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Everything posted by Packerbrewerbadger

  1. Carrie Anne, when you start docking Derek for lack of content ( Maria Menunus Bollywood Samba , shaun"s quickstep, etc, etc, ) then it will be fair! Going to miss Val so much!!! Call me cold hearted, but I'm not feeling Amy.....
  2. Besides the bull task being brutal, my claustrophobia was in high gear while watching it, especially when they were trying to squeeze down the alley. I just wanted them to rip those suits off!!! I almost couldn't watch and most certainly could have never put one on.
  3. I surprised my self by feeling a little sad when Sam was singing his farewell song, because I haven't felt a thing during any of the previous cast offs. I also enjoyed his sing out and he did seem relieved.
  4. Long time Newhart fan here , and yes, stuttering is his schtick, so don't feel sorry for him! Wondering if he will "appear" to Sheldon in future episodes or if he's done .
  5. One reason I'm not a Caleb fan is because I see him as quite the camera mugger. Poor Alex couldn't get near Sam at the end because Caleb and JENA were all over Sam. And from previous shows, it appeared Sam and Alex were the close friends. I see Caleb as "Look at Me" person. And yes, the twist was stupid and shitty. Alex for the win!
  6. Loved Keith 's reaction at the end of Alex's Say Something. I really like Alex.
  7. I definitely did not need to hear about Amy's "trouble at home" and if I were here boyfriend I would not be happy with her. Is nothing private anymore??? I really ,really , really Hate extra dancers in their routines!! It really distracted from Meryl especially. Maybe if they saved the lifts and tricks until the finale like the early seasons, we"d have less injuries....... James overscored again, wish he had Cheryl as a partner.
  8. How about "Most Obnoxious Allliance". Or "Gag inducing Alliance"???
  9. Am I the only one here who is bored by Caleb. It might because I don't care for his personality , comes off as arrogant to me. I couldnt hear Jena over the band her first song and can never understand her. Jessica has a nice voice but registers zero in performance . Love Alex, he is the only one I find interesting .
  10. I love an intimate ballroom dance. Adding other dancers makes it into one big production number!! Please stop!!
  11. Cheryl has been my all time favorite pro since the wonderful job she did with D Lachey, loved her with Emmitt( best rumba by a male contestant IMO). And she was totally robbed with Giles by watch me do a gymnastic routine Shawn. But for the first time I was glad she was voted off. I thought Drew was awful to her and it made me sad to watch them and how much he under appreciated her! Thought James was totally overscored , and PETA, your highlight season was Donald Driver! Loved Val!!! Back to Cheryl, Drew should have checked out the dancer she made out of that Osbourne kid! Now there was a partnership!
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