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  1. Any chance Maxie had cameras installed in skevy Drew's house (for the kids) and there's timestamped footage of Jason and Drew talking?
  2. Here's how my brain is dealing with Jason and Anna kissing: it's a "we're actually going to die so might as well kiss" moment or Jason heard someone coming and kissed Anna to try and make some kind of distraction that'll allow them to get whichever guard comes into the cell. I thought I detected Jason's ears perk up as if he heard someone coming. It's the best I could come up with because I'm trying to work with what they gave us lol Or, maybe it'll be Laura and Kevin and they'll promise to get them out if they promise to never do that again. Also, Ned? Hurry, run, tell Michael about Drew and Willow immediately if not sooner. Blow them all up please. Metaphorically speaking.
  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that! I'm not the biggest fan of Cody but I'm beginning to like him a little more because he's not in the Sonny/Jason/Carly circle of losers who never pay. I think it was backgammon with Tracey that made him more tolerable. Now may we please know what the Cody/Dante past secret is?
  4. Thank you. I know that Ava did put her hands on Kristina as well as antagonizing her with her remarks about Krissy's Parents (understandable because I'd lose it if someone said those kind of things about my Parents, although they were never involved with the mob or alcoholics who lost their law license but still lol). Kristina really shouldn't have gone there in the first place for many reasons. If Molly shows TJ those photos he's going to be furious.
  5. What was up with the look on Molly's face when she was looking at the pictures on Kristina's phone? I mean we all know Ava didn't push Kristina out of the window. Did Molly see the look of rage on Kristina's face and realize maybe Ava is kinda telling the truth?
  6. My exact reaction. It was gross. I felt bad for Sacha's poor eyes. And our eyes too.
  7. I had the exact same thought today. The thing I hate about this story, and others, is Carly. I'm so sick of Carly and I'm sure I'm not alone. She's breaking my brain.
  8. If they're going to pretend they're in the Pine Barrens then can we see the Jersey Devil come swooping in with Michael in his mouth and drop him off in front of Sonny? Then he can tell Sonny that Michael is behind everything and tell Sonny he's a dumbass? Please?
  9. I'm trying so hard to be invested in something, anything really but there's nothing holding my attention. Why is it still Christmas Eve? Why is everything so boring? The only thing that held my interest was when Cyrus was in the confessional with Nina, nothing to do with TFGH but instead I thought of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the scene where Angelus was in the confessional with human Drusilla imitating a priest hearing her sins before he turned her into a vampire. It was kinda cool since JK was a vampire (and warlock) on Buffy. It's a sad thing when you're watching a show and all you can think of is a show that's been off the air for decades.
  10. A Biltmore Christmas might be my favorite Hallmark movie so far. I love time travel movies but there was something magical about this movie and not just literal magic. I love Bethany Joy Lenz in everything I've seen her in and I loved the chemistry between BJL and Kristoffer Polaha. I wish I didn't guess the ending so quickly, as soon as they showed what happened to him on Christmas Eve of the following year (in the past) I told my husband exactly what was going to happen and I was so happy I was right! I'll be watching this movie as many times as it's on. This gets a 10 out of 10 for me.
  11. I assumed it was Alex, Anna's twin sister, but everyone is going to think it's Anna. I'm just guessing by the shock faces we got from Nina and Valentine. And I'm probably wrong but I don't like any of the alternatives, hell, I don't even like my own assumption. I think Alex (if that's her name) may be dead but it's a soap opera.
  12. As I was undecorating my Christmas tree while listening to TFGH (with a glance or two when Britta and Liesal were talking) for the first time ever I dropped a beautiful ornament my Mother made for me out of a sand dollar a few years before she passed. The Mother/Daughter scene hit me hard. F**k you writers, we have to lose Brit while that cheating mini-Carly not only gets to live but she actually has the gall to break up with Cam while she probably smells like, you know, the sex. Damn I hate this show. If it wasn't for the gloriously wonderful snark you all serve up on a daily basis I'd be long gone. Thank you all for the great insight and bringing me laughter when I want to scream at my screen. 💞
  13. I never before thought the baby daddy was anyone other than Nic until they announced the exit of the actor, I started wondering how the future storyline would go unless there's a recast. Plus pregnancy on this show, when it comes to timing, follows no rules known to man. I have no excuse for thinking more about a plotline than the writers do except I was trying to not think about having to eventually take my beautiful Christmas Tree down so instead of feeling sad I was going for half anger, half laughter. If that makes sense 😊 And yes, ewwww to the gross unprotected sex! This is Port Charles! Where even condoms may not work! What are you doing to my mind GH writers? STOP IT!
  14. I swear I remember a scene where Esme and Spencer were having some sort of conversation about having sex the previous night and there was a fake pregnancy scare? Is it my Altheimers? Also, when Nick was begging Esme to take his hand after she climbed up on the parapet I thought she was going to grab his hand and he'd be the one who went for a dive. Then again I thought she would've done something in the smoke filled room like knock him over the head or shut him in the room while she ran out the front door. Why do I try to apply bad guy logic when it comes to this show? I'm really going to miss KT. I hope everyone has a wonderful new year! 💞
  15. I don't think Laura knows what Spencer did and I in no way blame Laura. I was happy that she won the re-election and I believe she would have won without Spencer's interference. I just hate the way the writers let things drop and wish they would have acknowledged what Spencer did back when it happened. But since we're dealing with writers who don't know history or geography what else can be expected? Again, I love Laura and believe she would've won without Spencer's interference, and I've grown to love the new and improved Spencer. What the younger previous Spencer did should've at least been found out by someone and gotten some sort of talking to at the least. But, TFGH.
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