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Everything posted by FartyPants

  1. Both Hasan and Michelle were awesome in showing their pain/frustration. Michelle's bits are hit or miss for me .. (Though I always like her .. She is a redhead with freckles, I can't not like her.) but this one felt very genuine.
  2. hmm depends on how you define correct. If you define correct pronunciation of a pronoun as - pronunciation as intended by those who named him .. then how he/everyone says on daily show is not correct, but accepted instead of trying to correct everyone. Have you heard the latino reporters that are reporting news and suddenly say their names in latino accent? Hasan has not chosen to do that. Or may be he thinks that the way is pronounced on daily show is the right pronunciation .. but without knowing that, I would assume that how his mom and another south Asian person says it ,is the right pronunciation. Have not watched last night's show yet, but the live show was good. And as Colbert said on his show .. the sad faces of people on those two shows is probably like porn to Trump supporters :(
  3. I am calling it for the orange disaster and turning off the all news .. good night folks
  4. calm down folks! still too early to panic. (but NH just got very tight!)
  5. Michigan difference of 71! MI being competitive will be worrisome.
  6. For anyone who is as slow as me .. read it as don't ...
  7. yeah .. one Clinton ad. And Cubs almost got it now ... (I got no dog in that fight .. I am just happy to watch the roller coaster :) )
  8. Watching World Series and so far three Trump commercials between 8th and 9th inning. (Tied at 6-6 at end of 9th). No Hillary commercials .. So Trump campaign likes sports fans? and Clinton campaign does not think that they want to spend money on sports fans? (Oh and using FBI for insinuation in Trump Ad . After talking about Hillary using foundation money to get rich and do illegal things, says that FBI just started a new investigation on her. FBI director really gave them a life line)
  9. Lawn sign disparity Our town has voted close to 50:50 in last few presidential elections. (slightly bluer). This is in Metrowest MA. I am looking for Trump Pence signs and in last week I have not seen any while driving around my town and nearby towns. I have spotted more than 25 Clinton-Kaine signs. I think that we will end up at 55:45 or 60:40 in our town in favor of Clinton Kaine. So are Trump supporters afraid of putting up the sign? (Just as some of the Hillary supporters are afraid of doing that in red areas?) The funny thing is though, we are not a Blue town by any stretch of imagination. Or may be all of them are reluctant Trump voters?
  10. Its the only explanation! How the heck did he graduate from the Wharton School of Business when he is so Dumb about the fundamentals of how the Government, and our nation, work?! Apparently he didn't https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2015/07/17/yes-donald-trump-really-went-to-an-ivy-league-school/
  11. Just as sharpest comedians don't ever seem to work for the other team. That would be a good research topic for someone. Why certain skills are co-related to your liberal or conservative view points
  12. Does size of appendages correspond to height of a person on average? That could explain the stereotype. I feel this would be part of some research paper somewhere, but don't feel like looking for it ..
  13. Not sure if she is not part of the band anymore -- Here is the wikipedia page for her -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_Kelly_(musician)
  14. This show (and especially the panel) feels like black issues special on many days. (Unblackening was funny first few times, now it does not seem that funny) While that would appeal to a certain group of viewers, I think it will reduce the overall viewership and the show may not be able to go on with limited viewers. Its still one of my regular shows and I like it better than Colbert celebrity chit chat. Has Larry or anyone stated that they want to focus more on black issues? Is that what this show sets out to be about? Is my impression of what the show is focusing on messed up?
  15. yeah, true that this is not a detailed study with a lot of data, yet, I have been thinking about the broad support that Trump has enjoyed in these primaries. While it is easy to say poorly educated angry white males are the only ones supporting him, that is not the case. So if his coalition of voters has some common thread / common reason for supporting him, it would make more sense. That article posits another possibility towards that common reason. I am not sure how you measure authoritarianism (I cant even say or spell it correctly with confidence) Or why that trumps all the other red flags Drumpf is throwing around. Its also possible that his support is purely from the people who blame all their problems on minorities, immigrants and Muslims, but are aware that they cannot openly say that and so it is not seen in the poll results .. Here is another article to calm our troubled souls -> http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/03/donald-trump-needs-7-of-10-white-guys-213699?o=2
  16. He also does not seem to do small meet and greet type of events. All of his events seem to be a big rally type of event, where he rambles on and leaves without any personal discussions. (Or may be media only shows those and does not show any small ones)
  17. Oscars copied what TNS did with the Martian .. I hope they got royalties :)
  18. Not really, She focused on one aspect (anti-abortion or pro-choice) and convinced us that in that particular aspect, Kasich is ultra conservative. And the fact that she focused only on that, suggested to me that he may not be as conservative on other issues. I need to go and find out how he has acted in other important issues to decide if he is somewhat moderate in other issues. http://www.ontheissues.org/John_Kasich.htm This one was not as full of laughs as the first two, still very good.
  19. Actual bigots may be a small minority, But the fact that there are so many Americans who will tolerate bigotry in their leader is frustrating. As to ignorance, I think ignorant Americans is not a minority. Still come elections, where lot more people vote, I cannot imagine more than half will tolerate the type of hatred that Trump has spewed. At least the immigrants, minorities and women will vote against him in large numbers.
  20. First off thanks to people in other forums (daily show and LWT) to point out how terrific this one is. That made me check it out .. AND it has been terrific. I did not always like Sam's field pieces, so was not sure about this. However, so far I have loved it the most of all late night shows. The pandering fail of Bernie and pander express of Hillary was nicely pointed out. (Bernie, old man, you lost my vote for choosing Churchill ) A black guy gave it to me .. (about the PAC) we need a thread with best lines of the show .. because I would like to read those again
  21. I remember only a few pieces with her .. Had liked her What the actual Fact - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1irIVJwrnr Kristen Schaal also showed up once after Trevor took hosting duties, right?
  22. The gender of the guest has never impacted me as positive or negative. Do TPTB of the show say that they make an effort to get equal representation of gender? Do they reach out to people in news? or do agents of people that are trying to push something reach out to the show?
  23. A lady in the audience (plant, maybe?) yelled it out in reference to Cruz being a little less extreme on torture. which Trump repeated with that happy smirk
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