixie was obviously a good fit for my tastes. I really liked the way the writers kept us a little off balance, not always sure what to expect and often surprised by the quality of the characters. For example, in the pilot, after Lemon's first scene I was expecting her to be a shrew/villain one dimensional character. But near the end of the episode after Zoe had ruined the parade, Lemon was about to blow her top and have a huge tantrum. They did a close up of her face and I was picturing that scene from the remake of Parent Trap where the blonde step mom/villain after a bad camping trip totally blows her top in a cartoon like way (there's a lizard in the scene, I think). But George talked her down and she could actually be reasoned with and I said to myself, "Oh, this is a real character." (Loved Lemon, will have to post in her thread). Another example of the writers keeping me surprised was making Lemon and George a viable (in my opinion) couple that I actually rooted for at times, even though they signaled from the start that their relationship wasn't going to work out. Similarly, Joel showing up as Zoe's boyfriend...didn't we all think "Throw away character! Place holder!" But they were great together and I loved Joel! And he was friends with Wade, the one we were "supposed" to root for. How many shows would do that? I'm sure I'll have more to say as I check out the other threads. Hopefully there are others out there still thinking about this show. I tend to discover shows when they are already old news...lol.
  6. I also really loved how gentle she was letting him down. I see what you mean about comedic potential for an actual date, but I'm glad they didn't go in that direction. It would have turned what was a kind handling of the situation into a mean one.
  7. Me too, I thought his suggestion being paired with the scene of Rory in the classroom meant they were genuinely going to swerve that way and her struggles in journalism were deliberate. And that all our criticisms about her choosing journalism were acknowledged. There could have been a super interesting exploration of Rory acknowledging that maybe she romanticized journalism and clung to this dream for so long without knowing why. (It woudn't have prevented ASP from tacking on the pregnancy ending). In my mind she does end up teaching (which also happens to be a career that fits well with parenting). And I'll continue to have that ending in mind unless ASP wants to make some more shows and prove me wrong. :).
  8. And I especially enjoyed Christopher's face when he realized she wasn't falling for it anymore. Oh wow...now I need to go watch this scene again! It was such a fabulous, fabulous scene. And that final shot of Christopher standing there all melancholy....so good. I'm so glad Sutcliffe came back for that scene.
  9. I've been thinking it has to do with being released from the responsibility of being Mrs. Richard Gilmore. Keeping a perfect house, throwing a perfect party, serving the perfect dinner.....no longer worth getting all worked up about.
  10. Well, since you asked... I'm enjoying them more and more the more I watch them. But I loved them the first time around. The more I watch them the more I think, "These really feel like the original series."
  11. The harsh truth of the revival is that it was early morning and Emily had become a day drinker. Afternoon sherry and early morning wine.
  12. I found it odd but not generic. The Alice theme continued, I think. There was at least one teapot hanging in the greenery with the hats. And I guess the hats are mad hatter? (Confession....I've never seen or read Alice in Wonderland). The ballet dancers....total whimsy I think. It helps me settle on my fanwank, though, that the Prewedding took place in the early morning hours of the actual wedding day. (Miss Patty was teaching an early morning class). I know that theory has problems too...just the thought of Lorelai staying up all night drinking seems strange. Ah, but now I remember Emily sitting there having an evening glass of wine. Shoot...there goes my fanwank.
  13. Speaking of Michel, I just finished my rewatch of the revival and tried to catch everyone's facial expressions during the wedding scene. If you haven't yet, go back and watch Michel's....Aww! I wouldn't overthink Michel and Lane being there. In real life it probably had to do with which actors were available and made some sense. And for Luke and Lorelai they probably chose two witnesses from their circle of friends who were available and made some sense. I agree I would have loved Sookie there...but Michel was great too. (I do love Michel.) I love Emily walking up and planting a kiss on Richard's portrait as Lorelai is about to marry Luke. I love the satisfied, sweet look on Kirk's face when he gets Lorelai's text. I'm a sucker for sweet Kirk moments, so this was a perfect last Kirk scene for me. I always loved the end of Bon Voyage....so well done. But I love the end of Fall just as much or better.
  14. Aww, I'm glad others were as over the moon about this as I was. My big fear was dying before Nov. 25. I made it....whew! I've been rewatching this week and still have to pinch myself that there's new Gilmore Girls on my screen.
  15. Forgot to mention, I did read one article about GG that was linked in the Media thread here. It had "Lauren Graham responds to revival backlash" in the title. I was curious what the backlash was, so I clicked on it. She seemed to be responding to negative reaction to some of the humor...things like the Paul gag, I think. I thought it was very insightful of her to compare the shows humor to Donald Trump....not to be taken literally. I think she hit the nail on the head. That also helps explain why people have such wildly different reactions to it. I think the whimsical bent of this show helps me excuse the most extreme behaviors of some of the characters (Luke getting into a physical altercation with young Dean in season one or even the crazy child servant thing going on at the pool in the revival...okay that one may have been too much...lol).
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