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  1. I was referring to Emily, Nik, Laura, and Bobbie.
  2. Terry is a terrible friend. I do what I can to encourage my friends to steer clear of selfish, controlling, abusive jerks like Lucky. I had high hopes for Terry since she doesn't know Lucky at all, but count on GH's terrible writers to make sure that Elizabeth is surrounded by people who are Team Lucky or Team Lucky/Elizabeth as usual. It's been almost 3 decades of this shit. The only friends Elizabeth ever had that were worth a damn were Epiphany and Patrick and maybe Kelly Lee. They actually had her best interests in mind, not Lucky's. On the subject of Elizabeth's "support system" being overwhelmingly Team Lucky: Emotional abusers try to curate their victim's social circle so that it only includes people who support the relationship. When Lucky accused Elizabeth of having an affair with Patrick in 2006, it felt very, very familiar. What better way to stop her friendship with somebody that would be only Team Elizabeth?
  3. They have already been given many chances as adults and only gotten more and more toxic. It's time to let it go.
  4. How wonderful to shackle two teenagers together forever no matter how ill-suited and toxic they are together.🙄
  5. They need to just pair Sonny and Carly together again whether LW and MB like it or not. Burning their minimums at the same time would free up sooo much airtime for other characters.
  6. ^^ Is that supposed to be a good thing? Because I don't think Elizabeth deserves to be stuck with someone who never loved her for herself; he loved how he felt about himself being the hero after she was raped. It could have been Sarah or Emily in that park that night, and he would love them instead under those conditions. Elizabeth also doesn't deserve to be with someone that needs her to be less so that he can feel better about himself. Lucky always wanting to be the hero puts Elizabeth in the position of always being the damsel. And when she doesn't fit that mold his insecurities cause him to lash out at her. How nice.
  7. There are at least some people, like me, who are thinking, "I hope Lucky is killed off before he ever gets to Port Charles." I'm still hoping for that.
  8. I will never accept Lucky with Elizabeth again. If they go there, I'm out. Why can't she just be alone? Or find someone new? People act like Ric, Jason, or Lucky are the only options. Leaving town would be better than Lucky. Then Becky could move over to Y&R and I can stop checking in on GH forever.
  9. Yes, we all know that she and BM were upset with the storyline when SBu returned in 2017. And? She got her way for so long and couldn't handle it when production stopped catering to her. She's been phoning it in for years in retaliation and I don't feel sorry for her at all. Posting that on the anniversary of BM's death was certainly a choice.
  10. It's kind of hard to keep her in those scenes when she refuses to do her job. She's been phoning it in for years. Now that she's been officially fired she's even less likely to put in effort. I don't blame them for not risking it for scenes in which she isn't absolutely necessary since we know they only do one take most of the time. Maybe that's the reason LH was used for the funeral scenes.
  11. Verbal and emotional abuse is just as bad. It is often a precursor to physical abuse. When she told him she wanted a divorce he put his hands on her. The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when you try to leave. Lucky exemplified that perfectly. He is capable of more extreme physical abuse, there isn't a doubt in my mind.
  12. Just an abuser. Great.🙄 How about Elizabeth gets someone new who won't berate her, cheat on her, blame her for his shortcomings, expect her to be his mother, send his flying monkeys to harass her at work, or put his hands on her when she tries to leave?
  13. The dream! Or at least a close consolation prize if they won't kill them off.
  14. I'm glad KeMo is out and I hope it sticks. She's been pouting ever since she stopped getting her way with production. If I gave the bare minimum effort at my job, then I would be unemployed far faster than it has taken to pull the plug on Sam. I also think it makes more sense to kill her off than to have her leave town.
  15. I hate this show.
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