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Everything posted by gohawks

  1. I love, love, love Maks and Val but that chair dance was a little vulgar. The thing that saved it is that the lady in the chair was living life and loving it. It cracked me up when Val closed her legs. If that was my mom, I would be thinking about getting off social media for awhile.
  2. Keo is a great dancer. Sexy and easy on the eyes...when he is with another pro. No shame in being part of the troupe. Calvin and Lindsay are kind of adorable. Add me to the list of viewers who are surprised to find themselves liking v.Ice. Derek is the least sexy pro dancer imo. Just boyish and asexual. I love Maks, but he and Amber are not working for me. They are just kind of blah. This surprises me because they are two gorgeous people.
  3. So much odd speculation. I just assume she is handled the same as any other child on the show. There just has been no evidence of neglect from her parents.
  4. Zendaya attended school and her parents were at every practice. I imagine it's the same for Laurie, her parents are probably always off camera, just as Zendaya's parents were. Is there something in Laurie's past that suggests her parents would not look out for her?
  5. Derek. Crap. Marilu is no Cloris. Maybe she is not a complete ringer because of her age but Durwood has real dancer who is very fit. This not the challenge for The Joker many have been wanting.
  6. Maks did his job. He was hired to stir the pot and probably told to be assey (he was nothing but sweet on his first two visits, Karina was especially pleased with his comments the first time he was a guest judge). People are butthurt and ranting now so I am sure TPTB are pleased. Like most scripted reality shows, DWTS needs a villain and a hero. I believe that Derek is a fake,smarmy,passive-aggressive, bitchy, politician who played only to his stans. Derek was the villain on this show for me, just as Maks is for others. It's theater.
  7. Wonder if there will be a tribute to Prince. Of course it's almost impossible to get clearance for his music. He was not a dancer but like Stevie Wonder, he made great dance music.
  8. Many people do that. Sometimes as a joke, sometimes to be sassy. Many people occasionally refer to themselves in the 3rd person.
  9. Maks is Maks. He was harsh and did seem favorable towards his peeps, much like Julianne with Derek. Maks,however, is a good -looking adult man so I forgive some things. Karina did a nice job with Antonio. Technique did not blow me away but the entertainment value was amazing. Antonio's smile makes me happy. Not on the Nyle-train. He had his butt sticking out and horrible posture tonight. He has lovely eyes but I don't find him to be handsome. He is inspiring and better than many of the celebs this year but he is boring IMO. I am convinced at this point, that the show is almost completely edited and scripted. I tend to ignore everything said by everyone.
  10. This just made me want that DWTS version of Soapdish even more.
  11. I don't like the whining and conspiracy theories switch up week creates but Val and Meryl created a top-three-of-all-seasons-dance, IMO.
  12. Looked at the dances again and ,IMO, Jodie was woefully underscored. Paige had more tricks but Jodie's sense of rhythm is second to none. Also, if Keo wants to keep his shirt off and paint his body every week, I am OK with that.
  13. Jodie has great rhythm. She seems to feel the music. I love, love,love Wanya but he seems like he could fall or drop Lindsay at any moment, IMO. He just does not look grounded or steady. Val, I love you but quit with the messing about.
  14. Geraldo is Puerto Rican and Jewish.
  15. "Goodbye Toby" was the episode that hooked my son and I for good. We walked around the house for weeks, spontaneously singing Goodbye Toby.
  16. Thanks for the info. I am going to remove that part of my post.
  17. No. I just mean that not even my love for Val could make me vote for Ginger if I have to hear that puke about Bindi when Ginger dances.
  18. Nyle was amazing. Just amazing and yes inspiring. I don't usually buy into the "you inspire me" crap, but wow. I love Val and all things Chmerkovskiy, but no more Bindi comparisons. Bindi was, IMO, the most over pimped contestant in the history of all reality TV contests. Do not remind me of her! Ginger was okay, I can see her lasting a while. Wanya and Lindsay were fun. They seemed very big brother/little sis or even favorite uncle/neice. I think their chemistry will be fun and uncomplicated. The football players felt kind of interchangeable, but both were cute and had potential. During Kim's intro I had some real feelings when they showed her as a little girl. Marla is going to have to keep the Trump mentions to a minimum for me to judge her fairly. The devil's ex wife will not receive votes from me.
  19. I am looking forward to this season more than I have for a very long time. No Houghs! No obvious winners. Proper B, C and D-listers. Len's back. No Houghs! Delighted!
  20. Derek has tweeted about healthy eating. Seems to be a new concern for him. #shady
  21. I'm wondering if Val is going to lose his Job over this meme fiasco. If he does, I will truly be done with show. I understand why they would fire Val, even though I think the mother is a money- grabbing opportunist. However Val and Sharna save this show from being an unbearable Hough-mess. I literally could not bear this show if Val were not there to save me from the Houghs and their side-kick Mark
  22. I pretty much agree with you. Julianne's acting was okay her singing was barely there at times and of course she nailed the dancing. However I do think she brought no personality to the role. ONJ had an innocent sexiness in the role of Sandy that Julianne did even come close to. I have always thought Whitney has exactly that trait of innocent sexiness that would have made her a better choice for the role.
  23. One of the reasons I used to motivate myself when I quit smoking was the fact that it is socially unacceptable. (Health, cost and politics were also motivation. Especially health).
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