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Everything posted by lamujerdecente

  1. Why wow? That is a real thing in this country. Sad but true.
  2. This bitch better not show up on my screen again. Even how she responds is at best elitist and at worst racist. Security guards in upscale venues wear suits and maybe it’s his company. see Ryan ? Imagine if you had that hard life and u in a suit, and some old Entitled hag wants to go into a restricted area and thinks she can call u a racial slur.
  3. This. I grew up in Harlem. Due to gentrification I can’t afford to live there. And I worked my ass off, didn’t have half the support Ryan has and I have managed to not get arrested, take care of my kids and am actually married happily. He can sit down. I have no sympathy for folks who ain’t trying. People with worse situations, people that are born in not the default gender, sexual orientation, race, etc Born In poverty, with abusive parents, foster care, etc have made great changes in their life. I agree his mother was a trash mother but he should have wrapped it up and not knocked up some chick to Doom an innocent child into his trash. Howard Stern had this great commentary on this the other day. ”everyone’s about diversity til a black person moves next door. Then they move out in the middle of the night.” Shannon’s daughters are really pretty and dare I say level headed.
  4. It’s not unfair at all. IMO. Ryan has ample time and Connections to try to hustle this tv gig into something as Cardi B is a perfect example of. I been watching him over the years being lazy AF and just wanting the Easy way to a life he feels he’s entitled to. And the political stance he is taking is “pull yourself up by your bootstraps”. And then he chose to bring an innocent child into his nonsense so he’s no different than his wretched mother. Instead of having his mother pay for expensive houses and comping tattoo removal, he should have her pay for therapy. Better yet get a job with healthcare.
  5. I signed up. Omg. Omg. Omg. The virgin sister wife.
  6. Does philo have love after lockup? Asking for a friend.
  7. I am over Shannon. Kelly is an asshole and really immature with a side of crass. But bitch u sitting here with a cancer scamming, racist asshole, Vicki. Just stop. Stop. STOP
  8. No experience with others not like himself doesn’t excuse racist thoughts or actions. And Ryan has shown his own sociopath tendencies like joining in to have sex with a possible too drunk to consent cast-mate, bring arrested for domestic violence, he’s been arrested before that as well, abused steroids ... I could go on. And Ryan hasn’t set the world on fire and worked too hard his own self. His own cushy life that has gone on for 12 seasons. He’s had opportunities to promote stuff and live his own charmed life. And he’s shown he’s lazy and entitled.
  9. I have been rewatching the old seasons and it’s funny how perspectives change. I never liked old hag Tams but I didn’t hate her. Now I see Tamra is a vile asshole and Shannon is a hysterical, drama queen hypocrite. Heather was a pretentious braggart but she really was the only one besides the slag Vicky that stood up to Tamra. And Lizzie. Everyone else cowers to her. She and Vicky need to go. Permanently. And Gina really is a squatter who is broke and a mini Tamra. Get rid of her too. This show is going to end up like jersey and Atlanta. Two cities I don’t watch anymore because it’s boring monotone nonsense and screeching and the harpies are rewarded who do the most vile shit, nene and Teresa.
  10. Vicki is a vile racist asshole with the moral compass of a starved water bug. In a famine. On planet Mars. However she’s demoted which means this bag of cheap perfume and love and hip hop couture can finally be a possible ex ho wife. Why are any of them, Shannon especially, even trying to protect her? They should be glad to be rid of her. And Shannon is a really souring for me. The hypocrisy of her being bothered at Emily’s social media war mongering YET how many fights and meltdowns has this chick had and started? Really boo? And no one has to tell you the hard time they are having. Try not being an asshole.
  11. This is so spot on. She’s no Joan Collins who I personally have on my alter of bad bitches. Fierce. I have always apathetic on Lisa. And I never like her style, it Ages her.
  12. I feel like I have reached my limit with this show. It’s not even about the women. I am on no team. I never really like any of them ever that much and I have always dislike Kyle. they are just fake. It’s like they are low rent actresses playing themselves, a character. It’s fake and it’s Not compelling. Contrast this to NYC and the girls on there. For all their trash those chicks let things hang out and when they don’t it shows. See Bethany her first few seasons back. They are not Potomac, wittier bitches that check each other at the very least, entertainingly. This is like Atlanta and again they too can be funny. The stupid ending lines about each of these broads showed that.
  13. I do agree with everything you said here except her wardrobe. I rewatch the old seasons ever so often and a lot of Bethany’s wardrobe still stands the test of time. She had a lot of classic with some quirkiness to it style. She and Carole both fell victim to getting freebies or clothes lent to them fashion victim syndrome. i think Bethany always wanted to be the pretty one but she went with what worked, the self deprecating persona. I never fully brought it because beautiful women or women viewed that way unhinged her. All these women are horrid on this show but on this Atlanta, potamac as well, most of them have humanity to them unlike Beverly Hills where all are horrid.
  14. My love for Dorinda has faded a lot over the last season (especially being reminded of her casual racism her first season). She needs grief counseling stat. She should invest in that before she redoes those tacky cabinets. That said it annoys me how these humble beginnings broads act so manor born and treat “the unwashed masses” so beneath them. And it just highlights how’s Tins for all her issues is actually the one who shows a privileged high society background. Very southern good gracious manners. Putting people at ease. Being human to the “help”. Take note ramoana. Lu. Sometimes Sonia. Bethany actually can display good graces sometimes as well. To strangers more than people she knows if that makes sense. Lu is insufferable this season. Ugh. It’s not fun to watch. However damn that chick can be gorgeous. She looked amazing at the offensive gangsta dinner. Flawless. Dorinda looked terrible! And I think Dorinda consistently looks the best with Bethany fashion wise. I think because she avoids trends which is why that adidas sweatshirt and pink hair was such a fail. Come on NYC hos! Represent like the best franchise of these hot messes.
  15. Thank for this. Laurie is endless entertainment. And she is such a special kind of nyc broad to the poster who said that. Lol
  16. Melissa finally grew a backbone. Or she knows blood is in the water and Teresa is finally getting what she deserves with no bravo protection. Translation she has a gang to stand with. Tre is so dumb and illiterate with absolutely not an ounce of self awareness nor class. Her poor girls indeed. I would bet if the situation was reversed and the other ladies didn’t follow their husbands to the country they are being deported to, she would be trashing them. Especially if it was Melissa.
  17. the bloated sow is just an awful person inside and out. She really thinks she can say and do what she pleases but God forbid you do the same to her. She also lies like a rug. We have watched her hateful jealous saggy ass be mad af the slightest attention being shown to anyone but her. She would be livid if anyone did what she did to kelly. The things she said about Kelly were vile and not proportionate to what kelly said to her. Especially when her ugly mug likes to throw digs too. Shannon looked horrible and she was clearly bowing to the bloated sow. They all were. Done watching this show. She isn't entertaining and she's now boring as well as a morally corrupted bloated racist sow.
  18. This show is a snoozefest but it gave me the energy I needed to start dinner prep and my vegan meal prep. I wanted to get away from the bloated sow. This franchise has always been the tacky nouveau rich so to speak and with the exception of heather , it has been. So not surprised Emily's taste sucks for the most part. New York city has always been better stylewise . I think I am done watching this show. Also why is the bloated sow risking her life and lying about surgeries? This bitch is vile and too stupid to live. And clearly she's still alive and kicking because even Satan has standards who he allows to rent rooms in hell. Take note Andy.
  19. Twerk your heart out! But please don’t defend Vicky’s right to twerk unless she is going to get hit with a ball in the head as each butt check moves. Every time hit in the head as each butt cheek moves.
  20. You know if I was enjoying my jerk chicken and minding my own business and then I saw a jerk bloated sow “twerking” that might make me lose it. I sm still vegan these days but STILL.
  21. Tamra is the same kind of Christian that Vicki is. That Jim bellino is. Tamra was vile that night, overacting and screeching. That bitch never changes her target does. And Vicki never changes either. She is forever the victim of her own evil deeds. Those two should get married.
  22. I get this and I don't really mind Shannon. I accept her for being a rich spoiled brat. The thing is like Bethany on RHNY, she doesn't seem to have the empathy for others she expects from others if that makes sense.
  23. I forgot how ugly that dress at dinner was?. She looked like she was wearing her bata (Spanish word for old lady nightgown, I own several) wandered in hungover after being hit with the ugly stick for over an hour. Shannon was losing her shit. The mic thing was really uncomfortable.
  24. I know! I just like rubbing it in because I hate the bloated sow. And I am petty AF.
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