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  1. I wonder if Armstrong-Jones was this big of an asshole in real life. I don't like him for Margaret, tho I know she marries him. She didn't have a happy life . I wonder what it would have been like if she had been allowed to marry Peter.
  2. I love Debbie's apartment.
  3. Great show, great cast! The kid who plays Naz is gong to be a star! I was screaming "Get a Lawyer!" . Great performance by the actor playing Box, but I always cringe when cops are portrayed as so obviously trying to get you to give up your constitutional rights to an attorney.......
  4. Love this show, but since we have already seen so much of Morse's future, some of the suspense is taken away, but that is the way it is with prequels.
  5. That nurse was Endeavour's lover last season. There was barely a hint of recognition between them. Weird.
  6. No kidding! We have no reason to believe this wasn't her first offense , and she came from a middle-class family with a high ranking military father, so probably could have afforded a decent lawyer........guess we will never know the whole story now. :(
  7. IF MCC tried to throw Bayley under the bus, they would throw themselves under it. It would have been MCC's responsibility to do a proper background check and provide adequate training. I mean, one of their asshole guards made a girl swallow a mouse! I never noticed how VERY tall Piper is til this season. Did we ever find out why Poussey was in prison? Some bullshit drug charge I'm sure. I hate the waste of human life that prison for non-violent offenders is.
  8. Yeah, I know what I'm doing the rest of the weekend. Good stuff. Jessica is the one who killed Luke's wife, our first real glimpse of David Tennett playing WAY against type.... Im enjoying this. I don't think we will get a lot of character development with Luke until his own series....til then enjoy the eye candy.
  9. Lithium wasn't used for mental illness til late 1940's and then not widely . Wonder how Doctors wife got the idea to give it to give it to Pat? Perhaps just an anachronism. Even today Lithium can be very dangerous in too high doses.
  10. I can't imagine anything worse than living a day to day to day to day existence for 800+ years. It was Ashildr's time to die, but the Doctor wouldn't let her. He did the same thing with River. Did not allow her her natural death, and then abandoned her. I doubt Maisie would want to go from one big genre show to another. My guess is, once she is done with Arya, she will want to see what else acting can offer her. She is 18 so won't get any taller, so I wonder if she will have trouble getting adult roles, she is so petite.
  11. A nice guest turn by Michael McElhatton (aka Roose Bolton) Seriously HOT! Those eyes! Disappointed that Damien was back to his old tricks 2 eps after Julia died. Sigh.... Have we ever seen naked Stonebridge? He should have tried it on with Kim.
  12. Healy is the worst. He is trying to stir up an investigation on Bertie for inappropriate boundaries while making eyes at Red and using everyone to stroke his frail ego. Piper as the Godfather is a drag. Glad Tucky has Boo helping her see that she does not need to be the receptacle for Mr. Donuts lust. I did miss Nicki tho. Anyone know why she seems to have been written out? Actress moving on? SHe had a presence that just popped off the screen. THis prison is a cluster fuck. Everyone running out the back to a few minutes of freedom while new prisoners coming in the the front door. I'd hate to be the one to clean up this mess. .
  13. When Piper and Alex show up on screen this show comes to a screeching halt. Oh Tiffany. That poor girl. Doomed from the start.( Tho the show sure pulled out every " southern white trash" stereotypes in her flash back) I'd have liked to see a bit of romance for Suzanne.
  14. Poor Pennsetucky ....the Donut guy turned out to be a creap. The boundaries between inmates and staff are REALLY loosy/goosey in this show.
  15. Ha! I wont even get a smart phone because I don't want the learning curve, so unlikely :) :) :) :)
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