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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Angela is the biggest dud of the cast. I don't know what TV show she thought she was going on.
  2. Angela spends most of the day walking around pretending not to look at herself in the mirror. I can see why she gets the bitch reputation. Funny thing is I don't think she can really stand Rachel.
  3. Rachel can't believe that two athletic men who are obviously aligned would be targeted. It doesn't make sense!
  4. How's the HOH not supposed to say anything when the noms are changed? That seems far-fetched. Tyler picked the wrong app. LOL.
  5. I think Scottie has finally convinced JC that he's putting up the bros and no amount of talking is gonna change that.
  6. Sam tells Tyler she won't use her power unless it's Tyler, KC, or maybe Angela going out.
  7. This Rockstar plan was stupid from the start. Tyler should've tried to get Kaitlyn on the block, to be honest. She even volunteered to be a pawn.
  8. And JC mentioned Rachel. JC getting sloppy.
  9. It would be so easy for Scottie to piece together who's working together because they're all throwing Rockstar's name out. It's so obvious.
  10. Rockstar gonna tell Kaitlyn within 25 minutes.
  11. It's revolting. At first I thought he was using her for his game, but I'm pretty sure Tyler is into her at this point.
  12. Also, a part of the vote was based on giving her a power because she was definitely not aligned with Tyler. Basically something to shake up the game.
  13. Online polls showed her in the lead. She was getting a lot of support on Twitter. And there weren't really any other options.
  14. I'm fine with it considering no one really "deserves" random game powers. I guess I'm just glad Kaitlyn didn't get it.
  15. Surprised Haleigh got the crap app over Angela (or Kaycee).
  16. Sam has no allegiance to anyone in that group besides Tyler. The bros haven't said more than seven words to her all season. By using it she would anger a big portion of the house including Scottie. I just don't see it happening.
  17. If Tyler is half the player everyone says he is he will lay low this week. His pitch to Scottie last night to put up Rockstar was painful, and Scottie was buying it at all. I understand why he wants to target Rockstar but splitting up the bromance isn't the worst thing for his game, especially if it's Winston who goes. It will free up Brett to get even tighter with Tyler.
  18. Now that someone on their side didn't win HOH and Tyler can't dictate noms you see how bad L6 are at the game. Brett's pitch just now is laughably bad. Brett: Who was in Kaitlyn's ear the entire time she was HOH? Scottie: Tyler Brett: No, no, no. Hayleigh/Rockstar. Brett: He (Swaggy) was the head of the snake, but there's more people on that snake. Scott: Well I was on that snake. Brett: ...
  19. Agreed. Angela is an all-timer. Too bad her personality is bland as hell. With all these beautiful people in the house I'm legit shocked there aren't a ton of showmances. Grodner has to be so disappointed.
  20. Kaitlyn: I don't give a fuck about boys. Sure Jan. Based on what Scottie told Faysal he's gonna take a shot at someone from the big group.
  21. Tyler should probably lay low this week but not sure he has it in him. He's already starting to get sloppy.
  22. Kaitlyn almost definitely gonna be one of the noms unless Tyler mists him.
  23. He said he's going on a Steve vendetta. That way no one can blame him.
  24. Bros want Scottie to put up Kaitlyn/Sam to flush Sam's power. I don't think Tyler will go for that.
  25. I don't think Sam would use her power to save Winston.
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