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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. The way the season is shaping up no one is even going to remember Footy/Hive by finale night. The bigger storylines will be how bitter Sam and JC are and the other Lv4’ers who got backstabbed. I could see Kaycee being as salty as Alex if Tyler ever turns on her (which he probably won’t because she’s easy for him to beat).
  2. I feel like this happens every season and no one really gives a shit. Once the season is over the HGs forget the game the minute the backyard interviews begin and turn their focus to famewhoring.
  3. JC has always been with Lv4. As much as people like to claim he wants to keep the sides even he was pushing for Haleigh to put Sam on the block, which is exactly what Tyler and his side wanted (before the hacker comp). That doesn't sound like someone who is trying to ride the middle and keep the sides even. Assuming he will make F5 if he just sticks with that alliance is a little silly though. Way too many variables at play, namely who wins competitions and when. Also what stupid twists TPTB will try to jam down our throats. Again. I don't really see him as having a chance to win though. He's only got two real allies in Fessy (an idiot) and Tyler (who doesn't wanna take him to the end). Andy Herren had played a much better social game than JC. It was why he was able to splinter away from McCranda at the right time and create a new alliance that crushed the endgame. I don't see JC having that ability.
  4. The only Lv4'er I could see making a move against Tyler is Angela. Just because she's erratic and turned on Rachel at the drop of a hat. Kaycee never will. Brett might want to but it will be too late and he has no numbers. Tyler will get him first. At this point the only way I don't see Tyler getting to the end is if he gets Vanessa'd out at like F3. I do wonder if Scottie is around towards the end and wins some of those mental comps if he would take a shot at like F5/4. I suppose it's possible.
  5. Pretty sure it’s an ingrown hair. Tyler shaves his entire body and he’s always picking at ingrown hairs.
  6. For whatever it’s worth every casual episode only watcher I know can’t stand Sam.
  7. Sounds like Scottie really wants JC gone next. I’m gonna need him to win the next HOH. I wanna see that annoying little fuckstain squirm.
  8. I don’t agree that L4 is all sunshine and lollipops. They were all salty as hell when Tyler was on the block for 5 minutes. It was like a crime against humanity for Kaycee and Angela that someone had dared put him on the block. And they all sat around and mocked Rockstar’s body when she was doing her punishments. They're not the worst group of people ever but they’re far from perfect.
  9. Footy/Hive definitely the worst alliance that has actually won competitions. But to be fair this week wasn’t really their fault. Haleigh played it as right as she could have.
  10. Brett is coming on. JC’s game is already being exposed. He’s not long for the game. He’s no Andy Herren. Tyler has played well but he’s been very fortunate the last two weeks. First with last week’s veto going his way and then this week having the hacker twist basically negate an HOH and save one of his numbers. I actually don’t mind Tyler at all. I respect his ability to get people to trust him. But I cannot stand Angela or Kaycee. I think they’re both pretty fucking awful at the game and just as dumb as anyone on the other side.
  11. It’s shocking that RS finished second in OTEV. Anyone know who was first out? Useless ass Fessy?
  12. He thinks Sam won’t vote KC out but will vote Angela.
  13. Uh. The only reason they’re getting a target out this week is because of the hacker competition. Haleigh did absolutely nothing wrong as HOH. She got fucked because of the twist.
  14. Haleigh? Big Meech and Liz have won OTEV. I remember Elissa trucked someone out of the way, maybe McRae.
  15. Exactly. She just wants attention. It’s weird that she’s jealous of Angela because I don’t think Tyler has any kind of romantic feelings towards her. He had much better chemistry with Kaitlyn.
  16. Well if JC says so it’s probably not true.
  17. I like how she thinks winning a bullshit twist is some big strategic accomplishment.
  18. JC also wants to keep the sides even. I'd mark him as a lean to vote out RS but by no means is it a slam dunk.
  19. I'd really like to know who thought this hacker twist was a good idea and why it was unleashed on the game, especially with two other powers in play at the time.
  20. The strange part about this is Kaycee can go right back on the block after veto. That's the risk of taking herself off (which she absolutely should).
  21. Angela: If we win the hacker we need to put Sam up. If we don't win the hacker, we need to put Rockstar up. Kaycee: How are we going to put Rockstar up if we don't win the hacker? Angela: Oh...Fuck.
  22. I don't thin Haleigh trusts Scottie as much as people think. She's really fishing for info.
  23. Haleigh lying to Scottie about not targeting Tyler. She knows they are close.
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