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Everything posted by CTO

  1. THIS all day every day. Thank you. It's not entertaining to watch the hate on Brandi either. She's not my type of person but I don't wish her harm. I'm hoping she gets out of the spotlight and starts working on her mental health. That's probably not an option because she has to provide for herself and her kids. Unfortunately her work options are in public media. Ugh. This is horrible all around. The Richards Sisters mental dysfunction was hard enough. Adding Brandi's into it has just made this show unwatchable nearly. Most people think Brandi is aware of her words and actions. After this episode and reading this thread, I think she's not aware - she genuinely believes she's in the right. She's mentally unbalanced and the change over seasons since she was introduced is gradual but so visible in her appearance. I feel bad for her, though i'd be scared of her too if she was in my life. Whew. This is a dangerous situation Bravo has created.
  2. No, i'm right there with you on this. Heather, while I like her, gets on my nerves. She's very dominating and I'm tired of it. It's great to be strong and have convictions, values and ethics. But she's not the only one who lives that way and she keeps saying that anyone who isn't as loud and confrontational as her is somehow flawed. There are plenty of women, and men, who are strong but are not shoving their personality down everyones throat. Eg. LuAnn in her Countess days especially. Carole in her way. Heather seems to think she's Queen Bee and that's a role she claimed without having earned it from what I've seen. I didn't like the way she followed Ramona around last season at that party for instance. Ramona put a boundary, Heather walked all over it. Where are good values and ethics in that? I like Heather. But I really want her to shut up more and also let the others be who they are without judging and finding fault with them if they are not exactly like Heather herself. It's beyond irritating for me now. Heather could take a note or two from Carole in this regard.
  3. I don't think she did to my satisfaction. hah! Seriously, I wanted to hear any one of the women reply to Aviva with "what the heck is wrong with being 50?" and then extrapolate on the issue. This was on tv! Aviva insulted millions of women everywhere. Sigh. Andy really lets too much slide. Who does he think is watching these shows, husbands and men? Agree on LuAnn's earrings. Those seemed off for her usual style? I wish LuAnn would change her hairstyle. She's gorgeous and would look better with something different. I noticed the ladies were seated in corresponding matching of dress colors on opposite couches. Ramona and Kristen - both navy blue gown, both in first position next to Andy. Sonja and Heather - both pink shorter dresses, both in the middle. Aviva and Carole - both gold (though Carole's had some black), and both seated in third. I think Bravo may have styled the ladies and provided the dresses. LuAnn had to style herself because she was demoted this season and she was odd number person on the couch. I'm just guessing on this however. I have no rational explanation for why I noticed this...
  4. Good for her. Ramona is not my favourite person but I have a lot of respect for how she has handled this so far. Still, I'm not sure I believe that he isn't the same man she married. I do think it's possible however that she didn't realize fully who the man she married was, and no criticism on that front from me. Mario has always had a depth of shady to his character; Ramona has always had an unusual back and forth view of many people that veered from seeing right through them to their core to not seeing who they really are at all. I have sympathy for her because I think her upbringing really messed with her in various ways, and I can't fault her for trying to do well in life despite it, even if it means letting her flaws out on display. She's got a lot of courage.
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