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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. The only iconic thing about BB15 was when it ended.
  2. Faysal is an idiot but Kaitlyn did it to herself. She should have just stayed in bed all week.
  3. I forgot what a douche Nick was.
  4. They couldn't have made that any easier. I think the average 5 year old could have solved that puzzle.
  5. Yeah, if the toilet breaks they should probably tell production. It's not really their responsibility to fix it.
  6. She really is nuttier than a Snickers bar.
  7. I don't think they have enough time for everything to be shown on the episode and an HOH competition. I'm guessing the HOH will be an hour or two after the episode and not shown on the feeds. Trivia of some kind.
  8. If Kaitlyn had just stayed in bed all week she would have been safe right now. Instead she ran her mouth to everyone and happened to piss off Angela. I've trashed her a lot this season but Angela is the reason the vote flipped (with an assist from Kaitlyn herself). She has more game in her than I initially thought. I'm guessing Tyler and Brett throw a couple hinky votes.
  9. Yeah, Kaycee told him. He didn't push back. Rachel is fully on board now. Haleigh and Fessy told her last night just before bed that Kaitlyn has been telling them everything she says. I don't think there's going to be any more flips today.
  10. I'm wondering if he tosses her a pity vote or not. A unanimous vote isn't particularly good for him.
  11. So this is funny. Tyler talking to Kaitlyn right now thinking the vote has flipped and she's staying. It had only half flipped and while he was in the DR it flipped back and no one told him. LOL.
  12. Brett is such a gross douchebag the way he treats Rachel. And Rachel is embarrassing for allowing it.
  13. Rachel's game kinda going sideways here. She's really angry about the vote flip, and that anger is making people paranoid about her.
  14. Sounds like Tyler might be waving the white flag.
  15. Lulz. This reminds me when Vanessa would freak out over Audrey's dreams.
  16. Kaycee: "We still haven't decided" Bayleigh: "Who's we?" Kaycee: "The rest of the house" Kaycee getting sloppy.
  17. I want it to be a 10-0 vote for her to leave and then she comes back in and wins HOH.
  18. JC says he is voting out Kaitlyn. "I hate that bitch. Her presence literally makes me sick".
  19. That's fair. But Kaitlyn might not go rogue if she doesn't catch Fessy in bed with Haleigh. Tyler fostered that relationship well and used it to his advantage, but there are a lot of factors in play when discussing what motivated Kaitlyn.
  20. Yeah, but it's the same group of very stupid people getting blindsided every week. That loses its luster a bit after a while. I just prefer to see power shifts instead of one side dominating. I'm just glad Scottie was able to get Winston out or it would be looking even worse at this point.
  21. Well except for the power app he "won". He's playing an excellent social game. He's clearly very skilled at getting people to like and trust him. That being said, I don't really see a lot of strategic genius. Then again, we're only in week 4. The real test is when he has to go after people who thought he had their back. That's why I see more Paul than Dan, tbh. He's overextended himself with the amount of people who trust him. Could lead to a bitter jury.
  22. This season is going to be incredibly boring if Tyler just keeps getting his way every single week.
  23. Seems like Bayleigh has fully flipped to Tyler's side at this point. Oof.
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