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Posts posted by Dandesun

  1. On 3/14/2022 at 6:50 AM, Anduin said:

    Fans idly speculating on various aspects of the universe, maybe a bit of 'I wish we could see this.' 

    This is what fan fiction is for. It's for anyone who goes 'I wish I could see...' or 'Wouldn't it be cool if...' and that's kind of the beauty of it. It's the interactive part of fandom rather than just consuming. If people want to think about what Nebula, Gamora being 'raised' by Thanos was like (awful) then they can imagine it. It's really easy.

  2. The power change is interesting but I'm looking at it in this trailer and going 'this looks similar to what happened to Monica in WandaVision' and I'm not all that angry about it simply because it seems to work with what they've laid down in the MCU at large. At least successfully... maybe this will be a way to introduce the concept of Inhumans better? I don't know. I doubt it even with the suggestion that



    might make an appearance. The situation around Kamala getting her powers was based on a really fucking awful thing that Black Bolt did in the mire of Inhumans vs X-Men and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to this day. And the Terrigen bomb wasn't even part of the I vs X shit... that was all part of Perlmutter's 'we're not going to write stories so Fox can make money so shit all over the X-men' nonsense.


    Anyway, the tone and mood of Kamala's story is all here and I am beyond down for it.

    Still I'm curious about the hows... like I said, it reminds me of Monica's eyes in WandaVision and there's a part of me wondering. Kamala is definitely going to be showing up in Marvels. They've got her idolizing Captain Marvel already and bringing Monica in somehow... yes. All the yeses! I am swimming in a pool of yessery and it's delightful.

    Can't wait.

  3. 7 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

    Anyone who wants game footage can just hop on Youtube and watch the real deal.  This is going to be about the stuff that wasn't caught on camera.  Just wait until they start up The Forum Club, Magic decides he hates his coach, they choke away the 84 finals, etc.  These days I think the narrative is that Magic was successful from day 1 and kept it up until he retired, but there were a lot of speed bumps until he really hit his stride in the mid 80s.

    Magic did hit bumps along the way but he is the only rookie to win the MVP award for the Finals. So he came out of the gate strong, he subbed as center in the Finals and got 42 points in... game 6 I think?

    Also, I get that this is supposed to be highlighting the Lakers rise in the 80s as well as the Celtics rivalry but it's interesting that they didn't meet in the Finals until 1984. They're really leaning on the Bird vs Magic thing as well as Jerry Buss meeting with Red Auerbach and I get all of that because of the established Celtics dynasty and how huge that NCAA championship between Bird and Magic was but it's still funny to me that they won't meet in the Finals for 4 years in the show's timeline.

    • Love 1
  4. The opening always made me think of the opening for InuYasha which, for me, isn't necessarily a bad thing but... I guess I had gotten so used to 'Your Turn to Roll' and now 'It's Thursday Night' that it was just... okay. But I did love the animation for it and I also loved that they didn't do any kind of opening, just a stark title screen, for the last episode.

    The fight at the ziggurat (zippertwat) was great. So dynamic, so many pieces moving at the same time. Two members charmed to fight against VM... I've been going back and forth between the show and the original episodes to relive how certain things played out. I actually love how they did Sylas' attempt to charm Grog. In game, that actually worked until Travis remembered he was raging and asked about it. So I really dug how Grog's eyes glimmered for a moment and then he shut them and told Sylas he wouldn't be seduced.

    Pike and Keyleth with their Hero moments... yes yes yes.

    The Sun Tree not talking doesn't bother me too much. I seem to remember that initially Keyleth was just getting very faint feelings from it. And it was practically dead at first so it took some time to recover and turn into the Sun Dude. Season 2 is supposed to be twice as long, isn't it? I would imagine if VM returns to Whitestone as a base of operations after the dragons we might get our moment of the Sun Tree actually speaking. It'd be fun.

    But I love that they didn't pull any punches with the ending and I really love how it tied into the first two episodes. Okay, you went and handled Percy's tragic backstory although that ball of darkness still remains a problem now back to Emon and DRAGONS!!

    Loved it all.

  5. It's not JUST because of the Roger Rabbit cameo that this is giving me Roger Rabbit vibes. This... looks nuts and I'm here for it.

    • Love 3
  6. I could have done with a little more time spent on the bodies but, at the same time, that we saw those people coming in as 'dinner guests' and Delilah putting the symbol of the Everlight on the little girl built up that foreboding. It's been kind of fun to watch reaction videos from those who don't know. No one saw those people brought in as anything other than dead people walking. But the little blonde girl and the Everlight symbol had people putting some pieces together 'was that Pike's symbol?' 'did she do that because the little girl looks like Pike?' and then the reveal at the end combined with the sound of the ropes over the credits... horror achieved.

    Doors continuing to be a problem remains delightful. Everything with Vax, Scanlan and Percy trying to get in through the back door was just hilarious. Especially when Vax was able to pick the cell lock with no problem. And the bit with the guard throwing the piss bucket on them and the extra long beat as they all just stared at each other before Dagger Time! I love how they are able to bring out these comedic moments in the midst of action and drama and horror.

    Percy stalking Stonefell all in shadow was just *chef's kiss. One thing, though, the villains are all clearly evil and enjoy causing pain and anguish. But Stonefell's line about 'some people you kill because you're ordered to, them I killed because I wanted to' was like... WHY? Was it to get under Percy's skin? Or was there a personal reason Stonefell hated the de Rolo's? I mean, he's dead now so I don't see the show going into it but it did make me wonder.

    • Love 1
  7. He also looks a little too… healthy to be Tommy Lee in my opinion. Lee was rock star fueled by drugs and alcohol and adoration rather than a healthy diet and regular work outs, you know? And Stan doesn’t have that wolffish angularity to his face.

    • Love 10
  8. 46 minutes ago, Avabelle said:

    Onto episode two and the biggest mystery to me is what she found attractive about this eejit. He’s so cringey.

    She didn't strike me as having the best taste in men. She married fuckin' Kid Rock for a hot minute, too,

    • Love 9
  9. Tiberius was gone fairly early on in the Briarwood Arc so his being gone here isn't going to alter things too much. There were six episodes before it was announced that he wasn't a part of Critical Role anymore and one of those episodes (the Cows and Consequences one) was pure filler because Taliesen wasn't available that day, meanwhile, Ashley/Pike was missing for a huge chunk of the storyline. I'm guessing they were looking at the Big Moments of the story. Tiberius didn't really have any and certainly by the time the real shit started going down he was gone while Pike did have some. One is definitely easier to lift out.

    As for season two... it seems likely it's the Chroma Conclave but I don't know how they would scale that down. That's a LONG arc.

  10. The initial goal was $750,000 for a 30-60 minute special that was canon but not part of the viewed campaign. And then they hit the goal in under an hour, before they had even decided on stretch goals. From there they were kind of scrambling to keep up. They realized they had something to work with that was more than the original plan and the Briarwood arc became a stretch goal very quickly.

    I think my favorite stretch goal reward was Travis doing a haunted house if they hit 10 million. I am on Travis’ side when it comes to scary things (especially the Ring girl) but I knew the second they suggested it as a stretch goal it was going to happen.

  11. Yeah, Tusk Love was in the scene with Gilmore. He was cleaning up and the book settles in the foreground. Apparently there's also a red weasel on the shelf in the background so, hello Traveler! 

    I have to go back and look but apparently there's a banner behind Lady Allura when she visits the crew at their new keep that depicts a roc and a bunch of cows. I love that nod because I had a feeling there was just no way they were going to be able to fit that particular episode into the Briarwood Arc at large, even though it is full on crazy and exactly the kind of shit that happens at the table.

    In regards to Vax being a bit of a dick, I mean, yeah... he is but when I participated in the Kickstarter I decided to go back and watch those episodes (I, too, started watching regularly during campaign 2) and Liam's monologue as he was dying after first encountering the Briarwoods was so good that it stuck with me even through his more dickish phases. The quick turnaround with the coin and the kids did feel fast but with the opening showing Vex and Vax in the burning ruins of their home, obviously quite young, I think coming across the two kids and then the aftermath with their first encounter with the dragon made sense. Yes, it was a little fast but I'm willing to overlook that for the sake of the overall narrative.

    There have been nice nods so far to the relationships between the characters, Vex and Vax are right there up front especially with 'sister, we have a home.' But I'm also enjoying Vex' low key jealousy of Keyleth. Pike and Grog's relationship is, I think, being portrayed very well. I don't know if they'll spell out their backstory but there's no question about their being close. I'm actually really enjoying Pike a lot, it was difficult at times watching the campaign because Ashley was a way a lot working so it wasn't easy for me to get a read on her character but this is working for me.

    And I don't want to give anything away to those experiencing this story for the first time but everything Percy in episode 3 was top notch. The dream/flashback at the beginning, the rage at the feast, the smoke rising from him with the carriage driver, and the introduction of No Mercy Percy. "Your soul is forfeit!" Just... mwah!

    This makes me anticipate the Sun Tree like whoa.

    • Love 2
  12. The episodes dropped early.

    Episode 1 is your fairly typical introductory episode although it does give the group a chance to actually dig in and make a stand for themselves. 2 ups the ante and give a hint at the end of who the real villains are.

    3 is when shit gets fucking real.

    Anyone else here follow the show? There are definitely Easter Eggs scattered about. My favorite so far is seeing Tusk Love. And, come on, we all know that was Fjord and Jester on the cover.

    The Briarwoods live up to their in game reputation. Incredible. And Percy’s darkness making itself known was very nicely done.

    As a backer, I’m not remotely disappointed. At all.

    • Love 2
  13. But Joey wasn't actively hitting on Mrs. Green, or expressing any interest or making any comments about whether she was hot. The kiss was pure distraction and it worked! It was a pure desperation move and it kept her occupied while they quickly ushered Mr. Green out. Rachel didn't seem particularly thrown by it and there was never any mention made of it again.

    Ross and Mrs. Bing kissing was a significant plot point for that particular episode. And the plot point there was more about Chandler and his mom rather than Ross. I blame Mrs. Bing for that one more simply because Ross seemed quite drunk and she didn't despite the number of shots going around.

    And, yeah, Joey wasn't the one to tell Chandler because he thought that was Ross' place to do so and kept getting after him to tell Chandler the truth.

    I do think Joey is one of the better actual friends.

    • Love 6
  14. I've watched this movie about 5 times now and I cry every damn time 'Dos Oruguitas' starts. And then I'm a wreck through the entirety of 'All of You' as well.

    I'd say it's a success as a film, for me at least.

    • Love 8
  15. I really loved this. It made me super emotional, too. The songs are so catchy, I've got 'We Don't Talk About Bruno' in my head and have for the past week. I think the thing I liked best was aside from the two relationships that needed the most work, there wasn't meanness within the family. There was so much love surrounding them all. I loved all the different colors in everything, how bright it all was.

    Yeah, I really loved this movie. I did have to put closed captions on because I missed so much in the opening song. It all went so fast! But once I did that, everything was fine.

    And Far From the Tree was really moving too. Loved them both.

    • Love 5
  16. 3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    Does she have control? Last time I looked (Kitty wedding that turned into Gambit/Rogue) she was wearing an inhibitor necklace.

    I think I heard Jube was back to being a Firecracker, not sure how that happened since she was turned into a Vampire. Sadly even then, the writers had no idea what to do with her...I mean freaking Vampire (strength, speed, healing, ability to turn to mist, etc) and they had her holding a baby 99% of the time...no, I'm not bitter😂

    Rogue and Gambit got married and in their Mr & Mrs X book she got boosted to where she didn’t even have to touch people to absorb them, just near them, and then went through some shit in Mojoverse where she finally got a handle on it. At this point she’s got enough control that she can fuck her husband on the regular without any inhibitors to help.

    Jubilee is back to being a firecracker but she’s still holding a baby most of the time… unless they’re in Otherworld and that baby is a dragon. Honestly I have no idea how or when she stopped being a vampire. I love that comic books allow me to write sentences like that.

    Xavier’s problematic stuff happily continues on Krakoa and is coming to a head in Inferno which is Hickman’s last story but Reign of X will continue in the shake ups about to happen. Look, Scott may never control his powers but at least he’s got active polyamory so he can be in a relationship with Jean AND Logan while presumably fucking Emma as well. He’s got that going for him these days at least. And now that they’ve brought Madeline back (Emma did that for Alex but that should get spicy too) who knows?

    And since Wanda expanded the resurrection abilities of the mutants… the Krakoan Era is interesting as fuck. I particularly like that the Avengers are just really confused by so much that’s going on. And allegedly there is some new event in the woks that will be Krakoans Avengers and Eternals… hoo boy.

    • Useful 1
    • LOL 1
  17. 4 hours ago, arc said:

    In the start of the Jonathan Hickman run on the X-books, he eliminated death as a plot point for mutant kind because they had built a resurrection machine. So anyone who dies gets a clone body quick-grown to adulthood and their mind (regularly backed up by Professor X and Cerebro) gets dumped into the clone body.

    But Scott still needs the visor!!!!! Original Scott only needed it because he had a head injury that kept his optic blasts firing at all times. So did the cloning process replicate this particular injury?? Definitely on the top ten of worst things Xavier’s ever done.

    Mutants who had their abilities erased have been able to come back with their powers but Scott still has the visor, Alex still wears the containment suit and Rogue went through so much shit to finally get some control it’s almost ridiculous.

    At this point, Scott’s inability to control his eye beams is just part of him, I guess.

  18. On 12/26/2021 at 3:43 AM, Browncoat said:

    I love Rosemary Clooney’s green velvet dress in the party/dance scene.  


    My sister wants the ass brooch Rosemary sports in her black Carousel Club dress. As she puts it 'it looks like a firework!' (Which are among my sister's favorite things.)

    • Love 2
  19. On 12/24/2021 at 8:54 AM, Fool to cry said:

    I like White Christmas and watch at least some of it every year. One thing I question though, would soldiers really have that much affection for their old general, that they would take their families across country to help him save his hotel? A 2 star(major) general is in command of a division which has at least 10,000 men. What close relationship could he reasonable have with any of them? I could see if he was a captain in charge of a company of about 200 like say Captain Winters in Band of Brothers. I think the only reason he had to be a general was he had to be old and retired.

    White Christmas is a staple in my house. As for the men, it’s specifically stated that there has to be enough guys in New England alone to fill the place for the event, enough to let him know that he’s not forgotten.

    And given that Bob (Bing) was stated to be a captain maybe they came for his sake. So it all worked out.

    • Love 5
  20. I did like how both Clint and Kate had the nose bandages at the end. Nice nod to Fraction's Clint.

    I also liked how the 2nd issue of Kate Bishop: Hawkeye came out today and there she is running around working on solving things with Lucky. She makes a few comments about circuses are Clint's territory (in 616 they are) and she's constantly texting with Cassie and America. 

    AND the 3rd issue of Echo's Phoenix mini so... all in all... a good comic day to go with the last episode of Hawkeye. 


  21. 1 hour ago, Fool to cry said:

    The Dark Phoenix Saga is interesting because the original ending was Jean had the Phoenix Force removed by the Shi'ar leaving her powerless. Her death was a last minute change because editor in chief Jim Shooter saw a page before printing where the Dark Phoenix  consumed an alien star causing the deaths of billions of beings and thought she should be punished. Years later they found a way to bring Jean back without having her be responsible for genocide. Writer Roger Stern got an idea from fan later writer Kurt Busiek who came up with the real Jean healing in a cocoon in the bottom of the bay where the space shuttle the X-Men were on crashes while the Phoenix took on her form and memories and that's who later became evil. Adaptations in other media have the real Jean become Dark Phoenix omit the killing a planet part but still keep the death.

    I could write a fucking thesis on what they -- and by they I mean ANYONE who has tried to retell this story -- miss about the original. What Claremont wanted at the start, which was to develop a way for his characters to retire and move on with their lives, would have allowed Jean and Scott to retire from X-life and that's what he tried to do with Scott and Madelyne.

    And no version of Phoenix is ever going to be honest about the gaslighting and assault on Jean by Wyngarde/Mastermind with Emma's assistance. So... yeah. I mean, Charles has a long history of being a jerk and being problematic in his own right but what Mastermind did and how Jean reacted is the real story they'll never actually tell. Speaking of... Mastermind? Not a sympathetic villain. His two daughters? Also not really BUT they are at least bizarrely entertaining in the dumbest way possible. (The Cerebro podcast about them is so funny...)

    ANYWAY... the point is that the X-books are a blooming field of anti-heroes and sympathetic villains. (As well as asshole villains and jerky heroes. Like anything else.) So we'll see what happens there.

    And I don't mind having heroes doing questionable things. It's an ugly world out there and there is rarely a perfect answer to anything. They're trying though. They're trying.

    • Love 4
  22. MCU only people, particularly reviewers, are waaaaay behind on that score. And anyway... if they think now is when the MCU has been blurring the lines they really haven't been paying attention.

    Sympathetic villains and anti-heroes have existed for ages. Not the movies ever got this right but the reason the Dark Phoenix Saga is such an important story in the X-universe is because it very much dealt with good and evil and lines blurred between them. I mean, it was also about trauma and the ramifications of that, which are also a major part of Magneto's life and Magik's is centered on that.

    But, seriously, did they miss the entirety of the Winter Soldier story? Or Natasha's origins and the choices she's made since? Or Tony's origin story? You can make arguments for everyone in the MCU not just the ones who are getting the spotlight now.

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