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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. They have handlers with them who are supposed to make sure they don't talk game, but like you I'm not sure how much I buy it. I really hope the handlers weren't present when Nick and Kat hooked up because no amount of money is worth that visual.
  2. I barely even watch the feeds anymore. Just reading the updates is enough to make my skin crawl most days. Actually hearing these people was starting to give me agita. I've had people tell me that maybe just watching the episodes and not following spoilers would make it a more enjoyable experience. And it might but I don't see myself ever going that route. I'd like to say my habit is being broken but I think my real addiction is following along here and enjoying the banter. Although I don't contribute nearly as much as I used to. I'm sure I'll be back next season. I just hope we get a better cast and a more fair game. There were way too many physical competitions this season for my liking. At least it seemed that way.
  3. There's a Kemi bashing compilation video on YouTube that runs 40+ minutes in case you think these scumbags weren't obsessed with her the entire season, including well after she was voted out. Whether it was racist or not, these people said some absolutely vile shit about a person they don't even know. Jack despised her so all his mindless drones just followed the herd. They should all be put on blast, not just Jack.
  4. I think a former HG once said CBS doesn't officially release you and give you your phone back until the press is over the day after the finale.
  5. Yeah, this season was so long I think people have forgotten that he was so bad in the beginning of the season that production stopped showing him on the live feeds. Think about that. They were actively censoring him because he was saying so much awful shit. I can't remember that ever happening before.
  6. She should have played the clip of Nick saying he wanted to spit in Kemi’s face.
  7. I mean, I’d be shocked if Holly wins. Then again I didn’t think there was any way Josh would beat Paul.
  8. Holly doesn’t answer the question why she deserves to win over Jackson.
  9. Jackson never made personal comments about any of the women? Get the fuck out of here you clown.
  10. I didn't watch the episode last night. Did they really not have the days comp at the endgame? Something smells funny about this.
  11. Jackson friend zoned her in one of his DRs last night. He said something like "she will be one of my best FRIENDS outside the house..." He clearly has zero interest in dating her outside the game.
  12. I think the real conspiracy theory is why did production not use the days comp at F4 veto like they usually do. This was the most physical F4 veto I can recall in years. Definitely suspicious.
  13. Cliff not only tanked his game but also Nicole's. Impressive. During every delusional Cliff DR they should have been playing the Survivor doodoo music.
  14. He's made some comments about Kemi and particularly David that I've found objectionable but I also can't stand him for other reasons. I don't respect his game, he's been voted out once, he's boring on the feeds, his DRs are fake and scripted, and he is constantly pandering for AFP. Other than that though...
  15. I was hoping Kemi would make it into the top 3 just to stick it to the racists, but I think Tommy probably gets that third spot now. I don't see how Cliff wins after that episode tonight.
  16. Probably something stupid and nonsensical like everything changed when they almost got rid of Holly. Even though nothing changed and he was never planning on honoring any kind of deal with Cliff where he would've voted Holly out.
  17. I'm glad my read all season that Cliff sucks is finally paying off. What an absolute buffoon.
  18. So they're saving the days comp for F3? Bizzare.
  19. Thank you. The guy is such a fucking cornball and has been pandering to the cameras for months now in the hopes of winning AFP. He would've been a pre-jury boot had they not literally gave him one of the few comps he could actually win in the battle back.
  20. And she followed that up by saying to Cliff, Nicole and Tommy "I love you all but especially you Tommy..." LOL.
  21. In scenario #2 wouldn't Cliff and Nicole still vote Tommy out? I have no faith in Nicole and Cliff turning on Jackson/Holly. They shook hands! [eye-roll for days]
  22. As if this season couldn't get worse, Swaggy and Bayleigh are hosting a comp. Maybe production just wants more racism on the feeds afterwards. I'm surprised people enjoyed this episode. Big dumb idiot Jackson gets what he wants and we can't even get a good clownshoe veto. What the bleep is always stupid. Also this ep felt like 30 minutes of the show and 30 minutes of commercials. Very disjointed. Can't wait for this season to end.
  23. Tommy will crawl up Jackson's ass. 100% puhcent.
  24. Was Holly actually shedding real tears or was she just making crying sounds and covering her face with her shirt? Because I didn't see any tears. To be fair, all the plastic surgery she's had has likely stripped her eyes the ability to produce liquid. I still can't believe Jessica had 70 whatever days to think about where to hide the veto and she ended up just tucking it into her bed. LMAO. What an absolute buffoon. And I had to laugh at Jackson saying about going to the end with two pairs that he hopes they take shots at each other. Yeah, let's take shots at each other and not target the couple who has dominated comps the last month and a half.
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