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Posts posted by CountryGirl

  1. I don't for one second believe Taylor is dying. She's survived a plane crash (actually two plane crashes as there was the one where she became Layla and then the one where she just had to de-virginize James) and being shot by Sheila. 

    I think this is a semi ripped off from Y&R plot where Nikki and Victor reunited when she was dying and, of course, after they remarried, she miraculously recovered. 


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  2. 6 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

    They are both such awkward lovers. Their romantic scenes are just clumsy. Aren't there acting classes available for actors to learn how to perform believable love-making on camera? Even a cheap gas-station porno dvd would be helpful to them.

    I blame Jacquie as she's looked awkward with everyone except Don as she comes off as trying to look like the sexiest sexpot eva. Even with Don, she looked like she was focused on showing off her best angles during Stallion Night. Tanner has chemistry with Annika in the massage and fantasy scenes and with the Steffy stand-in during the early days of Covid. In fairness, the latter was his own wife, Kayla, who played Caitlin Ramirez years ago, but the point still stands.

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  3. 4 hours ago, ByTor said:

    And pistachios, right? Or was that Nick?

    That was Nick.

    Kick or Natie or whothefuckcares is why I haven't been able to stomach Katie since she was played by Heather Tom. She's fucking around with her niece's husband while said niece, Bridget, is working night and day to find a cure for her heart condition.

    What a waste of Storm's heart.

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  4. On 9/17/2024 at 12:32 PM, Anna Yolei said:

    Does he know Katie well enough at all to be saying any of that? The only other time I recall them sharing a scene was 2017, when he got arrested for trying to bust a cap in Quinn's ass.

    You're right that she's basically the Steffy of the Logan clan, except I can point to a specific 12 month period in '08 where Steffy was a mostly decent human being. Katie was barely on Show 6 weeks before she was panting over Nick and there were instances where I got the sense they were trying to to chem test Katie with Ridge too. 

    Did you forget when Katie and Ridge were engaged with the red ribbon of true wuv to seal the deal? Because they had their love of soccer and POEEEMs. Oh and this was after you had sniveling Katie faking a heart attack when Brooke and Ridge were supposed to be remarried (again). 

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  5. On 9/16/2024 at 2:01 PM, backhometome said:

    Why was Bill acting like he never met Will before. Like he doesn't know how to be a father. This whole Katie/Will/Bill thing seems so juvenile. 

    LOL Steffys condition. I know wont be popular on here. But Hope does need to respect her CEOs marriage. She is lucky she wasn't fired. 


    Since Finn doesn't work at FC, Steffy wouldn't have a leg to stand on with firing Hope. It would be unlawful termination and Hope would have every right to sue. 

    Steffy didn't respect her own marriage by kissing Liam twice recently while very married to Finn. Much less when she fucked her employee's husband. 

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  6. So I come back from a wonderful vacation to find out that not only is the Bitch in a Box no longer in said box, there's a party to celebrate her being freed from said box?

    Stand Up What GIF by 800 Pound Gorilla Media

    How can a show go from must-watch to delete-this-waste-of-time off my DVR in the space of ONE week is beyond me.

    And I call all kinds of bullshit that Scrappy Doo Finn figured it out in the span of one commercial break. 

    He can't even find his own set of balls and they're always in Steffy's handbag so it's pure nonsense.

    Liam not being invited to Steffy's party is kind of amusing but that is not nearly enough to make up for the 180. I wanted at least the rest of September for her to be that bitch in a box.

    Well, she's still a bitch, forever and ever amen.

    And Hope is being a damn doormat, saying she's partially responsible for Bitch being in a Box. Steffy is the one who fucked around one time too many and found out from Luna who isn't enamored with Steffy the way Liam, Finn, and (I think on some level) Bill are.

    Taylor, I'd like to punt into the sun for telling Brooke she needs to keep a tight rein on Hope. She kissed him, you stupid heifer. She didn't fuck him like your daughter did her father-in-law. And she kissed her ex husband multiple times and has still kept it under wraps. And you slept your way through the Forrester and Logan families so don't you dare talk about patterns and predatory behavior. 

    @RuntheTable, I am with you about liking Li again. It's clear she feels for Poppy, losing Luna to prison. Unless, of course, TPTB make it up to us and give us the storyline we need - that Luna is Finn's daughter and Sheila's granddaughter and all she needs is a good ol' brain tumor to be redeemed. That would be even better than bitch in a box if bitch has a stepdaughter AND MIL from hell.

    Poppy don't be nice to Katie. She doesn't deserve it.

    I don't love Boppy but I'd take them over boring Batie.

    Back to the bitch and Hope.

    Hope, finding a little bit of backbone: "I didn't come in here to be condescended to or for a history lesson. I came to apologize." Which she has already done, several times, which is more than Steffy ever did to Hope or anyone else she's wronged.

    Steffy: "I wonder if you wish I were still in that cage."

    I know what my answer would be.


    Steffy doubles down and says "I won't forgive and forget when it comes to you kissing my husband." Oh, but you can kiss Hope's fiancee and take her still warm from Hope's finger engagement ring and fuck Liam when he and Hope are very married?

    She orders Hope to stay away from Finn. But something tells me it's Finn who's going to find it hard to stay away from Hope. Especially now that his wife is on the highest of horses and on a rampage, fueled by her jealous, spiteful mother.


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  7. 1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

    DAUMMM! Luna does not play. Tend to her prisoner, visit mommy, then off to the po po to twist the knife she has plunged into mommy's back. 

    Luna makes me feel like an absolute slacker.

    Lisa is giving an absolute master class in acting with the changing on-a-dime behaviors and expressions.

    For starters, with her visit to Steffy, who made me laugh so hard with her screeching and banging. JMW's voice sounds raspy so kudos to her, I guess, for going all method.


    Luna asking Steffy how she slept and then telling her how she slept like a baby at Bill's a thing of beauty.


    Her telling Steffy her kids were in good hands and reminding them they're family. Well, Hayes is her cousin and possibly sibling if Finn is going to turn out to be Luna's daddy.

    4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

    Katie? What the hell is wrong with you. So happy, and absolutely bursting with your news, that you are willing to share a table with Sheila? Not only that, but to discuss and debate shit? You a mess girl, you really are. There is also the fact that nothing has been proven in regard to Poppy, circumstantial evidence is one thing, but proof is entirely another. All you have is conjecture, and the fervent desire for Poppy to be guilty so you can gloat get Bill back. 

    Katie is such a joke. Since clearly Poppy is the bigger threat, being not Bill's latest baby mama anymore but still the woman in his life and bed. 

    Sitting there, sipping tea with Sheila???


    Luna playing the part of the dutiful daughter to clueless Poppy.


    Clueless about her baby girl and her designs on $ Bill.

    Then off to Lt Hot Dog who I'm equal parts, he's smelling something a rot in the state of Bel Air and sniffing out the next hot dog he can stick in his craw.

    Finn wanting to check on Luna like the loving father cousin he is. There's more to it than they're cousins. There has to be.

    Steffy crying and touching her wedding ring, and whining about Finn. Bitch, you left him, remember? You ran off like the spoiled brat you've always been. Had you kept your trifling ass at home, this never would have happened. She's also the one who told him not to contact her.

    So I cannot feel sorry for this bitch...in a box. 🤣

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  8. Luna needs to round up Liam and put him in the cage with Steffy.

    For this hypocritical POS to show up to Finn's office and dare to stick his nose where it has never belonged made me want to slap him into next year.

    I mean, did these words really come out of his mouth: “Man, Finn, you really messed up. You and Hope? Really?”

    When he fucked Steffy when she was committed to Finn and living with him?

    When he kissed Steffy, not once, but twice, and neither of them have come clean?

    Finn actually grew a spine, a thing he is, apparently, incapable of doing with his slattern wife, asking "Why did you come all the way over here? Did you want to give me a lecture?"


    It's Liam, Finn. Hypocritical self-righteous pontificating is one of his favorite pastimes.

    But good ol' soggy waffles just cannot read the room, saying he can't believe Finn and Hope kissed, snitting, “It’s no wonder Steffy left.”

    Has he forgotten when he kissed Sally and Steffy left and proceeded to fuck his own father?

    Apparently so, because he says that what happened affects all of them. No, it doesn't. You just want to insert yourself everywhere you are not wanted except between Steffy's thighs and even she is tired of your ass (for the moment).

    Finn says that Hope kissed him and not the other way around. He's right, she initiated it, even if he seemed a little bit into it for a moment.

    He explains, unnecessarily, as it's none of Liam's business, that he's not okay with what she did.

    Why he didn't kick him out then and there is beyond me.

    But Liam isn't finished and has the gall to say that "Hope wouldn't do that for no reason. You must have been sending her mixed signals. She wouldn't kiss you unless she thought you'd be okay with it."

    So many kinds of gross right now. Removing Hope's agency with a side of victim-blaming as Finn didn't invite the kiss. I'll bet Liam thinks a woman wearing too short of a skirt gets what she deserves.  

    Finn: “I wasn’t. And unlike you, Liam, I am and will always be, 100% committed to Steffy. And since I don’t know where she is or how long she’s going to be gone, she’s my only concern right now.”

    Since he's so concerned about what happened, Finn tells Liam to go talk to Hope, which of course Liam says he'll do. Because of course this doucecanoe will.

    He won't give up though because he's still insisting that he doesn't want Finn to act as if he played no role in this. 

    When he says “This is not the first time Steffy’s had to get away," I wanted to punt him into the sun. She ran away from you, too, fool, and straight into your daddy's arms.

    I think what this is really all about is that Finn has two women fighting over him when he's been so used to being the point of a triangle. He is especially ridiculous when he talks about how Finn keeps "wreaking havoc on Steffy’s life" and that maybe stepping away for a bit is healthy for her.

    For the 100th time, he's her husband, not you, and this is none of your damn business. 

    Finn is getting mighty sick of Liam's judgment. About time.

    Liam: "I see the pattern. Steffy gives you another chance and you let her down again." Does he not see the hypocrisy? How many times did he let down Steffy AND Hope to the point that if they see him coming, they should run as fast and far away as they can.

    He even tries to throw Sheila in Finn's face and fuck off.

    Finn realizes it's useless to debate this clown and just expresses concern about her leaving and where she could be.  Don't worry, Finn, she's in good hands.

    What he doesn't add but I will is that LIam needs to take his greasy, uncombed, heavy jacket wearing in the midst of a heat wave swamp ass self the hell out of his office.


    We get all the tea and flashbacks galore about Luna's machinations, which is fine, but all I care about is that Steffy is still in a cage, inside a condemned building, and it is glorious.


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  9. @KerleyQ, you inspired me.

    But I demand to see your version, too. Scratch that, I'm asking politely because I am not a bitch. Most days anyway.

    Speaking of bitches...



    Bitch in a Box

    Hey fans…

    I got somethin’ real important to show you

    So just sit down and listen

    Fans, I know you’ve been watching this shitshow for a long time

    (For a long, long time)

    And now, I’m ready to go insane

    It’s not even Christmas yet but my devious mind is open wide

    (Open wide)

    Gonna give you what’s on your list, show I know what’s on your mind

    (What’s on your mind)


    A gift so special it don’t need to be wrapped

    Take a long look…it’s a bitch in a box

    (A bitch in a box)

    It’s a bitch in a box

    (A bitch in a box)


    So much better than a diamond ring

    This little gift means everything

    Easy to see in this sleek black cage

    Point and laugh as she screeches her rage


    So unlike her house in the hills

    Seeing her penned in gives me the thrills

    This is a gift straight from the heart

    Something this heifer hasn’t had from the start


    It’s this bitch in a box

    This bitch in a box, babe

    It’s that bitch in a box

    Oooh, that bitch in a box, yeah


    See this gift was long overdue

    When a gift needed giving, Luna came through

    Somethin’ to show Steffy a whole lotta fun


    To all those shows with fans to impress

    It’s easy to do, just follow these steps


    One – Solder that box

    Two – Put that bitch in a box

    Three – Don’t ever open that box

    And that’s the way you do it


    It’s that bitch in a box

    This bitch in a box, babe

    It’s that bitch in a box

    That bitch in a box, yeah


    Christmas, bitch in a box

    Hanukkah, bitch in a box

    Kwanzaa, a bitch in a box

    Every damn day needs that bitch in a box


    Basement of Brooke’s mansion pad, bitch in a box

    Midday at the fashion house, bitch in a box

    Bedroom at Hope’s cabin, man, a bitch in a box


    That bitch in a box

    That bitch in a box

    That bitch in a box

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  10. 37 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

    And don't forget, that building is scheduled for demolition. Does Bill own it? That would make it even more delicious! I want for Luna to turn out the lights, leave, and Steffy can sit there in the dark. Trapped. Hearing random explosions coming from deep in the bowels of the building. Waiting ... Waiting ... 

    Rubbing Hands Disagree GIF

    Oh that's right!


    That is some serious karma.

    Maybe she'll think about the time when Liam and Sally were trapped in a demolished building and thought they were goners?


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  11. Despite all Steffy's rage, she is still just a rat in a cage.


    Sorry, I couldn't resist.

    Luna, showing skills I didn't know she had, putting the cage together, powertools and all. 


    Scream your head off, you daft cow, but no one can hear you.


    Luna's glee matched mine watching this. Worst new character to BEST EVER since Sally 2.0. 


    I agree with @nkotb that mad Finn is the best Finn but I'm feeling very much like this, watching him of late.


    Where was this righteous indignation when your now-wife fucked Liam when you two were in a committed relationship and living together???

    He can miss me with the slut-shaming attempts of both Hope and Brooke. 

    Has he forgotten this? 


    I'm gonna just call him Stockholm Syndrome from now on.


    As for Batie, well, that rhymes with Hatie as in I HATE this. 


    I mean, really TPTB, you are firing on so many cylinders with the Luna twist, why muck it up with this yawn of a pairing?

    Bill calling her his "guardian angel?"

    Blech. And you'll just enable her Gladys Kravitzing even more.

    Back to thinking of Luna and her glee over her pet.


    Also, 30 years ago, Sheila Carter held her own mother hostage over a man and a baby. Wouldn't it be so delicious if Luna is Sheila's granddaughter after all?

    I could watch these moments over and over.

    There's a new sheriff in town, Steffy cakes. Her name is Lunatic.



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  12. Oh, of course, St. Steffy will milk this for the next thousand years. 

    But I'm going to enjoy her being in a cage and unable to verbally abuse her husband, Hope, and Brooke for however long it lasts. 


    23 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

    Not trying to rain on anybody's parade, but isn't Steffy going to become even more insufferable (if that's even possible) once she's rescued? 

    I mean she's going to play the bitter victim role to the max! 

    I hope that while Steffy's trapped in the cage that Hope and Finn finally hook up and Sheila ends up being the one to free Steffy. That would be all kinds of delicious karma! Liam can pick up the pieces. 

    Yes, she will - when we didn't think it was possible for her to be more insufferable, bitch will find a way.

    When has she ever not played the victim? The bitterer the better?

    I would love for your hopes to become reality. Let her go back to Liam, who is probably wondering why no one wants his soggy waffles. First, Hope with Thomas, then her kissing Finn. And Steffy isn't showing any interest in a revenge fuck overreaction to a kiss - for once. 

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  13. Luna girl, you may be a cray-cray bitch who offed two people and let your own mama take the rap, but you finally put the heifer known as Stephanie Forrester Finnegan in her place and for that, I'll be forever grateful.

    Odd or not, it was absolutely none of Steffy's business as to Luna's behavior with Bill. Nor, quite honestly, the two deaths. 

    Between her high-horsing it with Hope and sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong, you reap what you sow. 

    I mean, seriously, who did she think she was, Katie Logan?, waltzing into Luna's apartment and demanding answers.


    And if she was half as smart as she thought she was, she would never have accepted a drink from Luna, who is easily one million steps ahead.


    But I'm glad she's that damn dumb and that damn nosy.

    And I really do think that Finn is Luna's daddy. It's the only thing that makes sense. Jack doesn't even make sense at this point considering it's already common knowledge he's a cheater whose affair with Sheila produced Finn in the first place.

    So just think of it, folks. The possibilities are glorious and could breathe some life into the tired old chestnut that is Sheila.

    Not only does Steffy have Sheila as a mother-in-law.

    She has Luna as her stepdaughter and just wait until Luna gets to know her grandmother. 


    Karma just came for you, Steffy.

    Her name is Luna.


    Couldn't have happened to a better heifer.


    Should have kept her trifling ass home with Finn and the kids.

    If she had, she wouldn't be in this fix.

    But ya know, I'm thinking some time in Luna land will do her a lot of good, allow for some self-reflection (yeah, right).


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  14. Methinks Luna is going to make Steffy disappear. Which might make me Luna’s biggest fan. 

    Karen Gillan Yes GIF by A Little Late With Lilly Singh

    Agreed, @CharlizeCat, that Lisa is bringing it as Luna. She didn’t wow me at all her first several months onscreen, but she is selling the heck out of the storyline. The way she used her face in her scenes with RJ and Bill was so well-done. From innocent young woman to I’m so bored with him with RJ to innocent, teary-eyed woman turned calculating seductress with Bill in the space of a few moments. I have no idea where this storyline is going but I’m here for it!

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  15. Remind me why Taylor was needed back on canvas again?

    Because this smug bitch can hop back on her broomstick and disappear.

    To Brooke today: “Of course. Brooke Logan’s daughter is kissing my daughter’s husband.”


    Why Brooke didn't say, "Well, at least she didn't fuck him like Steffy fucked Liam" is beyond me. Have a spine, lady!

    And then her snotty "Like mother, like daughter" and "Classic Logan behavior. Find the most inappropriate man possible and go for it." Bitch, do not even go there as you are the one to fuck your way through two families vs one. And your daughter fucked her way through one.

    Taylor also slept with ex, Blake, and then Ridge. In the same day. Although I think there's a pretty good chance Steffy slept with Liam in the same 24 hours she slept with Bill. After all, they did renew their vows and she had to have slept with Liam in close proximity given paternity test #1. 

    But Brooke is a damn doormat, especially when she's attached to Ridge, so she just takes it.

    Steffy dishes out more hypocritical bullshit, telling Hope to "rein in the impulses you inherited from your mother."

    Hello, Pot?

    This is Kettle.

    If Hope is a ho, then so are you, heifer.

    Steffy also tells her "if you can't do that, then go seduce someone else's husband. Because you're no longer allowed around mine."

    You are the one who slept with a married man, not Hope, honey chile. And slept in the same bed as your husband's brother. In your skivvies. But sure, let's cast stones.

    Also, the suggestion that Hope would have to seduce Finn? Girl, please. That removes all agency from your husband, although she's clearly already done that by verbally whipping her husband like he's a lap dog that needs to come to heel and punishing him even further by leaving town. Way to be mature and work on your marriage and even if Finn relaxed his boundaries with Hope and seemed to reciprocate the kiss for a few moments, he did the right thing in pushing Hope away, telling her it was unacceptable and inappropriate and immediately telling his wife, and yet here she is, running away. But you don't hear Finn throwing that in her face. Steffy-censored telling or not, Finn knows she fucked Bill after learning Liam kissed Sally, and Liam also immediately confessed for all the good it did him. That should have been a cautionary tale for Finn but alas.

    Speaking of Liam, predictable as ever, Steffy seeks him out at Bill's and doesn't waste a second telling on Hope and Finn. Once again, disrespecting her own marriage by bringing Liam into it, disparaging Finn right along with Hope and it is none of his business. 

    And I just cannot stand her, radiating with self-righteous indignation and smuggery, in her ugly poop-brown suit.


    And of course Liam tells her he has her and Kelly's back. But mostly hers is what he's thinking and how he'd like to see her on it. They share an embrace and wanna bet this is something else she'll keep from Finn?

    It is so disgusting and infuriating and then we get to see Taylor rip into Hope and she has no fucking business doing this. 

    She's truly heinous when she says this to Hope: “But you didn’t want to turn into her, did you? Didn’t want to bounce from man to man within the same family, you didn’t want to actively destroying marriages.”

    What about your daughter fucking her own father in law, destroying her OWN marriage? What about your daughter fucking Liam, sowing the seeds of destruction for Hope and Liam's marriage? Because I fully believe that's what led to Hope and Thomas and her divorcing Liam. The trust was 100% gone at that point and there was no getting back to good. 

    But she conveniently forgets all of that or just keeps it under the rug where she's swept all of her and Steffy's shenanigans.

    Even Ridge protests at this and you know it's bad when this slob is piping up.

    It was almost a relief to cut to Luna being batshitcrazy with Bill again, kissing him once more.


    And Steffy having to shut her trap in shock was a blessing so thank you LooneyLuna for that.

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  16. 9 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

    I am not a Logan fan.  (Admittedly the Forrester crowd has been seriously lacking for a good long while too.) 

    But I think Brooke is pretty spot-on in her outrage/disappointment at Hope's behavior.  Hope has always been a "paragon of virtue" (yuck) and her recent actions have been a sharp departure from her norm.  Brooke's concern is based on having been in Hope's shoes more times than she can count.  Brooke's aware she made poor choices when it comes to men and she knows she bears some responsibility for the fallout.  She wants Hope to learn from her example and not repeat her mistakes. 

    And I have to say I loved Brooke admonishing Hope instead of her usual tongue-bathing of her most pwecious baby.  Also appreciated the lack of shmoopyness in her conversation with Ridge.  There's something serious going on and she had a real and important conversation with him.  Progress.

    I think Brooke's taking Hope to task has far more to do with her concerns about how this will affect her relationship with Ridge and less about Hope following in her footsteps. Even if it was the latter, except for this one single kiss with Finn while she was shitfaced, where, when, and how, exactly, has Hope ever acted like Brooke? So maybe slow your roll there, Brooke. If anyone has followed in her footsteps, it's her on-again, off-again stepdaughter. Brooke proved my point by immediately going to Ridge to reveal that Hope kissed Finn, which was none of her business or Ridge's and certainly not Taylor's business and that trifling heifer can go anytime now. Was Steffy likely to tell Ridge and Taylor? Of course. So let her. But Brooke raced to spill the beans to get ahead of it and do damage control with Ridge, which had nothing to do with Hope and, in fact, will only make matters worse for her daughter, especially as it's going to result in a pile-on from Ridge, Taylor, and Steffy, with likely a side of Liam proselytizing. 

    Also, Hope, who has taken 100% ownership of her actions and is rejecting any out of alcohol being to blame or her being Brooke's daughter, has already shown she is miles ahead of Brooke, who would own her shit sometimes but then also talk about "destiny" as if she just couldn't help herself. She and Hope bear the distinction of being the only ones to be held accountable for their actions. 

    But Brooke is the last person, well, maybe her and Steffy, who should be preaching to Hope and Hope's remorse and actions since said kiss shows she could run circles around both of them in learning from her mistakes and didn't need the sermon in the first place.


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  17. Just when I think Steffy couldn't have been more insufferable, she dared to take Hope to task for kissing Finn.

    How Hope refrained from saying "Yes, I kissed him. Be glad I didn't fuck him like you did with my husband."

    And Finn still knows nothing about Liam kissing her and her kissing him back on two separate occasions and constantly letting him into their marriage with her not taking him to task as she did both Finn and Hope for the kisses, allowing him space to bash Finn and whine about wanting her back, and all of this after already fucking him while he was very married to Hope and she was supposed to be committed to Finn.

    This is why I will never be Team Steffy. She's a thoughtless, heartless, hypocritical harpy who has never, ever taken responsibility for her actions.

    If she isn't giving herself a pass, others are doing it for her. Bill got most of the blame for Stallion Night; heck, Ridge and Taylor both thought he raped her because they couldn't imagine their cheap trick of a daughter capable when clearly she was and did and had been carrying on in an emotional affair for weeks before Stallion night and she had an affair with him before when he was married to Katie and would have fucked on her childhood bed had Taylor not caught them. Finn put the blame on Liam for Mannequin Night and aided and abetted her horrible behavior by proposing to her. 

    She's never once expressed an ounce of remorse and barely a hint of regret. Regret is not the same as remorse. Remorse is learning from one's mistakes and expressing true sorrow for the hurt they have caused. But Steffy thinks she's entitled to do whatever she pleases. 

    I don't know how Hope hasn't slapped her into next week.

    Then Brooke is piling on and I love Brooke, always have, always will, but maybe stop raking your own flesh and blood over the coals when it's clear she's been self-flagellating for the past few days. Hope kissed Finn - once - while drunk. She's nowhere in the vicinity of your past deeds with the opposite sex nor that of Steffy. 

    And Taylor 3.0? She can GTFOH in her stupid oversized jacket and tiny shorts. She's just here to cause trouble for Brooke and Ridge, not that I give a fart about the Bridge relationship but I don't need this equally-hypocritical harpy inserting herself into the situation. She helped created the entitled bitch known as Steffy in the first place. 


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  18. Certain Steffy fans lost me completely the day they deemed Steffy having to give Beth back to her rightful parents as the worst pain imaginable and that Hope's anguish, that lasted months, thanks to Flo, Thomas, Xander, and Zoe, over being made to believe her child was dead, including literally holding a dead child in her arms, was nothing in comparison. 

    Steffy's pain wasn't nothing, of course, but it was a drop in the ocean compared to Hope and Liam's grief. Had she not been so eager to buy a baby to have a sibling for a still-an-infant herself Kelly and not think twice that it was just a little (read, A LOT) too easy for Taylor to produce a brand spanking new baby maybe, just maybe this wouldn't have happen. Again, I felt sad for Steffy but Hope got most of my sympathy as she should

    The outcry over that and the clamoring for Steffy to get to keep Beth, even for a few more days, was...something. 

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  19. I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked, that this didn't work out.


    9 hours ago, Zella said:

    She filed on their anniversary! And per some other stuff I read, they didn't have a prenup. 


    I guess the 4th time wasn't the charm for JLo.

    But honestly, what did they think was going to happen? What, that 20 years apart would magically change the fundamental differences between them? That she would stop trying to be ON at all times and constantly be out and about while he just wants to hang out at home and occasionally go outside and smoke in peace?


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  20. 6 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    Besides this forum, I don’t follow B&B on any other platform/social media, so my question is:  does JMW have such a ginormous following that if Steffy was ever read for filth for all the crap she did (IOW, name every single instance of Steffy’s hypocritical acts), would JMW’s fans storm the B&B offices/blow up social media defending Steffy?  I seriously don’t understand why the writers keep allowing Steffy to “win” while treating Logan characters like diarrhea feces.  

    I think somewhere in Badley's past, a blonde did him wrong, so this is his petty revenge.

    Brooke is the Slut From the Valley, who slept with Ridge, his brothers Thorne and Nick, and their father, Eric with various affairs, and the biggest affair was with SIL Deacon and also slept with Bill when he was still married to Katie.

    Yet Steffy slept her way through a family (Bill, Liam, Wyatt, better keep an eye on Will, Katie, now that he's aged up), cheated on her then-boyfriend Marcus with his cousin, Rick, who was her barely-cold twin's love and all of the other incidents I mentioned, yet is treated like she's some vestal virgin.

    Ditto for her mother, who slept her way through two families - Eric, Ridge, Thorne, Nick along with Stephen Logan, Storm Logan, and, the hat trick, a Forrester Logan with Rick. Yet she's St Taylor the Virtuous whom everyone bows down to and looks up to, Brooke included.

    Donna was treated like a gold-digging tramp during her first marriage to Eric and is barely tolerated now. It also still grates that JG was forced to play a Donna is fat storyline (hilarious! 😡) when the actress was pregnant. She's Brooke's sister and blonde.

    Hope, daughter of Brooke and product of an affair, is the Whore of Bel-Air for kissing Finn while drunk. Also, blonde.

    Katie slept with niece Bridget's husband, Nick, while Bridget was working night and die to find a cure for her heart disease but that was rug-swept. Bridget is the one exception I can see but she also had to endure the beyond gross Sicket storyline where she was kissing her daddy, brother, um stepbrother. 

    Even outside of the Logan/Forrester crew, we have Darla, who sleeps with a single Thorne when returned from the dead auburn-haired Macy is with someone else, producing Aly, and you would think Macy had still been married to him instead of long since moved on (and, you know, letting him think she was dead for all of these years). And who got the blame for her "death?" Oh that's right, back to the beginning, blonde Brooke. 

    Clearly, I'm giving far more thought to this show and its characters and storylines that Badley and crew ever will. 

    When dark-haired Sheila Fucking Carter gets a Happily Ever After with Deacon, despite confessing to killing Lance with bees and shooting Steffy and Finn? I mean...what more needs to be said?



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