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all fall down

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Posts posted by all fall down

  1. 15 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    To the attorneys on here: does the defense get a chance to rebut the beautiful memo put forth by the Feds? Or is this the last bit we'll see before sentencing?

    Looks like it. Here is the defense's reposnpse, entered yesterday

    I have not read it yet, off to do that now. It's 12 pages.

    Read it - basically argues that he deleted the files right away and may not have even opened some of them, and that the government over-described the images/videos to get an emotional reaction. Their counter-arguments seem a bit weak to me. I found the Government's arguments more effective. But of course I'm not a lawyer, that's just my lay-person opinion. I know the Government's job is to go for the maximum sentence, and the defense's job is the opposite, but I still thought the government did a better job in laying out their case. 

    FYI - all the documents that are publicly available and free can be found on this link. I bookmarked it a while back. It's sorted by descending so the newest ones are at the top. Other items that are under seal or not freely available, the website will direct you to PACER to purchase. As a side note, anyone from the public can sign up for a PACER account, you do not have to be a lawyer or associated with one. The account is free, but documents cost per page. 


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  2. 24 minutes ago, SMama said:

    Did she say why they could backfire? 

    I think it was along the lines of "Josh is so polite, Josh is so considerate, and loving and kind, etc, etc, etc" and the judge could see through that and think "he wasn't very considerate to his family when choosing to commit these crimes", and the letters were all quite over the top when seen together. 

    I had to watch the video in chunks because it kept buffering on my end. The whole video was over 3 hours long even though the Josh part was only part of that. The video was loading slower that my internet wanted to play it, so i kept having to pause and wait for it to catch up, so I might be slightly mis-remembering her exact words, but that was the gist of her opinion. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    Emily D. Baker is rolling through the memos. She's on the defense memo now. She does not like Smuggar. Like at all. She's snarking at almost every sentence by Gelfand. Can't wait until.she gets to the letters. 😂

    She couldn't even get through the first sentence! And when she got to Michelle's signature, I thought she was done for. But it was nice to hear her analysis of both memos and her opinion that these overly flowery letters could backfire on them.  

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  4. Question for @hathorlive is there a reason that during the prosecution's discussion of a pattern of behavior, that they couldn't bring up the Ashley Madison stuff and his admissions of (legal) pornography viewing/addiction? Was it because that stuff wasn't part of the trial? I would think if any person is able to write a letter on behalf of FF about things not specificall related to the trial, that the government could use his own words to show the opposite. 
    Just curious. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

    What level does JillyBean claim she is in?

    I'm pretty sure the last time she mentioned it, it was Senior Gold. Someone correct me if that's changed. 

    I think you can also go down a level if you haven't maitained your requirements. I swear I remember her going form Gold to Sr. Gold, back to Gold, then back to Sr. (or change those levels to Sr. Silver and regular Gold, you get the point). But I could be mis-remembering. 

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  6. She better accept it at some point, at least for her kids sake. With the minumum 5 year sentence, he'll be gone at least another 4.5 years after sentencing (it will be nearly 6 months as time served by the time of sentencing), or probably longer. The kids need her to accept it and get used to their new daddy-free routine. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Why does Jonathon need an "apartment"? Why not just rent a room with a shared kitchen and bathroom? Or stay home until he has enough money? Or live in the Rods RV, and stay in their house when they're on the road?

    Jill said: Jonathan already got an excellent job here and he has moved in with a sweet, kind and hospitable older couple from our church. He moved here (to Ohio) about 3 weeks ago. Before he moved here, we fixed up his living quarters at our friends' house. 


    He's staying with church friends. He's not renting an apartment that is intended to be rentable. He moved to Ohio because he had a job there, since that's where he intends to live with Kaylee after their marriage. He can't live with the Rods because god forbid an unmarried couple live togehter. He may be paying a small amount of room and board to cover extra water/electricity, but I'm sure it's minimal. This older couple might enjoy the company and like having a young man around to help out. He's probably saving most of his money to be able to afford a place when he and Kaylee marry. Yes Jill's decorating is atrocious, but I don't think this is supposed to be a long term arrangement. The wedding is apparently in November, so that's a good amount of time to establish himself in Ohio and save up some $$ from his excellent (unnamed) job to get him and Kaylee started. 


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  8. 49 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

    Who are Jonathan’s parents?  First and last names please, because I’m prepping for the rabbit hole.  TIA!

    There's not much on them, but the family does have a page on fundie wiki

    Jonathan's grandfather is a preacher at a baptist church (his father also works there) and there used to be a "about our family" page on the church website, but that was removed shortly after Jonathan and Kaylee started their courtship. The mom has a facebook page and while there wasn't a ton that was public, you could see her friends and her pictures, she's made it even more locked down since their engagement. I think she got some comments about Jill's craziness and shut that down. 

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  9. 49 minutes ago, LoveLeigh said:

    Who? They played The Bridge on the River Kwai theme.... 

    And the green pill?

    It was the emerald stolen from Flora's necklace. She said she had the man arrested. 

    I believe that was Wendigo Donner in the cell. In episode 5.12 he told Claire he was from the future and was trying to get back but needed a gem. 

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  10. 53 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

    Didn't BEM grift a "life-like" baby doll a while back?  Those dolls are very expensive if you have to actually pay.  I guess you don't have to take care of things if they are free.

    Yep. Two of them in fact.  They went to Tessie and Hannah a few years ago. Unclear if they still have them or have passed them down to Olivia and Sadie. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, SusannahM said:

    So this isn't a last minute ploy to have the conviction overturned?  If so I feel better.   I did wonder though, let's assume he gets 5 years - would that be 5 years less time served or 5 years starting the day he gets sentenced?

    There is also a separate motion by the defense to have the conviction overturned/a new trial (that was the whole thing about the defense not being "allowed" to call Caleb Williams). The government responded with their points, and the defence countered. I don't think we have had a ruling on that yet, unless I missed it. I wonder if that will be addressed at the sentencing hearing?

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  12. The only way I could see something working with TLC is if they focused on Jill and spoke about her getting therapy and learning to set boundaries with her family, and speaking honestly about how the situation with Josh really affected her, not spewing Duggar family talking points.

    But I don't know if Jill is capable of (or interested in) that angle. Derick may never agree to be back in league with TCL, although maybe if he had his own contract maybe he would. 

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  13. TimRod got another traffic citation, on January 3. He rear ended a car that had stopped to let an ambulance pass. He had started to slow down, but was following too close and couldn't stop in time. Sounds like it was minor, no injurues or major damage. 

    That's his 4th issue since August 2020. Speeding ticket, no seat belt citation, accident after he fell asleep, now a fender bender. 


  14. No unlocking was needed, anyone could climb right thru/over the fence. (photo in spoiler)

    I'm also a bit confused on the road. I thought I read the name of the road as the one that the pool house is on, which is not parallel to their road, but perpindicular (say it with me!). I don't see any other roads that run parallel to theirs in that area. 




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  15. I'm trying to refresh my memory of which siblings showed up at the trial:

    Jana, Joy, Jill, Justin for sure

    Jessa - reported but unconfirmed

    Which other brother was it? Jason or Jed? Jer?

    I know they got them mixed up so now I'm forgetting which was accurate. 


  16. 10 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

    One of the articles I read said he was booked into the sex offender unit of the county jail.

    I suppose that's possible (I don't know what units the detention center has), but the original person who asked about it assumed the SO in the @WashingtonCoSO twitter stood for sex offender, and that's not accurate, it stands for Sherrif's Office. 

    I believe he'll be held there until his sentencing and then we'll know where he will be moved to and which unit he'll be assigned to in prison. 

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  17. 10 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

    There are sex offender units in jail. Sex offenders are the lowest rung on the jail and prison hierarchy ladder and are hated by their fellow inmates. If they just dumped him into general population, he might not make it to his sentencing. Inmate hierarchy is brutal and child sex offenders are the lowest of the low and are treated accordingly by their fellow inmates. Smuggar is going to have to watch his back for the duration of his time behind bars.

    However, in this case, the WashingtonCoSO was referring to the Washington County Sherrif's Office. He hasn't been assigned to a specific prison let alone unit yet. 

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