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Shut Your Legs Kim

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Everything posted by Shut Your Legs Kim

  1. Heather really needs to take the pointy edged stick out! Being so snooty and uptight all of the time has got to drain the fun right out of life. How would she deal if something horrible (yes, even worse than someone being late to a self idolization hoe down) ever happens in her perfect world? Such as a gigantic earthquake shattering her mansion to the foundation?
  2. Vicky might not be my favorite person but I definitely did not want her to really be choking for real as choking sucks! I dunno what to think of Lizzie yet. Time will tell I guess.
  3. I got the name from the leg openings of the Kim's! Zolciak and Kardashian. Also, I have never seen someone throw so many self centered events as the Dubrows. And having people that don't seem to genuinely like you write well wishes to put in your foundation? Who knows if fancy pants will even be a housewife of OC much longer
  4. Heather must think that everybody, with the exception of herself and Terry, are dumber than a sack of potatoes! Its all on camera Fancy Pants. What is seen cannot be unseen.
  5. You know, courtship is supposed to protect the couples' hearts but what happens after marriage if things go sour? What if (not saying it will happen and I don't wish it on anyone), one of the girls spouses cheats on them? They seem to see marriage as the be all end all in life. What happens then?
  6. I too, am wondering why Benessa is even happening. Does Jimboob just want her gone?
  7. I agree with Lillybee. Jessa was around when Mullet had to actually raise her kids and probably did so with strict physical discipline.
  8. Oh yeak, poor Kim! Poor bloody sensetive, good, tender hearted, Kim (sorry, the sarcasm floodgates are currently open). How dare Kris Humphries make her wait to end her farce....I mean marriage legally. And how dare he force her to be preggo during the time with someone elses baby? All of the hate just was too much for fragile Kim! Yeah right.
  9. Heather is a piece of bloody work! Only in her world is a house being too big a big deal. Most women I know are happy to have any home at all. And Terry? Calling your kid a bitch is not winning you any points.
  10. I agree FinePoint. When she was knocked up with her second kid she said something about liking the experience of being pregnant. My first thought was "You dont like the result of it, you love the attention being all on you."
  11. To me Kourt is all about herself and then her kids in that order. She is just as spoiled, shallow, and greedy as the rest.
  12. I can't stand Kourt. Yes, she pays attention to her kids and seems to love them but don't many moms do these too? I don't like any of them really but thats just me.
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