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Everything posted by canucktvwatcher

  1. Bwahahahaha! Love the snark! Jeffrey Bathtowel/Birdsmell could be an EXCELLENT "in the shadows" proxy for Adumb. COMPARATIVE EXAMPLE SPOILER ALERT: They could make it like EDDIE AND THE CRUISERS (anyone remember this oldie but goody?), where the character of Doc was making everyone think that Eddie was still alive and tormenting them, in order to get the master tapes of the legendary unreleased album that everyone wanted? Then they show a bearded Eddie, presumably still alive, at the end? END OF SPOILER Have Jeff do the same thing, for financial gain...it would make sense! They've hobbled this idea, though, by showing what's implied to be Adumb, creating a trail to look like he's indeed dead.
  2. Don't feel bad - if the show's serving it up, it's fair game! NuKyle looked like a TWILIGHT reject, but also like Frankenstein's monster from FRANKENSTEIN. Frankenkyle was about two neck bolts short of nailing that look. Boris Kyleoff. Dude had a jaw that looked like he could either unhinge that sumbitch and swallow small animals whole, or the way he was eyeing Phyllis for a while, make his jaw a place for Her Nastiness to sit. Christ, can you imagine him and Griftea going in for a hug, or worse, or kiss? Jaw injury would be imminent.
  3. Moptoria has every right to be pissed at Beach Party Billy, but dammmmmmmn, it sounds like the woman is playing stone cold beyotch these days! As I get caught up on eps, I'm loving this sort of soapy goodness! Does this mean, if Stitch and Victoria are getting together, we should rename this duo? Like Stitchtoria? Vitch? Mopitch? Mitch?
  4. Spot on. I have no use for Twitter. Social Media in general has been ambiguous in the years since its inception; while it's great to "level the playing field" and put the general population in touch with "celebrities", and pretty much anyone else, people have not thought of the consequences of posting before they think. The nuances and etiquette of online posting are really lost on some people. It's one thing to post on a message board like this and discuss shows, characters, etc, but it's another to have meltdowns and rant and rave about personal opinions and other nonsense.
  5. Don't forget she shills Proactiv like nobody's business! I'll be honest; when MCE arrived on the show, I had high hopes for her. But slowly, systematically, her portrayal of Griftea has made me dislike the character. I understand she's found her niche on the show, and she's workin' that shit harder than a stripper on cheap drink night at the peeler club, but they've made the character so vapid and annoying that literally, she could morph into Captain Fucking America right before my eyes onscreen, and I would not give one solitary fuck.I think you all know how I feel about Operating Thetan Stafford and her limited bag of acting tricks.
  6. Thanks. It even seems like they're recycling parts of old story lines that they think that most viewers have not seen, which is not only insulting, but lazy as fuck. I realize it's a soap, but c'mon...a little creativity, PLEASE! I truly think one of the problems is that current writers do not understand the format (and the genre) of the serial program, and it shows. They may THINK they do, but they don't. They would do well to go back and review older eps of YR, from the 80's backwards, as well as other successful soaps (DOOL, ATWT, AMC, SB, GH, etc.) and ask themselves, "What is the common thread? What works here?". Times have changed, but the idea that people want a compelling story has not. What is so bloody difficult to understand about that?
  7. I stand corrected! Thanks, peacheslatour! I had forgotten about the sad passing of JC. Even though they had dialled back her role substantially, she was a pillar of the show. Her loss was also a big one, and really, an unfillable void. Soaps and screen truly lost a legend when she passed away. :( One of my pet peeves, though, is how they're invoking Catherine's name like she was some kind of wise and sagely saint on the show lately. Yeah, she had hard learned life experiences and wisdom, but longtime viewers will remember the character of Catherine was no saint, and pulled her fair share of shenanigans and bullshit on the folks of GC. I also hated how they tried to sell viewers the fact that a clearly sickly elderly woman was globe trotting and doing all these high energy activities. It was quite a stretch to buy that one, and I think most people didn't.
  8. Agreed. What I also hate is Mumbles McGee EB droning his lines like he just downed a handful of Valiums and shat his Depends. Look, I love EB as Victor - the man is a legend - but they fucking near need subtitles when he's having a mumble day. Shit like that is just unacceptable. I've often wondered if other actors ever give him the stink eye, and are like, "what the fuck, dude?".
  9. I'm also laughing at Beach Party Bingo Billy making threatening overtures to Jock Itch, er, Stitch. He's been on that kick for a while now. Bitch, please! DT's Billy is like a buck five soaking wet, and Itch would eat his lunch in about five seconds flat. BM versus Stitch would have been a much more believable confrontation. Three hits, Bill: Stitch hitting you, you hitting the ground, and the ambulance hitting a hundred!
  10. Son of a Blue Bellied Bitch, I need to see the B&B Crossover. From the sounds of it, however, it's diarrhea with a whipped cream topper. Which still makes it diarrhea. I don't know that I can take any more Jack Dempsey Jaw propping. The last minute "Chelsea Saves The Day With Her Amazeen Sewin' Skills" sounds like a bit much.
  11. Any times Druggy McTumbles Dummer speaks to anyone, it's a chore to listen to and behold. Her character is beyond useless on the show right now, and has been for a while. Someone needs to give her a peanut butter sammich and a Viva Surge chaser.
  12. Well, you do have valid points here! Don't mistake my comments as MS support, though - you say here what I was getting at very nicely. She certainly did what was best for her, but she was the first to pull the 'chute on the show. Maybe it was just timing, and recognizing that the future didn't look too rosy for her character. Like I said, I rarely find anything of merit with MS' career, so it would not surprise me if this was her motivation behind the failed power play. "I'm ready for my close up, MR. DEMILLE!"
  13. I think the whole Delia sl was a gut-punch, and a tremendously BAD idea. Yes, they got short-term good performances out of the actors involved, but it was just such bad taste to write the sl, that it's had a ripple effect, and not a positive one, since it happened. Just my opinion. I agree that few people are so invested in ONE character when they leave, but this show had THREE departures, not necessarily just of the characters, but the actors that portrayed them. They all happened within about a year's time. This tells me a couple of things: people saw the writing on the wall and abandoned ship (with the exception of MM if all the drama is to be believed....which we are not sure of at all), and also that the writers used the departures as a calculated risk in terms of making big storyline moves. The problem is, the writers are shitty, as are the amateur hour scripts they churn out. Also, they DON'T THINK AHEAD. If you ask me, these SL's unfold as if the writing team is flying by the seat of their pants, which they probably are. You're telling me with all the writing talent in the entertainment world, these guys are the best that they can dredge up? Bullshit. And one last thing; as much as I think Michelle Stafford's acting stinks to high heaven (because it does, and I double dog dare anyone to find a good scene she's been in....but I digress), she took a gamble about leaving the show, and that they'd "need her back" (which they don't, clearly....nobody gives a rat's ass about her comatosed character) and that failed for her and they canned her, BUT she saw the writing on the wall before anyone else, it seems. So there's that. You won't see me give her many kudos, but she was smart enough to get out while she thought the getting was good. It was a failure, but at least she tried, I guess. It's too bad she picked a steaming pile of excrement as her next project with that web series.
  14. Wordy McWord, Trips! Those two DID elevate the material, though, and it made a difference. I think people have not cut DT any slack because he followed BM, who did a great job as Billy, and he's not been very good. As well, he's played the character in a more whiny way, which hasn't helped. I've also noticed that they have not shown many full body shots of DT. BM had a few pounds on him, and DT looks like the "before" spokesperson for one of Charles Atlas' old ads where the bully was kicking sand in his face. The character of Billy now does not look like he would pose a physical threat to anyone except Kevin, and that's even debatable. Not having a replacement for MM's Adam has kept some of the mystique intact for the character. Those things being said, you're right - none of those guys "made" the show, but their absence has been felt. IMO, they need to get BM back, stat. MM is of course a more complicated situation.
  15. You're welcome! MS' Intensity Without Quarter wore thin after a while. There's only so much "I'm saying my lines with so much intensity it appears I am passing a boulder through my urethra" that viewers can stand. Whoa, Sally! DIAL. IT. BACK!
  16. I think it's the terrible writing that they've foisted on EH. They have her mentioning Delia At. Every. Single. Turn. Like I said, it's a tragic arc, but they're writing the character of Chloe into a corner by having her lash out so much. Once again, moderation. That being said, folks do need to cut the character of Chloe some slack. This would be a life-shattering event for anyone. And to be fair, EH hit it out of the park after Delia's accident in those hospital scenes. Some of the most depth I've seen from her character, and further proof that if the character was written better and had opportunities, she could soar. Instead, she, and lots of other folks, are used to prop up Chelsea.
  17. Bwahaha! I just spat out my coffee reading this!
  18. You're not alone on this one. Albino Eyebrows' holier than thou schtick needs to be trotted out sparingly. I never cared for her either, but when Tenuous Grasp On Reality Recipe Phyllis, in a crazed rage, tried to Death Race 2000 her and Paulie, I felt bad for her. Then she recovered and was as insufferable as ever. Blah, blah, blah, I'm crusading for truth, justice, and the American Way. The only time Crocket needs to show up is in an 80's montage with Danny Suckalotti and a big-haired Lauren. That, or when Danny's latest Remember My Hit Song/I Need Money For New Hair Plugs tour rolls through GC. Her marriage to Chief Paulie Bigpeen has been of no substance or consequence thus far. Assley the Ice Princess is a much better alternative. I'd much rather have her hand wringing and Abby-chiding than Pisstine's "I told you so" horseshit. But hey, that's just me.
  19. My point was that she is MUCH more botoxed than Sharin'. I gathered that you don't care for Sharin' and her bug eyes. I dunno though, I think Nana Jazz Phyllis has her beat with those "I look like one of the aliens from the tv series V who is secretly a reptile but the people of Earth have no idea" eyes. That shit is TERRIFYING! When Countess Von Flatjacks used to go off the rails, it looked like an outtake from MOMMIE DEAREST, and she was channeling Joan Crawford!
  20. I take it you've not seen The Queen of Beethal Injection, Botox Betty herself, Kelly? Ain't no stopping that pharmaceutical train! Yowza!
  21. ...as opposed to MS' "I'm lurking outside your window and looking to recreate the bunny scene from FATAL ATTRACTION as I glare at you" eye popping extravaganza? Sharin's character apparently has a legit mental condition....how can you justify playing Supposedly Sane Phyllis giving people the Hairy Eyeball, and she's supposed to be fine? Moderation is sometimes an actor's friend. Ever notice how people tune others out when all they do is holler? Hollering and intensity is fine, but it occasionally has to be tempered with quieter, more meaningful scenes. In her rush to portray Thy Holiness of the Righteous Hit and Run, Phyllis, as a rule breaking badass, MS did a disservice to Phyllis fans - she left the switch stuck on All Intense, All The Time. Variety is needed!
  22. That's cool. SC does do a good " stunned", but I think I'd prefer that to MS' "intense". Woman looks like she's auditioning for a part in a SCANNERS film, hoping Sharin contorts and crumples under her mind power! MS doesn't do understated...ever. Everything is either "irritated", "attempted seduction/I'm SEXAY", "sweet talking to get what she wants", or "I'm hollering over you". MS' "acting choices" are rather limited. She's almost in ex-Sofia's league, but she's got two more moves than Sofia, which is not saying much. The difference with SC and MS is that SC will work WITH the script, not against it. Even the best actor in the world (which MS is most certainly not) will look like a buffoon when playing against what it set out on the page. It also appears that SC can work within the confines of the show and take direction. MS apparently could not, and was shown the door. Anyone thinking they're bigger than the show is a mistake, whether your name is MM, EB, or MS.
  23. While I'll agree with you that JM is a weak to middling actor, I'd be very hard pressed to think that the Nick/Phyllis relationship eclipses the Nick/Sharon relationship. Nick's a tool, yes, but the Nick/Sharon relationship has roots that the Nick/Phyllis relationship/pairing does not. In fact, I'll bet if you were to poll fans about who was the more memorable pairing, they'd vote Nick/Sharon. They have a longer backstory together, and longtime fans saw them grow up on the show together, and face adversity, ie. the Matt Clark arc, and the death of Cassie. Nick/Phyllis does not have that kind of depth. Comparing Phyllis and Sharon and their respective relationships with Nick is like comparing Nikki's pairings with Jack and Victor. Yes, they got together, and yes, they were a couple, but folks remember Nikki's pairing with Victor waaaaay more than they do with her pairings with Jack. Same goes for Phyllis/Sharon/Nick. Phyllis is the "Jack" of the pairing; some people liked it, but many more people liked Nick and Sharon. Frankly, I think they're going back to the well one too many times with Nick and Sharon right now, but there's no doubting who the stronger pairing is, long term. As far as SC needing acting lessons, she's hammed it up plenty as well, that's for sure, but past the "Newman Enterprises hostile takeover" arc of a year or so ago, I'd be struggling to find a comparative example for her to go head to head with MS' scenery chewing.
  24. Haha! Well, I guess you COULD argue that they don't need each other, P&E. I meant that they're such natural foils and adversaries that it makes sense to keep them at odds with one another.
  25. MS as Phyllis brought the character with jazz hands, "I did it for my fambhly" (sounds like Victurd), bad shimmying (Dr. Tim), hollering over other actors, "I WIN! I WIN!", suspect parenting, Dumpster Delight With Deacon, and more than a slight obsession with Sharin'. Less "spice" on an oatmeal show than odious turd in the punchbowl in the world of GC. When even Victurd has minimal tolerance for your character, well, you know the character is obnoxious. My unpopular opinion here, speaking of character of The Golden Cooter, Sharin, is that her character is actually one of the most compelling on the canvas. Now, it took me a long time to warm up to the character, but she's actually the quite important to the series, I'm guessing to the chagrin of quite a few folks. She's the catalyst for what...like three important story lines? That being the case, her fall and progressive redemption (which we're in the middle of) is interesting. She's a flawed character, with her eccentricities, craziness, and baggage...much like Phyllis. It should also be mentioned that without her character, Phyllis would not have had such an effective foil, and would not have had the opportunities, story-wise, that she has. So in that respect, she is beholden to Sharin, I guess you could say. The two need each other, really. They're like Batman and The Joker!
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