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  1. I also had a hard time determining whether or not the de-eightballed human was playing Alex and Noma or if it was just bad dialogue and acting. It seemed really suspicious, almost reminded me of the eight-ball that was Claire's mother, where she had access to Claire's mom's memories and could have passed herself off as human if only her teeth, skin and eyes weren't so eight ballish. As Greta above stated, maybe there is no more resistance and so the eight ball features go away. If that's the case, then Noma is wrong and Alex is probably safer than ever because the eight-balls have a reason to keep him alive. I really hope this wasn't just bad dialogue and acting because there is a lot of interesting mileage in this sort of plot. I mean, an Alex who could make the eight balls look human could potentially create a scenario where the lower angels turn against Gabriel, who is now wanting Alex dead so that he can take his skin.
  2. I see the show easily going on for at least another season, if not more, assuming the ratings are acceptable. Post-apocalyptic fiction is really popular right now and there are always endless storylines in post-ap world. Bad guys galore, and even if there isn't a bad guy, there is still the drama of surviving. I think the one place where the show will struggle is making sure that the characters have a reason to stay on the Nathan James. The show works so well because it's outrageous yet fun navy porn. They really need that ship, or at least some ship, to keep up the pretense of the show. I think there are a lot of storylines that would keep a military ship relevant. This submarine cult plot has opened up a whole new world as the good ole American boys might need to save the poor conquered people of Europe (lol, that ought to be a juicy storyline). Then there is needing to deliver supplies to coastal communities or fighting pirates. Of course, we'll need a season of the Nathan James becoming the big bad, power tripping or maybe just wanting something different than the will of the people. Then we can get a final season with a redemption story. Anyway, a rather long-winded way to say that yes, I think this show has longevity, and I also think it could drag on until no one cares anymore. Perfect example would be Falling Skies.
  3. I have no idea what your intelligence has to do with the field of psychiatry. I assure you, mental illness is a very real thing and denying it smacks of ableism. People aren't lesser just because they have an illness or disability.
  4. I'm not at all suggesting everyone needs to act a certain way. But there are actual mental illnesses. If Jesus were alive today, he'd be recognized as someone who suffers from a serious mental illness, likely schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or something else on a similar spectrum. This isn't an insult to anyone's intelligence.
  5. It probably wouldn't have done any damage if he hadn't been hit, though.
  6. Depends on where he is. In the middle east, he's likely to have a run in with the taliban, al qaeda, the daesh, or any other fundy terrorist groups and could be executed for just about any reason with his ramblings dying along with him. Elsewhere, it's a lot less likely that execution would be on the table, certainly not state sponsored crucifixion. At the least, he'd be considered a cult leader, probably gaining some notoriety as a dangerous and charismatic one. More likely, though, several of his behaviors would result in his being involuntarily hospitalized and properly diagnosed with a severe mental illness. Hopefully the meds and therapy would help him live a more sane life so as to limit the possibility of being the creator of a religion based on a person's mental illness. Bad enough that we have several major religions designed from these roots. Then again, we have Scientology and they have massive real estate holdings and famous people so we might be unlucky enough to have Jesusology.
  7. Same. HIgh or tired, that's what people often wonder when looking at me. I have really bad allergies and people with allergies tend to have red eyes and dark circles under their eyes. Thankfully no one in my life has ever been as nasty as some of the people here on the internet. I've never been called a rapist murderer because of something I can't help, for example. Not sure what it is about the internet that leads people to be so vile. The body shaming is just so shocking to me. If it's not shaming for looking like a tired new parent or having allergies, it's shaming for being too thin, or having swollen ankles in hot/humid weather when 41 weeks pregnant, or a baby having a completely normal milk rash or not liking the look of someone's feet. Style or life choices are one thing, especially when it's public people who make a career over telling others how to behave, but shaming for the way one's body formed is just so....gods, I can't even wrap my head around this sort of behavior. It makes me really sick and sad.
  8. He was hit in the upper chest, presumably very soon after he swallowed the flash drive. The hit is what caused the damage.
  9. AS ridiculous as some of the plots are and as much as I have to suspend disbelief, this show is just so much fun. I really like this pseudo religious immunity cult angle. Despite some of the issues, especially with timeline and alleged submarine expertise, I find this antagonist a lot more believable than the Russians and the Baltimore human incinerator plots. The crazy insane navy porn continues to be top notch.
  10. Just to point out, Derick's hair is shorter. That was the whole stalking thing where they realized Jessa's photo was wrong because Derick's hair had been cut since the alive weekend. I think Jill will probably do well living abroad, but I doubt she's see the light or anything like that. Missionaries are sort of like that, they see only themselves and what they are selling.
  11. First world problems - forgot to set the DVR to record The Strain premier and now everything seems so bleak and sad.
  12. Of course, and this is just looking at it all realistically with all the information we know or assume, Derick sort of looks like a dude who is a new parent to an infant, has recently had what we speculate is serious surgery that would be painful and would alter his eating habits significantly during recovery, has been preparing for an international move, and in that photo, is on a weekend work trip. I mean, every person I know who has an infant at home sort of looks exhausted and lifeless. My own experiences with jaw surgery led to significant weight loss and a deadish look and took a while to recover from that. Plus, it can change one's look and Derick's now correct alignment has altered his appearance, which may or may not further change when all of the swelling goes down and the teeth move into correct position. Traveling, especially for work, is just tiring. I figured all of this would be obvious, but maybe not. Now the fashion choices are another matter entirely. It's not my taste and I agree, that long hair and scraggly beard could use some work.
  13. I'm really afraid to watch Ben's self harm video because I'm pretty sure it will make me scream vomit. But if I get the gist of it, it's a pretty good illustration of what this brand of religion is so damaging. When young people are so scared of messing up that they turn to self harm, there's a problem. It should be a "pray harder and better" answer. It should be a "seek medical care and get the hell out of the evangelical/fundie church" answer.
  14. Comments aren't the same as a published story on a media site. Authors of reputable media sites generally aren't going to be the hysterical sort we see going crazy because a baby has a milk rash or a man is unattractive or some battle of the ridiculous mommy wars. The tone of these articles is going to be different because most normal people aren't going to agree with something from a journalist that disparages a baby. The hysterical commenters will continue to exist no matter what.
  15. I hate to say this because it's about a baby, but I'm sort of dreading the publicity it will bring. No media outlet is going to be negative in their reporting about a baby and even the negative stuff about the molestation scandal will be toned down because it's an article about a baby. I'm almost curious if TLC was waiting for this birth to see exactly whether or not opinion on the Duggars can be turned back to something people would watch again.
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