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  1. Mostly lurker here, just have to share because this is freakin' surreal. I'm reading along in this forum, wondering who the heck that blonde woman is ("Egan Spengler") because I just loves me a good JJ wackaloon. Meanwhile, on my TV is playing a bunch of ancient (unwatched) JJ eps I just happen to have here at home.... and guess who pops up?? NONE OTHER! I haven't even played it yet. I had to hit "pause" just to post here. It's Season 9, Ep 114, 1/24/05. What are the odds that face shows up on my TV at the very moment I'm staring at it here? But no time to waste pondering, when she's waiting for me on my TV... *hits play* ETA: Wow. That laugh! I need it for a ringtone.
  2. What a strange hour! (Both specials back to back.) Seemed like he spent more time telling us what we were going to see than showing us. And of course what we saw was nothing we hadn't already seen. Not even a few seconds of "where are they/how are they doing now"! That would have made it interesting. Also kind of off-putting how they would film him with one camera while he was facing and speaking to (presumably) another camera off-screen. Maybe that's supposed to be edgy or something? Yeah, total waste of time. I am disappoint.
  3. So sad. I work afternoons/evenings. The morning TV lineup was perfect. I could watch almost all the court shows before work. Some were on different channels but one came right after the other. They changed it! Now the only court show I get before work is... the fake one. "America's Court with Judge Ross." And most of the other court shows run simultaneously on different channels so I have to choose one or the other, and that's only on my days off work. How do you choose between Judge Milian and Judge Judy? Boo on whoever schedules TV programs. The thing is, I like Judge Ross. I'd love to see him do a "real" court show where his epic smackdowns were on real people for real issues! (I'm guessing the reason he can't is because he's disbarred?) But it's hard to enjoy the show when I know they're all actors. Grr.
  4. Haha! I did a double-take at his wardrobe! O_O (And his hair!)
  5. In her case, I think they got it backwards about which direction the money goes. "Hello, I'd like to perform at your community center in Podunk, USA. What do you charge?"
  6. Thanks Wilson Cat, what a lovely article! Looks like 'Moving the Line' and 'SWBG' are becoming (at least a couple of) her signature songs. I'm sorry you didn't get to go.
  7. I saw the Redemption episode with LAUREN a while back, and was about to come ask if there was somewhere I could watch her original episode because whoa, is she a piece of work or what?! Then lo and behold, there it was, re-running on my TV. And... yeah. Wow. She promised during her exit that we'd be seeing her on TV again soon. Anybody seen her?
  8. Yeah, I wish they hadn't chosen such "meh" cases. It was a Judge Judy Special after all, they should have re-run some of her most Special cases - JJ at her best, litigants at their wackiest! I only just recently saw "THE BABIES! THE BABIES!" - there must be a ton more like that, I would have liked to see.
  9. Wow, I never saw the 60 Minutes footage before! Didn't think I could love her more. <3
  10. I'm hearing similar cute nicknames (initials) for incontinence too, but I'm having a total mental block right now and can't think of an example.
  11. As a Woman Of A Certain Age, if I used that product it'd be all about pleasing myself. Of course my man would be happy because I'm happy (and not in pain) but I never saw that as the primary aim of the commercial.
  12. "Low T" - makes me nostalgic for ol' Bob Dole and his EEEE DEEEE.
  13. Not lookin' too good for O-Face. Bluffs council backs denial of liquor license renewal for watering hole featured on 'Bar Rescue'
  14. (Cross-posted from elsewhere. Am I allowed to do that? Guess I'll find out.) How Megan Hilty Survived TV Flops 'Smash' and 'Sean Saves the World' With Grace (What doesn't Megan do with grace? and style? and amazingness?) From the article: (Wow! I didn't even know taxicabs had little TVs, but Megan in all the cabs? How cool is that!?) Regarding Smash: ("Hate-watching" links to this article in the New Yorker). (Article goes on about Megan's new projects, Oz and the Warren Beatty thing and - hopefully - getting Gentlemen Prefer Blondes on to Broadway.) And in conclusion: YOU GO GIRL!!!!
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