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  1. Even Bobby's is dark now. Why? It's not like Gio and Dante needed mood lighting. Tracy is going to get emotional whiplash by changing her mind so suddenly, and so often. Still not enjoying her with Martin, and will be surprised if that changes. For me, even this slightly softened version of Jason has no chemistry with Sasha, and I fault both characters. Still hoping that Holly and Brennan somehow colluded on the DNA test, so we can find out that Sasha has no Scorpio blood after all, and she can ride off into the sunset, either alone or with Cody. I'm still undecided on him. Still waiting to see Rocco, Danny and Scout. Maybe Dante can leave Gio home next time.
  2. I agree, that bothers me too. Too many assumptions by these people who should have long since launched a major search for a serial killer until or unless he was proven dead.
  3. So we have Sasha, pregnant by a Quartermaine and wanting to avoid Q interference in her life, deciding to throw off suspicion by picking another Quartermaine to name as the father. Also complaining incessantly about the interest shown by said family, who also happen to be her employers for her live-in job. And who had the nerve to give her a baby gift. Right. Then we have Jenz Sidwell, roaming free despite having kidnapped/assaulted/attempted to kill multiple PC residents, including the police commissioner, the ex-wife of the DA and the son of the mayor, each of whom can identify him and testify against him. Right. And we have Lucky, twiddling his thumbs in his hospital bed, bored because he apparently has no access to his phone, reading materials or a TV. Maybe GH needs a fundraiser. Right. This show is so stupid.
  4. Brooklyn and Chase having a baby using Brooklyn's egg and Finn's sperm is the inverse of TJ and Molly having a baby using Kristina's egg and TJ's sperm. I suppose it was too much to hope for a more inventive storyline.
  5. I remain eternally hopeful, but I fear you are right.
  6. Am I remembering this wrong? I thought Scout's last name changed when Drew's did, which would mean she hasn't been a Quartermaine for all that long. Going from a nice short, alphabetically front of the line name like Cain to Quartermaine might have been a more traumatic change for her to handle than reverting back would be. When Joss was telling Trina that she would spend Valentine's night catching up on her studies, the book on the top of the pile was for nursing. Not anything pre-med, and not environmental studies. I remember wondering why. And I still wonder. I am very much over every aspect of the Brooklyn story, and the character. I groan to think that we might be expected to endure even a short dalliance with Dante, once the revelation takes place. Ugh. Poor Danny will probably feel guilty about having gone to confront Cyrus, since it brought Jason out to make a public threat. And then maybe Rocco will feel guilty about having told Danny in the first place. I just hope we get to see it play out on screen.
  7. Brooklyn was referencing that pregnancies are usually 40 weeks long.
  8. I don't know what the male version of a Mary Sue is called, but I felt like we were getting one with Chase today. It was wonderful that he was supportive and kind, but he kept spewing the kinds of insights that take time to develop, and I didn't buy it. Might just be me. Kudos to whomever on this board first called out Brennan's trying to recruit Joss and yes, Anna's apprehension about Brennan talking to Emma makes sense now. It's interesting that a new recruit would have to be secretive, while Anna, Robert and Valentin have been open about their WSB involvement for a long time. I get Drew's resentment about still feeling like he's on the outside looking in at the Quartermaines. It's probably been just under the surface for a long time, now unmasked by his pariahship and Jason seemingly being welcomed back in. I didn't understand how Jordan had her own private file on Cyrus. Seems like it should have belonged to PCPD. Looks like Anna and Dante have picked up that Austin's cabin had been cleaned up, and will deduce that a crime occurred there. Glad we got JJ's Lucky back. And no, this Aiden isn't doing it for me, either, through no fault of the actor. Didn't we have a one-day Aiden before this one? I thought he was a better fit.
  9. I wasn't watching then. Sounds like I should be glad.
  10. It was kind of maddening to listen to the three city leaders think they had to choose among the underhanded to accomplish the new project. And pretty strange that a city named Port Charles wouldn't have a municipal entity that owns and operates the waterfront. Did they sell Sonny his piers as a fund-raiser? I like that Lulu is finally acknowledging what she's lost in her life, and how it has affected her relationships. I don't think she owes anybody any special consideration, and they don't necessarily owe her any, either, although it would be an empathetic thing to do. But, really, it's just the circumstance, and she will be the one who has to work through it. Hopefully some of her friends (and maybe a former husband) will help her. I guess we're going full speed into the devolution of Drew into an unprincipled lothario. He wants what he wants, and he's going to push for it, and take advantage of his superior age and status, even though Willow is making it clear that she's either not ready or not so sure. Drew wants it to be a done deal before Michael makes it back. Can't help but wonder if Anna's lack of authority and action is wearing on Finola. I imagine one gets protective of one's character after so many years, and the writers are currently ruining Anna. Can't help but wonder if the rest of PC (and we) will be subjected to an ongoing murder mystery, even though Joss and Jack know it's over. Sigh. Finally---thank you Jeff Kober. You did everything you could with the dreck you were given.
  11. Liz did CPR on him on her living room floor (or more correctly, just inside the door) after Ryan stabbed him in Pentonville. ETA Now that I think about it, I don't remember if there was CPR, or if Franco was just bleeding out.
  12. I didn't usually appreciate exposition dumps like the one we got from Cyrus, but I suppose they had to do it. The writing has been all over the place regarding Cyrus' personality, so it had to be the character who explained it, and JK did it expertly. And BH was pretty masterful in keeping just the right amount of quiver and fear in Liz's voice. This will be the second time Liz has had to do CPR on the floor of her living room to a man she loves. To my memory, Franco was the first. Talk about PTSD. I don't understand why Dante showed up at Deception---had he dropped Lulu off, and gone back to get her? Poor Dex-who-never-got-a-funeral. Maybe he's languishing in the morgue as a John Doe. I'm assuming Brennan's phone call had something to do with Joss going to Cyrus' cabin. Will he save her from Cyrus, or save her from killing Cyrus, or clean up after the murder?
  13. This is more an observation than a complaint, because I know show management needs to do what it needs to do to keep the lights on. But a short term recast pops the bubble of suspended disbelief faster than anything else, and reminds me that none of this is real. Of course, I should already know that from how stupid it's been lately, but then our collective current reality has been giving it some good competition. Loved the ease and honesty of old married couple Felicia and Mac. Loved the ease and honesty of once-married couple Lulu and Dante. Would have loved the ease and honesty of once-married couple Liz and Lucky, but.... Do you think they might recreate the kiss for flashbacks, once JJ is back? Hate the absolute ruination of my girl Anna. She still has no one to go home to, apparently, even with Emma back in town, and she needs to have a life outside work. Also---do you think the writers will reconcile her concern about the image of special treatment for her friend Jason with her apparent lack of concern about the image of special treatment for her friend Sonny? Carly is always worried about the safety of her family, but leaves the back door unlocked. Right.
  14. This show is so stupid.
  15. They seem to be specifically using the term "guest star" for both of them, so maybe JL will recur on both. I'd almost prefer he go full time to Gates, so I will have one fewer reasons to stay with GH. His character has been so terribly underused on GH, when there have been so many opportunities for better.
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