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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Rachel is the last person she should have told. She can’t keep her mouth shut.
  2. Why’d Rachel agree to go up? What the hell is wrong with these people?
  3. This is why the Will and Dan strategy of throwing the HOH is smart. Bayleigh was in a great spot. Now all that is in danger. What an idiot.
  4. I find it hilarious that of all the people to tell she picks Rachel. Not Haleigh. Not Rockstar. Not even Sam. Holy shit what a terrible move.
  5. Judging by the look on her face, I take it she still didn't get her period yet?
  6. I think Tyler tries to convince Bayleigh first. And given how she fell for his performance last night it might not be that difficult. If he gets Bay on board, then JC is gone pre-jury, which would be fucking hilarious. I don't think Tyler is ready to burn that bridge just yet.
  7. I don't think Big Brother is going anywhere. The ratings are good and the show costs CBS virtually nothing to produce. Julie is in a really shitty spot given the news though.
  8. Wonder what Sam would think if she knew Bayleigh had sex (unprotected) with Swaggy. Mercy! I've said this before but I think Sam has a little crush on Bayleigh.
  9. She also misreads Tyler's position in the house. She thinks he's a lone wolf, floating back and forth. It's kind of amazing she doesn't realize Tyler was the impetus for Swaggy getting backdoored. He deserves credit for getting her to trust him.
  10. I actually think Tyler could possibly flip Scottie, telling him it's smart to keep the bigger target in Brett, etc. JC vs Brett would make for a very interesting week.
  11. Eh, I don't really see it that way. I think they are lucky Tyler decided to be part of their group. He's carrying the weight for that side. I don't really think the Level 5 girls (sans Kaycee) are much better at the game than Haleigh. Without Tyler and Kaycee feeding them info, Rachel would be totally inept. I like her personally but she is all over the place strategically. Yeah but Sam pushed back hard when Tyler floated the idea of keeping Kaitlyn. I don't think Tyler can control her that easily. SHE'S A STRONG WOMAN! The thing I worry about with Sam is she is hardheaded and doesn't think strategically. Tyler could give her a million reasons why it's better to keep Brett and she would just say "but I like JC more".
  12. Brett's pitch to Bayleigh was pretty terrible. He's not half as smooth as he thinks he is. He made fun of RS for having a suck ass social game but his isn't much better. That was a terrible move for him to vote Kaitlyn out.
  13. They'd be silly not to keep their options open. Level 5 keeps losing numbers because they can't win competitions. If Brett goes this week that group is really neutered.
  14. Fessy pushed hard for Rachel as the pawn and not JC. Kinda hard to know where Bay's head is at. She seems swayed by the last person she talks to. I want to see JC on the block. He's gonna go ballistic.
  15. Fessy says he doesn't think Kaitlyn has a boyfriend but if she did she doesn't anymore.
  16. Kaitlyn on Tyler's dad: I was with him all day today. Chenbot: ……...... Kaitlyn still claiming she threw the veto to Fessy even though he didn't get any questions wrong.
  17. Kaitlyn interview is up. https://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/video/FE2EFC92-8B9E-147D-DD1A-D9F13DA6E109/big-brother-see-julie-chen-s-full-interview-with-the-latest-big-brother-20-evictee/
  18. Level 6/5 really stink at competitions. I doubt Bayleigh puts up any of the females from Level 5. Brett seems likely.
  19. Bay was doing so well. She didn't need to win.
  20. They just started the comp? So glad production kept the feeds down for 2 hours for no reason.
  21. The edit tonight was pretty terrible. Angela didn't get any credit for the vote flipping.
  22. It was a random episode from the first week of the season. Aaryn was already a flaming bitch from hell.
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