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Posts posted by Dandesun

  1. I reached it well over a decade ago. It was Michael was still a baby and every scene than involved Jason, Carly or AJ was like a sledgehammer of 'AJ IS HORRIBLE! JASON IS PERFECTION! CARLY IS TOTALLY RIGHT TO PUSH MICHAEL INTO JASON'S HANDS! BECAUSE AJ IS HORRIBLE! DON'T FORGET THAT!!'

    It was rage inducing then (and clearly hasn't changed over the years) to the point where I would storm through the house bellowing my outrage until... one magical day, I realized that my life would be better without GH. I stopped recording it. I stopped watching it. Granted, I would return and keep tabs over the years... like the first time Brenda returned, I watched some of that... I watched both Night Shifts (the second was infinitely better than the first which was, inexplicably, all about Jason again) and I tuned in to see the OLTL characters until I realized that they were going to torpedo Blair for in infinitely lesser character.

    I DID watch Jason get rolled off the docks. That was a moment I had been waiting for for YEARS and I was pleased to watch it. Still think it's one of the highlights of the show. Yes, they're dangling Jason about as alive and that irritates me to no end since Jason (and to a lesser extent Carly and Sonny) was the reason I gave up the show but, still, the ignoble death was one of the best things ever.

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  2. I loved Laganja's butterfly fascinator but that girl needs to have a thousand seats. Seriously, for me, one of the best parts of the recent Untucked was her saying she thought Adore would be in the bottom two and Dela and Courtney just give her these 'Bitch, are you high?!' looks.

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    I'm with you on Cole's mother, however. Marty always left me cold, even when I intellectually realized she was in the right. And the less said about her and Patrick and that wretched poem, the better.


    I sympathized deeply with her during the Spring Fling... how could you not? But I despised her before, I hated that she was brought in as Megan was dying and clearly being set up as the New It Girl. I loved Megan. I wept copious tears as she was dying and everyone was saying good-bye and Jake finally made it back and it was all so beautiful!!

    And then I wound up stuck with this shitty, stank attitude 'poor little rich girl' with her stupid peasant skirts. Ugh. And she was surrounded by Malone's Dickensian urchins that he fucking populated young Llanview with at the time. And I sure as hell didn't like Todd when he first showed up. A jock douche with longish hair and polo shirts? Really? It was all a war of who I disliked more... Todd and his cronies hated Jason Webb (one of the few things that crew did right) so I was on their side there... but then they were pretty much horrible anyway so there was that.

    After the Spring Fling, well after, was when I started actually feeling sympathy for Todd. And it's pretty huge to start sympathizing with a rapist over his rape victim... knowing she has every right to feel the way she does. Was that the strength of Howarth at the time? That had to have a lot to do with it. Haskell's strength, to me, was playing fear laced with bravado and being shrill. There really wasn't much about her portrayal of Marty that I found compelling. Ever.

    And the never-ending 'connection' between Marty and Todd was one of the grossest things ever. Huge unpopular opinion? I remain pleased as all get out that Marty and Todd didn't get any scenes upon Howarth's return. The idea that a rape victim somehow has special insight into a rapist's soul is repellent so I didn't need a revisit on that mess.

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  4. David Fumero was not a master thespian but he had a likability that really matters a lot in daytime. He was a solid B/C-story actor and his affability came through in his romances, I thought. And his familial relationships as well as his friendships. I found him believable as a guy people liked.

    My unpopular opinions? I loathed Roxy and Marty. I could never quite get over what Roxy came onto the show as and then becoming the silly comedic character. And Marty? Was nothing more than a victim. In rewatching some of the '94 episodes I recall how disgusting I found her and Andrew's affair... no, they didn't have sex but they made out a LOT. Hypocrite of the highest order. No love from me. 

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  5. I think she's probably one of the sweetest most adorable girls the show's ever had.

    She's a kitten made of glitter. KittenGlitter!

    And I agree that she's much smarter than previously thought. What's the saying? It takes brains to play dumb? Plus, I read an interview with her on how she got started (she was a DJ and was lip synching better than the queens on-stage according to the manager) and talked about how her Dad came to see her do drag. So sweet, as shocked as Dad seemed to be he told her "You make a really good looking woman!"

    I love reading supportive parent stories.

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